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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by angelicreprieve

  1. This is officially the scent that has made me fully appreciate Beth's talent for turning images, concepts, feelings, moods, etc. into scent. Because this is exactly what I would imagine a sexy winged succubus demon would smell like. Ok maybe I wouldn't imagine it personally, but now that Beth has she has expanded my understanding of the universe. How cool is that.


    And it also smells really, really good.


    When I first applied it I couldn't smell anything, but then suddenly this syrupy, sugary, apple note blossomed. I'll have to do a more detailed review of the notes in that phase, because it was definitely apple tempered by some other things. And it felt ... syrupy. I love that white honey note here and in Anactoria. Like Anactoria, its very sexy in a very unique way.


    I'm noticing amber is one of those notes that hangs around longest, because I definitely have this sugary amber afterglow thing going on ..

  2. I dabbed this on this morning because I had a decant on hand...let me just say, I was not expecting to love it this much! I think Parsifal is one of those underrated but brilliant blends. The florals come out on the dry down, it smells like the sweetest rose even though rose is not listed as a note. This is a clean floral. Most BPAL florals I've tried have been heavy, almost incense-y blends - more like heady parlor perfumes then a fresh field of flowers after a spring rain. I think I'm smelling a very well-blended hint of something acquatic (that must be the "ozone"). This scent is a beautiful blend of a number of elements I wouldn't expect to like. I would reach for this again and again. Perfect simple, clean spring/summer scent with fantastic throw! :wub2:

  3. Sour lollipops. Lemonheads? Definitely an edible candy lemonyness. Not sure about the jellybeans, rock candy, gumdrops, peppermint sticks of taffy mortar but it definitely smells like sour lollipops.


    Until it morphs from hard sour candy to soft fruity candy. Its very refreshing. Hard to stop sniffing my wrist...

  4. I LOVE this :wub2: I tried a decant of the aged 2008 version. Its so well-blended I can't pick out individual notes, so much as appreciate the contrast between the sweetness of the white honey and the earthyness of the kush and amber. This is definitely not sexy in a overpowering musk way despite the Arabian musk note. It is surprisingly sweet and light for such a "sexy" perfume, the amber/kush keep it from being a typical sweet innocent girly scent.


    One of the above reviewers described it as "sweet skin" and I think that's exactly right. This is what I hoped O would be (I say that with every intention of trying O again) - it feels sexy in a decadent way, like the sweetness of honey clinging to your skin. Its a simply brilliant contrast of sweetness and earthy sexyness.


    It leaves a soft amber glow on the skin after some hours of wear.


    This is a very soft, subtle, clingy scent - I usually prefer stronger scents with more throw, but I think this scent is perfect just the way it is. That said, I think I will probably go through my bottle very quickly. This is my first "Will always take more" blend

  5. Apparently I'm not the only one who got "spiced pumpkin" - I'll be looking for the candy and blackberry "floss" to shine through on the drydown. I like the simplicity of this pumpkin scent. Its definitely got that pumpkin pie feel. Hey, this is the first time in my life I've found myself spontaneously craving pumpkin pie. If you've been looking for a true spiced pumpkin scent without all the bells and whistles of the Pumpkin Patch blends, this is it.


    One thing I'll say about Pumpkin perfume, I'm not sure how often I'll be in the mood to slather it on and head out for the day, but I can certainly see myself reaching for it once in a while during Fall or Winter, when I'm in the mood for warm spicy-foodie blend, and I can certainly see myself dabbing it on at home and enjoying it in private.

  6. This is divine! Need to add it to my big bottle list :wub2:


    Smoky, smoky, smoky, with a hint of leather and under it all the sweetness of tonka peeking out from time to time ...my left wrist smells sweeter then my right wrist, and definitely noticing more of the leather over time ... not getting any boozyness from either the rum or the chardonnay, but I'll keep trying to pick out the individual notes ...

  7. Cinnamon bread is right, but not in a pleasant way. No cream, no tea, and most definitely no sugar.

    It smelled so tasty in the bottle too. Just like delicious buttery baked bread...


    This scent has been one of the least successful for me personally but I am also having a bit of a wonky skin chemistry day - I like sugar and I especially like tea so after reading the other reviews I will give this one a second and maybe a third try and hope for the best!

  8. I think the first reviewer got it right, it is difficult to pick out the individual notes...

    Freshly applied its the sweetest lemony citrus I've ever smelled, not medicinal (like the Embalming Fluid lemon). This one almost has me convinced that I like lemon! The mandarin starts to come out and blend with the lemon, a deep breath the reveals orange citrus...

    This blend seems to be changing by the second, I can't stop sniffing my wrist.


    There's a sweetness to it that softens the cirtus and even makes me think "lemon-orange candy" t- I think its the vanilla? maybe its a batch variation, because earlier reviewers seemed to notice a lot more vanilla in the bottle/wet stage. I can't really pick out individual vanilla on the initial application, but I think it rounds out the citrus as it dries down.


    There's the cedar and herbyness, now that its dried ... I can't pick out the pomegranate or red currant, but I'm not sure what those notes smell like...

    I did a full wear of this, and its such a fast-changing complex blend that my left wrist smells different from my right wrist! This blend is a lot of fun, its a beautiful summer scent and I piled it on as much as I could from my decant - I definitely want a big bottle, or multiple big bottles, so I can pour it all over myself this summer ...

  9. I'm absolutely in love. Smoke and leather scared me at first, but as a previous reviewer described, this is basically liquid sex,

    I could see myself wearing it day after day, night after night ...


    The vanilla was more noticeable when Liz is freshly applied, it went through a period where it was almost too strong and heady (floral perfume), and the smoke started making an appearance. I've had it on for 30 minutes-1 hour and its dried down to the most heavenly, sexy smokey scent imaginable. Usually I don't associate smokey with sexy - but somehow Liz makes it work! Definitely give it a try! I can't really pick out the leather individually, just hints of it under the smoke when I take a deep, deep breath...


    Heaven. Love it. Must have more.

    Definitely added this to my 5ML want list.

  10. It smells like creamy, spicy, cocoa. I'm glad I tried this one. I'll probably swap it because I can't see myself reaching for it very often. It gets earthier and richer as it dries down, but there's still a hint of sweetness...

  11. This is like, a perfect sexy darker musk. I'm not getting a lot of floral from this, and I like that's its a more feminine and sexy dark scent (read: no vetiver)

    For what it is, its a very good version of 'sexy musk perfume oil' and definitely one I'll reach for from time to time ...

  12. I absolutely love this. This perfume smells impossibly good. It has a lot of throw for a fruity, feminine scent. I can smell that apple blossom wafting through the air. I can't pick out the individual notes very well, but the apple blossom definitely mellows on the dry down. I tried taking a deeper breath as one of the reviewers suggested and it brought out some of the subtleties.


    The peach and sandalwood come out more on the drydown and its absolutely fantastic.


    I'm getting a hint of something green lurking underneath and I wonder if that's the thyme note everyone is talking about...


    I'm not sure one wear is enough to fully appreciate the subtleties of this perfume, but its one of the most amazing things I've ever smelled! I desperately want a 5ML of this, it deserves regular and frequent use :)

  13. First applied I smell powdered violets, reading the scent description makes me think it must be lavender and wisteria. I'm surprised, I would not have expected to enjoy lavender and wisteria at all, definitely not together, but these two heady powdery florals seems to balance each other well. I think I like white musk, though I am also not usually a big fan of musk. This perfume takes a bunch of notes I would not expect to like and blends them into a perfume I would definitely wear when the mood struck ...


    as for the mood, it certainly lives up to its name. It reminds me of a funeral bouquet, or a lonely twilight morning still raw with the pain of recent separation - its almost a light floral for a beautiful spring day, but not quite. I think I'll save this one for quiet reflection and comfort.


    Doesn't seem to morph very much.

  14. Smells like liquid lemon in the imp. It gets sharper/tangier as it dries. I didn't think I would like Embalming Fluid this much, but the citrusy note has more depth then I was expecting. I'm tempted to say it smells a little like lemon-scented Lysol, but not in a bad way ... it does have a citrusy disinfectant quality to it, but since its Embalming Fluid that's not too surprising. I'm not expecting any big changes as this one dries down, if I notice anything I'll try to post an update ...

  15. The oil itself smells a little boozy, kind of like good Malibu rum.


    For me the coconut was very much front and center during the initial wet stage, with the white chocolate background coming through to balance the scent as it dried. After the first 15 minutes the notes had blended and I am not sure how to describe it other then delicious. Now that it's settled, there's a lingering, rich, fluffy sweetness floating to the top, I think maybe its the "marshmellow" tying everything together...

  16. My first thought was "My wrist smells like iced sugar dust", it wasn't until I sat down to write this review that I remembered this scent's namesake is Frostberry. It doesn't have a lot of throw, I really have to sniff at my skin but it dries down to a cool, clear sweetness with an edge of powdered sugar...its a very pretty, girly scent. It might be wonderfully delicious on the right guy...

  17. I agree with posters who noted that the ginger note was very pure and dominant. It wasn't ginger cookies, or ginger latte - it was very sharp, clear ginger. I expect to love ginger blends, but in its pure form its not my thing. I was hoping for a foodie spicy blend, so I'm disappointed. If I remember correctly I had to wash it off not long after applying it when testing from my decant ... definitely one for swaps.

  18. Wet: First applied I really liked this. I liked it more then I expected for something with roses and musk and perfume as the centerpiece notes. But as it dries down the musk definitely gets an overwhelming twinge of powdery lavender soap (??) - maybe that's the floral from the oriental perfume. Anyway, as it dries down and mellows there's a chance that it will soften into something really beautiful and worth waiting for ... I'll be patient with it.


    EDIT: I was right, its mellowed and blended into a surprisingly strong, particularly pretty and romantic floral with a crisp, powedery sweetness (first time I've gotten impressions of crisp powderyness...) - its surprisingly complex and difficult to describe for a scent with relatively common elements (powder, florals, soapyness) - something about how they all balance makes Clarimonde a very pretty, if contradictory scent.

  19. I could almost stop searching for the perfect BPAL right now ...


    First applied I thought "powdered vanilla cake!" After a few minutes of drydown the cakeyness was gone and it was more a straight powdered vanilla sugar ...Its a very elegant and refined vanilla, it does have quite a bit of throw. Its sweet and dark at the same time...


    It dries down to delicious delicious vanilla. There's something a little cold in the background, I guess its the tea ...

  20. I'm not sure how to do a detailed review for this one - it definitely wasn't for me. I might like it on a man, but it's the only BPAL I've tried that I wanted to wash off my wrist immediately. I thought about using it more creatively to anoint a candle, etc. but I will probably end up swapping it out for something I will wear. I could certainly use the good "Horn of Plenty" mojo in my life right now (couldn't we all?) so this was one of the first I reached for to test ...


    Verdict: Reading over the reviews on the site, I suspect its the almond note that doesn't agree with me, which is disappointing ...

  21. In in vial: Smells like a medium-strong floral


    Wet: At first I thought I was going to love this. First applied, Ophelia is very pretty. Its not a light floral exactly, it certainly had enough throw that I didn't need to keep sniffing at my wrist but it stays pure - by that I mean it doesn't really smell like traditional perfume, which one might expect from all but the most delicate floral blends ...


    After a while: It started to give me a headache :( Maybe I was too enamored of the scent and sniffed at my wrist a little too enthusiastically, this one lingers in the air so maybe I should have gone easy on it ...


    Verdict: I'm definitely willing to give this one another try, maybe a lighter wear, or a different batch... I guess I'm adding white florals to my list of "likes" I didn't really notice the acquatic note other reviewers are talking about, I'm not a fan of the acquatic scents I've tried (The Deep Ones, Rlyeh), I'll be looking for that note next time I wear this. I probably won't go for a bottle of Ophelia, but I think I'll keep an imp of this on hand for days when I want a fresh, girly perfume ...


    Solid 3 stars.
