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Everything posted by PixieSkull

  1. PixieSkull

    Devil's Night

    In the Bottle: Sweet booze and the slightest spice. Much fuller than my imp from last year. I can smell the open bottle from feet away. Wet: Sweet and boozy and freshly powdered. DIVINE soft scent, better than I remember Devil's Night '05 being. It's so soft and feminine but boozy and brash at the same time. I can smell the fires of a cold Samhain night and that is delicious. I'm in love again Dry: It doesn't last as long as I'd love it to, but it did survive a few washings so my estimate may be off. It's still powdery and smoky and I love it still. Category: Fall/Booze Rating: 4/5; until I try it without so many handwashings Overall: I'm glad I bought a bottle of this scent this year, I LOVE it! It's much more boozy than last years and the powder is a bit less sickly-sweet as well. I can picture the warm, crackling fires with drunken people sitting around... good times
  2. PixieSkull

    Golden Priapus

    Imp: This is a manly and herby mint with vanilla to my nose and I can definately smell some manly foliage. Wet: Wow, that's overpowering. Amber not going to work and juniper's an allergy, but oh well. Dry: Manly and mismatched dry. Not my thing. Category: Manly Rating: unsubstantial, allergic to juniper and amber is wierd and allergic to some pine Overall: Would be great for the earthy ladies and gentlemen, not for me.
  3. PixieSkull


    Imp: Clean and wet and juicy with a lovely pear tinge. Wet: Wow does this bloom on my skin! It warms to this damn floral-infested hotness and it's very pleasant and not annoyingly-sweet like some other white floraly blends, think it's the white musk. Dry: And then it disappears not even 40 minutes later. Damn! Category: Bright floral with a tinge of fruit Rating: 2/5; lovely in the imp and fresh on the skin, but too faint Overall: I like the scent and it's lovely but it's way too faint to wear. Very sweet and light like the doomed teenage lover.
  4. PixieSkull


    Imp: Bright and juicy and floral, very definately rose in there Wet: Again, very definately rose! It's nice and sweet and somewhat like bubblegum in a more grown-up way. Dry: It reminds me of the good-smelling part of a perm kit. Yum! Sounds odd, but I actually like it. Category: Fruity Floral Rating: 2.5/5; Nice and floral but a bit too safe for me Overall: I like it a lot, not that I would really wear it over some of my other scents, but it's a good scent. Fruity and floral and lovely. Seems that a load of people are getting it as a freebie in their recent orders, me too! Not too shabby, for sure.
  5. PixieSkull

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    I've got CTIII: MCCXXVI Bottle: Strawberry milk. Wet: Sweet and vanilla and milk and strawberry. Possibly rose, possibly some other sweet whitish floral. Possibly white musk underneath. And if I'm not mistaken, there is a slight hint of sandalwood in here... awesome! Dry: After a while, the creaminess is still there and the strawberry's backed off a bit. The sandalwood note I'm getting is still there and in the open, very pleasantly. Reminds me of a Lush bubble bar or something. Category: Foody/Sandalwood Rating: 4/5; pleasant foody scent, really strong Overall: I really like the scent on it's own, I would love it as a bath scent. Don't know if I'd wear this every day, but it's not too bad. I may choose to swap this out later, though, if I find I don't/won't wear it.
  6. PixieSkull


    Imp: This is like ozone and citrus. I can't pick out the lavendar everyone else can underneath the ozone smell. Wet: Still harsh and wierd. A bit like Hurricane but without the vetivert and harsh darkness. Slightly unpleasant to me. Dry: It smells like Yggdrasil's sweetness and natural skin scent. It's nice in it's own way, but not so great on my skin. Category: Ozone/Air Rating: 1/5; not my skin's best friend. Overall: The throw was decent enough. I won't wear this due to the reaction on my skin. Oh well. Purely airy scents don't work on me. Maybe my airy personality is just enough stormy air in my life. Smokey scents aren't so bad, though.
  7. PixieSkull

    Fenris Wolf

    Imp: This is a dark red scent in the vial and by scent! The rosewood and the amber give a sweet cherry edge to this masculine scent. Wet: The red musk and red sandalwood are in the forefront, the rosewood disappeared a bit. It seems odd and decay-like. The amber turns to powder, like usual, changing the scent for me. Dry: It's powdery and spicy and manly in a BIG way. On my, it smells like man musk. Category: Manly/Spicy Musk Rating: 2/5; spicy sandalwood cherry manliness Overall: I love it on the boy, but it smells too much like deodorant on me. I love the Fenris Wolf idea, but it doesn't smell good on me. Chaos magick could work well with this scent, though
  8. PixieSkull


    Imp: This is sweet like a fruit, kinda like an apple but not quite. It's oddly comforting. The musks seem more herbal to me pleasantly. Wet: This morphs into something even fruitier on my skin! It seems like something turned a little flat and plasticy on my skin. This is STRONG now! Dry: This is a spicy apple-type scent but a bit more grownup. Category: Lightly-spice fruit Rating: 4/5; beautiful how some of these notes turn into a cider-type drink Overall: Despite my dislike of apple scent, the similarity is quite fine with me, though. It would be a GREAT fall scent and I would love to wear it. Then again, I love the norse myths and would anyways.
  9. PixieSkull


    Imp: This is a floral and my first thought is a jasmine floral, which is probably the sweet pea. I thought there was some tonka at first but now I see the orris and stephanotis blend turning a bit powdery and sweet. Wet: The orris and myrrh and sweet pea are predominant, seconded by the ylang and stephanotis floral. It seems a bit plasticy but not too much. Dry: It seems like a wierd floral blend but it's not too unpleasant. Erato seems more like a love-based blend and kindof ignoring the lust aspect. Category: Lovely light floral Rating: 2/5; doesn't seem too innovative but it's pleasant enough. Overall: There wasn't a strong throw or anything but it was okay. I might wear this again or burn it for the muse aspect, otherwise it would not be a scent for me.
  10. PixieSkull


    Imp: I can smell the citrus first off, it smells like a fizzy orange spicy softdrink. There's a hint of resin/woods in the back that's soft and light, surprising for a resin or wood for me. The endnotes are like Pledge's lemon stuff. Wet: A citrusy-lemon and a dirty, woodsy, dusty scent. The sandalwood and myrrh behave and add a soft edge. Dry: This dried VERY nicely and is a very nice and gorgeous blend. Sophisticated, not like church incense like I was kindof expecting. Category: Floral Lemon Resin Rating: 4/5; simply gorgeous Overall: I would definately wear this again. I'm lucky with this batch of scents. It's somewhat sexy and sophisticated and fun. Polyhymnia isn't exactly my first thought for images on this blend, but oh well, I really do like it anyways. I can see writing poems about the gods and goddesses while wearing this blend, it's wistful.
  11. PixieSkull


    Imp: This is crisp and clean and something like... snow, actually. It's like the most pleasant-smelling laundry detergent I would totally used if it wasn't fragrance. I can't pick out notes in this too well with no help, but it's something ozoney. Wet: It's like ozone and citrus and some crisp white flowers. Moon flowers? Dry: Honestly clean and clear and like a babbling brook when the ice is melting in spring. Gorgeous! Category: Crisp/Clean/White Rating: 4/5; It's lovely and watery and works great on my skin Overall: I would wear this again for sure. I wouldn't mind wearing this in winter and spring for those warmer cold days or stormy days. The imagery it evokes is perfect.
  12. PixieSkull


    Imp: There's an obvious citrus with a gasonline-type smell. Odd! A sweet, citrusy white floral in the vial. Wet: I can smell the plasticy tuberose first. The lime comes out nicely and mixes with the florals. Dry: The hard gasoline/ozone smell went away and it's a lovely, light citrusy floral. Category: Crisp/Citrus Rating: 4/5; Throws decently and works pleasantly with my chemistry. Overall: Wearable and nice, I would definately wear this again. It is "light and invigorating!"
  13. PixieSkull


    Imp: A manly aftershave type scent. I think it's the thyme that's so astringent and bitter. Wet: It's really soft when it touches my skin, then it amps up the thyme and the bergamot and patchoulli. No florals and a soft tonka base. Dry: Not pleasant, very bitter with a slightly sweet touch that makes it smell somewhat like curdled spiced milk. Category: Manly floral Rating: Nothing I could ever wear Overall: Nice with the right chemistry, if the thyme and patchoulli were softer.
  14. PixieSkull

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    Bottle: Smells a bit like Queen Mab but with more citrus Wet: Wow did this fill the area with citrusy goodness! Ginger and white grapefruit and aloe are first in the smell range. A little bit of herbs and musk and sandalwood make a nice, solid base. Gorgeous! Dry: It's musky like sweaty skin but citrusy and nice and light. I maintain the gorgeous opinion as it's nothing but nice scents. The drydown reminds me of Clinique's Happy, which I love. Category: White/Fruity/Citrus Rating: 5/5; Pretty much flawless, it's beautiful and light and gorgeous and nice. Overall: I would DEFINATELY wear this again, I'd be glad to. It'll be one that I can wear pretty much anywhere. It's great for casual occasions and great for something more formal. I could see this as a bride scent in the summer or spring. Hopefully I don't fall helplessly in love with it and can't get another bottle.
  15. PixieSkull

    Anne Bonny

    Imp: Dirty and gritty, dark and mean. I can't pick which note is which but I think it's the frankincense that's gritty. I don't know what I'm getting myself into with this blend. Wet: The dirty feel disappears, leaving a sweet and somewhat powdery scent behind. I can honestly say it smells somewhat red. I can pick the red sandalwood out of it and I'm amazed at the dryness of it because it stays so calm and kinda sexy, it adds to the sweet powder nicely. The patchouli is like an afterthought of darkness and depth, kinda spicy. Dry: Mmm, those dry spices are nice! There's a little bit of sexy dryness and a little bit of manly dryness. Not bad, but the dill-like endnote is a little odd. Category: Dry/Sexy Rating: 2.5/5; Good and good, wearable Overall: Don't know if I'll wear this much as it's pretty freaking strong and that dill smell is wierd. Great for patchouli lovers, though.
  16. PixieSkull


    Imp: Dark forest, some fir scent pops through to overwhelm my nose. Wetness/humidity invade the blend. As I'm not a huge fan of foresty scents but I'm giving it an honest try. I might just like it and it might just work for me. Wet: Fir, like a christmas tree, then it turns into my dad's deodorant. Don't think I'm liking it too much. Definately mossy humidity coming off of the blend. Dry: Oh wow did this blend morph! Dry it smells like an overly-sweet pineapple with a little bit of wet moss. The wet earth is almost all gone except for an ending dry dirt smell after lots of raining. Makes the scent a lot more pleasant as a whole. Category: Forest/Manly at first; Sweet/Earthy after a while Rating: 2/5; It's odd the way it morphs but it's pleasant enough to wear once more Overall: I might be able to wear it after all. The beginning is unpleasantly strong for me but I might be able to wear it again.
  17. PixieSkull


    Imp: Bitter and sweet at the same time with an obvious herbal undertone. The anise definately pops out at me. I can't pick out cardamom or wormwood or hyssop normally and this is the first blend I've tried them in. It's pleasantly unpleasant, seems to be an aquired taste. Wet: Sweet licorice and herbs. It reminds me of the herbal mix in Tarot: The Star. I've got a little bit of lemon, like lemon pledge but it's not too unpleasant. Dry: All that's left seems to be mint and anise and maybe some wormwood or hyssop. The lemon pledge is not quite there anymore. It's similar to some other blend I've tried but I don't remember. Category: Herbal Rating: 4/5; Unique enough to catch my eye and wear it. Think it'd be an aquired taste for anyone sniffing me though. Overall: I like it more than I thought it would be. The herbal edge is a bit softer than I expected and the lemon disappeared almost entirely. I would wear it again and again.
  18. PixieSkull

    Temperature and BPAL

    I'm a little worried about my stuff, seeing as my room is barely ever below 90 on a normal day, but by keeping them in a container in a cool, shaded corner will keep them better. So far, so good. I really hate all this heat in my room, but this dry heat is SO much better than humid heat. Thank the gods for this dry summer of few mosquitos and less humidity. On the other hand, the forest fires and wilting greenery around kinda sucks. Good think there's running water to cure the greenery and some of the forest fires.
  19. If you like Monster Bait Underpants or Monster Bait Closet from BPAL, you would like Eat Me from FeMaledictions. It reminds me of Underpants heavily without the expensive saffron note. It is great and cakey and frostingy.
  20. OH. MY. GOD! That actually makes me giggly. I've never had that reaction to a perfume before (which is a good thing) and I think that could scare me. It would probably make my SO happy, but not me. I think there should be an icon for that. Cunt Musk Single Note would have a bright white background with pussywillows and a pink border with the title in pink. There goes the imagination wild again, lol. To update my own list, I'm surprised by Smut. It's a scent I don't mind on my skin but I've never thought of it as sex. Wearing it in my scent locket reminded me of taking a bubble bath with someone else, leading to sex (although sweet soap bubbles up the vagina and urethra lead to bad things I still make the association.) On the skin it's much more deep like vanilla rum. Alcohol and sex naturally go together... sadly so, in some cases.
  21. Charisma is VERY worth it. I filmed two shorts for two friends (at the same time) recently and using Charisma really did get me focused. A bottle is definately worth the purchase if you perform often, maybe someone would even be willing to take half of the bottle from you. Hymn to Pan is another TAL that is very worth it. Every bit rockstar god as Pan is. It's amazing, that's for sure. I love the idea of the muses, some of the excolo scents have special meaning behind them, too. Aizen-Myoo works in a wierd way, but is a little shocking to the senses at first. Aizen-Myoo is the patron of prostitutes, of joyous, unbridled sexuality and of all forms of erotic love and is worshipped by all those in the sex industry, musicians, and – oddly – landlords. Yuzu, kaki, and mikan with cherry blossom and black tea. Almost all the muses would work for performing, one for every type of performance or show.
  22. PixieSkull

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Imp: Sweet cream cheese and vanilla icings! It smells heavenly... there's a spice on the end that is just barely there. Reminds me of cake batter and icing. Wet: Mmm, this is warm and sugary! Very delicious. Don't know where or what saffron is, and the sandalwood is hiding now but I do hope they show up. The butter rum is faint, but present in the back. Dry: Alright, the sandalwood came out to play, pushing the cream icing to the background a bit. The oddly pleasant yellow scent must be the saffron, adding a slightly spicy edge to the blend. Category: Foody/Sandalwood Rating: 5/5; I don't like foody scents but this was delicious! Overall: I can't believe it took me so long to try this decanted imp I've had for a month! It's delicious and I would totally wear this! And I don't like foody scents! Oh, heavenly untouchable scent, I love you and will cherish you!
  23. PixieSkull


    Imp: Smells like B&BWs Sweet Pea mixed with Peony Moon. It's very soft and delicate. Wet: Sweet and wet, I can tell there's white rose in here. Very feminine. Something turns a little less sweet floral, one of the notes doesn't quite work on me. Dry: Smells just like Moon Rose on my skin. Pleasantly wet white floral Category: White Floral Rating: 3.5/5; Lovely blend of light white wet florals Overall: I don't know if I would wear it, but it isn't unpleasant. I would recommend it for floral and aquatic people.
  24. PixieSkull


    Imp: Ooh, manly! Like outdoors scents. I think there's bergamot in here, a resin that is very strong and acrid. Wet: Spicy resins, I think I smell cinnamon. Sweat, cinnamon, oatmeal. Odd. Dry: I have no clue what went on with my skin chemistry, but this turned into oatmeal on my skin. Wierd. Category: Manly Rating: 1/5; on my skin, this went wierd. Overall: Not a scent I'll try again. On to the swap pile, Manly Oatmeal!
  25. PixieSkull


    Imp: Dark, apple, STRONG vanilla on the bottom. Can definately pick out patchoulli. Wet: The apple gets stronger and the black musk and patchoulli are strong. Somewhere the mix is getting soapy. Dry: Soapy appley wierdness. Not pleasant but not unpleasant. Category: Apple/Patchoulli Rating: 1.5/5; didn't mix well on me Overall: A blend that just doesn't work for me. Will be going to the swap pile. Apple's not my thing anyways so I'm not worried.