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Posts posted by Heavenlyrabbit

  1. My experience pretty much like Hillary's- PURE CARAMEL.


    Not unlike Red Lantern.


    This doesn't mean its a bad thing. In fact, it's pretty darned addictive.


    And okay, okay, it's not pure Caramel. There are some other elements that bravely try to get noticed. But on me they never manage to assert themselves but do end up making the Caramel sexy.


    Sexy Caramel.

  2. My guess without having notes to go on was Rhododendron but I'm happy to defer to to Mint.


    This is a beautiful perfume that evokes cool December morning as the sun begins to slowly warm up the Mums outside in your garden as you peek out the window of your kitchen as the coffee starts to perk.


    Not the most complex perfume ever but it is stunning in its simplicity.


    I don't get anything Aquatic, though.


    Just the gentle coolness of the green, the woody sweet of the mums and an underlying bit of warm familiarity of the amber.

  3. This is a colorful bowl of sugared fruit on a glass table as a centerpiece.


    Martha Stewart comes to Miskatonic Valley :lol:


    I think Screeching Parrot and the Pet Magah Bird would have a great time together. Screeching Parrot would bring the alcohol and Magah Bird would look all innocent when the humans got home and found the mess later on and then convince them the dog did it with the kicker being not that the humans buy Magah's story but that they don't even HAVE a dog.



    I have been waiting for this scent all my BPAL life :)


    It smells like the cookies without being cloying, overly sweet or heavily spicey.


    The spices do come out more pronounced after a while but they are still being agreeable.


    Edit for Lamentations- after about an hour this goes South on my skin chemistry. Am tempted to keep and use in my Clocket or as room scent. Hmmm


    It's not the Cookie part, not the Spice part. I am going to guess there is perhaps a Nut oil in here that goes off on me.


    Update- it was, in fact, THE CARDAMOM.

    At Yule, Odin leads a divine hunting party through the heavens. On Yule Eve, children would fill their boots with sugar, carrots, and straw and place them by the chimneys for Odin's eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, to eat. To repay the children's kindness, Odin would refill the children's boots with sweets or small gifts.

    Confections spun of hazelnuts, honey, elderberries, and bilberries with a dusting of hay and a bit of carrot.

    Muesli or a gathering of ingredients before you start baking cookies. Not overly fruity though. This would be more like dried berries. This doesn't make a grand statement but is quietly compelling. Sort of a comfortable-sweater type scent on a day when you're being a bit of a homebody.

    If Gunpowder was about evoking the treats a horse loves then Sleipnir is the wholesome treats a horse-loving girl or boy would nibble on.

    IMO, this would be a good scent for a person who goes into sugar shock with many BPAL foodies.

    But not long after the king sent a certain old man of Antioch, to compel the Jews to depart from the laws of their fathers and of God:

    And to defile the temple that was in Jerusalem, and to call it the temple of Jupiter Olympius: and that in Gazarim of Jupiter Hospitalis, according as they were that inhabited the place.

    And very bad was this invasion of evils and grievous to all.

    For the temple was full of the riot and reveling of the Gentiles: and of men lying with lewd women. And women thrust themselves of their accord into the holy places, and brought in things that were not lawful.

    The altar also was filled with unlawful things, which were forbidden by the laws.

    And neither were the sabbaths kept, nor the solemn days of the fathers observed, neither did any man plainly profess himself to be a Jew.

    But they were led by bitter constraint on the king's birthday to the sacrifices: and when the feast of Bacchus was kept, they wore compelled to go about crowned with ivy in honour of Bacchus.

    And there went out a decree into the neighboring cities of the Gentiles, by the suggestion of the Ptolemeans, that they also should act in like manner against the Jews, to oblige them to sacrifice:

    And whosoever would not conform themselves to the ways of the Gentiles, should be put to death: then was misery to be seen.

    For two women were accused to have circumcised their children: whom, when they had openly led about through the city with the infants hanging at their breasts, they threw down headlong from the walls.

    And others that had met together in caves that were near, and were keeping the sabbath day privately, being discovered by Philip, were burnt with fire, because they made a conscience to help themselves with their hands, by reason of the religious observance of the day.
    - The Second Book of the Maccabees, 6:1-11

    In order to consolidate his power in Jerusalem and Hellenize the area, the Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes outlawed Judaism and ordered the population to worship Zeus and the Hellenic pantheon. As this was anathema to the Jews, they refused, and Antiochus moved to enforce his religious decree by extreme force.

    Some origin tales say that the dreidel was used at this time as a method by which the Jewish people were able to continue to study the Talmud in secret under the guise of gambling. Now, in addition to being a light gambling game, the dreidel is also a reminder of the strength, devotion, and perseverance of the Jewish people and the mercy of God.

    One scent in four parts:

    Nun, the Snake: nuun, nothing. Naḥš, in modern Arabic, means bad luck. Represented by scents of loss and remembrance: opoponax and lemon verbena.

    Gimel, the Camel: the Ship of the Desert. Represented by scents of abundance, fortitude, and determination: patchouli, heliotrope, pomegranate, and almond.

    He, the Window: sometimes used to represent the Unutterable Name of God, this is the window in our souls through which God's light touches us. Represented by scents of clarity and piety: frankincense, myrtle, and hyssop.

    Shin, the Tooth: also stands for Shaddai, one of the names of God. The hand formed into shin acts as a priestly blessing. Represented by scents of strength, generosity, kindness, and benediction: carnation, myrrh, red poppy, and hibiscus.

    The essences of Nun, Gimel, He, and Shin are blended to become Nes Gadol Haya Sham.

    Prominent notes for me are the Heliotrope and Almond.

    This reminds me of an old favorite, Tzadikim Nistarim, and also a few of BPAL's earlier 13 blends. Probably because of the wide range of notes. Maybe even reminiscent of Cleopatra Testing Poisons.

    Complex and unconventional from a perfume standpoint.

  7. Red and sticky! From a genuine Old Salem recipe!


    Sweet red wine that is surprisingly delicate. More fruit than booze. In fact, if I didn't have the cute little label proclaiming "Port Jelly" I'd have said maybe Red Currant with one drop of Plum with no mention of wine at all.


    Maybe there is some beeswax?

    This isn't hyper-sweet. Although my skin chemistry does burn through sweet BPAL very quickly, I don't think that's the case here. It really is a mild, lovely fruity sweet scent.

  8. This goes from Orange Creamsicle to strong Aquatic that verges on household cleaners but then finally develops into what reminds me of several Shunga blends. It must be the Tangerine and Ambergris leading me to that comparison.


    Very nice, ultimately after a lot of morphing.


    It's a little weird comparing this to a Shunga blend though :blush:

  9. The Girl gives me the same impression as Regan whose description reads 'sweet orchid vanilla'.


    Both are innocent with a full bodied sweetness. This is a bit less "young" than Regan and more wearable for me. Very much what I imagine what a Flower Fairy's wedding scent would smell like... if she were around my age :)


    I am also reminded of Delight which is an unabashed 'girly' floral that just works somehow despite my misadventures with Jasmine.


    The Star Jasmine in this had me kind of worried by it is just so pretty.


    Also keep thinking I smell Honeysuckle, actually.


    Later on I do find the Birch, so maybe this is partially the scent of a Forest Fairy, too.

  10. I get a clean, green and somewhat juicy experience from Julia Stone. She clears my head too.


    My first stab at finding something similar in the BPAL lexicon is THAT! THE TERROR FROM OVER THERE!


    Seeing other reviews mentioning Velvet Cthulhu certainly works with that observation. I think there's a citric Fruit note. And Wasabi?



    How lovely you are. You smell like Chestnuts mixed with Incense and enticing Florals that cling to your undead body.


    I lean my face into my skin where you waft off it and sigh.


    How could I have doubted you?

  12. Had to rush onto this Forum to review this, it's so wonderful. :heart:


    It's a gentle whisp of a long-ago spicy Rose perfume. It's a quietly sexy Rose perfume that could drive men insane.


    It's been a long time since a Rose perfume has worked this well for me.

    Pumpkin, almond, brown musk, and honey.

    The Almond seems to combine with the Brown Musk & Honey for something of a skin scent with a slight earthy tone.

    It's quite a bit more laid back then many of BPAL's other Pumpkin scents.

  14. Ohhhhh, the Almond has a strong presence in this one. It throws up a roadblock to all the other notes. Will have to retry again.


    Several weeks later- this ends up being a favorite of the bunch! I never do get that much of any sort of foody, but then my skin tends to burn through all but the most heavy foody scents.


    What this ends up being is a very pretty Floral/Almond which I've been enjoying immensely.

  15. How cute are those little Ghost smilies that Thereshewent posted in her review?


    Why this made ME think of Midway- the "Cotton" makes me think both Clean & Outdoory. So the whole being at a Carnival vibe is there.


    But this isn't cloying as Midway. Definately not pink like Pink Plastic Flamingo and it's just not as intensely sweet as Marshmallow Poof or Mitzvah.

  16. This opens with such a richness. At first I thought Chocolate but then realized it's Nuts!


    This is Nuts with lots of deep Fruit giving it a bit of sweet by just enough acidity to keep things interesting.


    Trail Mix comes to mind.



  17. Hard Apple Cider. Mulled.


    This is gorgeous, evocative of old-fashioned Halloween from a gentler time.


    I don't get "holiday candle" cause that smell to me is very harsh. This is mellowed out. Perhaps by the Milk & Sugar, neither of which is prominent.

    (The Vampire Maid, Hume Nisbet)
    This contact seemed also to have affected her as it did me; a clear flush, like a white flame, lighted up her face, so that it glowed as if an alabaster lamp had been lit; her black eyes became softer and more humid as our glances crossed, and her scarlet lips grew moist. She was a living woman now, while before she had seemed half a corpse.

    She permitted her white slender hand to remain in mine longer than most people do at an introduction, and then she slowly withdrew it, still regarding me with steadfast eyes for a second or two afterwards.

    Fathomless velvety eyes these were, yet before they were shifted from mine they appeared to have absorbed all my willpower and made me her abject slave. They looked like deep dark pools of clear water, yet they filled me with fire and deprived me of strength. I sank into my chair almost as languidly as I had risen from my bed that morning.

    Yet I made a good breakfast, and although she hardly tasted anything, this strange girl rose much refreshed and with a slight glow of colour on her cheeks, which improved her so greatly that she appeared younger and almost beautiful.

    I had come here seeking solitude, but since I had seen Ariadne it seemed as if I had come for her only. She was not very lively; indeed, thinking back, I cannot recall any spontaneous remark of hers; she answered my questions by monosyllables and left me to lead in words; yet she was insinuating and appeared to lead my thoughts in her direction and speak to me with her eyes. I cannot describe her minutely, I only know that from the first glance and touch she gave me I was bewitched and could think of nothing else.

    It was a rapid, distracting, and devouring infatuation that possessed me; all day long I followed her about like a dog, every night I dreamed of that white glowing face, those steadfast black eyes, those moist scarlet lips, and each morning I rose more languid than I had been the day before. Sometimes I dreamt that she was kissing me with those red lips, while I shivered at the contact of her silky black tresses as they covered my throat; sometimes that we were floating in the air, her arms about me and her long hair enveloping us both like an inky cloud, while I lay supine and helpless.

    Poppy flowers, peat, sphagnum moss, gardenia, and white water lily.

    Gardenia given depth by the Poppy and a light hearted sweetness from Water Lily. There's the merest hint of some earthy notes.

    I adore this, it is really a beautiful, very classy floral. Not over done. This might work for people who've not had much success with Florals.

    This seems like a cousin of I Died For Beauty.

    After testing again last night & this morning: Last night, the mossy elements came out much more and this verged on being close to unisex. This morning, I got a whisper of something that put "powder" into my head but before I could decide my attention was drawn to how thin a scent this is.

    This seems like a rather prim, pallid Victorian vampire. After reading a synopsis of the story and the excerpt, I'd say it's a good evocation of Ariadne Brunnell

  19. The Spirit of the Eve of Samhain, an aspect of Cailleach, the Divine Hag, in her Destroyer aspect.

    While Brìghde rules the time between Beltane and Sahmain, Cailleach rules the Dark of the Year. On the night of Samhain, she transforms into Carlin, harbingering the death of the land and the onset of the snows. On Beltane, the Great Crone is slain by Brìghde so springtime can reinvigorate the land.

    Black sage, ivy-twined rowan, thistle, snapdragon, heather, gorse, fumitory, and anise.

    This has the fresh green one associates with evergreen without seeming like Christmas. There is a slight floral overtone from the Snapdragon with the Anise adding a subtle interest.

    VERY Green/Brown and lovely. It is much less heavy-handed than many other "Green" scents from BPAL.

    It exceeded my expectations which I purposely kept low on seeing "Black Sage" listed.

  20. Another scent from MTP's that I'm glad to have waited for reviewing.


    Didn't like this at first and I think it's because this is such a different take on Pear.


    Generally, BPAL's fresh, crisp Pear note is really lovely and a favorite but I have come to expect it to be featured with either Florals or Vanilla so you end up with either a Wedding type scent or a Foodie scent.


    The Wood and Resin notes in this blend initially turned me off completely. I turned my nose up and thought it was a dirty Pear. And looking at the scent description wondered why why why it was called "unsoiled Pear". However, a day later and disabused of my prejudice regarding what a Pear scent should be... this is genius.


    Yes, you get the Pear/Gardenia but the Ho Wood and Lavender tweak your nose and dash expectations.


    I'd say this is a Pear blend that breaks the rules and ends up being way outside the boundaries. This is unisex to me and another of the newer MTP perfumes that a man might try.
