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Everything posted by Heavenlyrabbit

  1. Heavenlyrabbit


    How cute are those little Ghost smilies that Thereshewent posted in her review? Why this made ME think of Midway- the "Cotton" makes me think both Clean & Outdoory. So the whole being at a Carnival vibe is there. But this isn't cloying as Midway. Definately not pink like Pink Plastic Flamingo and it's just not as intensely sweet as Marshmallow Poof or Mitzvah.
  2. Heavenlyrabbit


    This opens with such a richness. At first I thought Chocolate but then realized it's Nuts! This is Nuts with lots of deep Fruit giving it a bit of sweet by just enough acidity to keep things interesting. Trail Mix comes to mind.
  3. Heavenlyrabbit


    Hard Apple Cider. Mulled. This is gorgeous, evocative of old-fashioned Halloween from a gentler time. I don't get "holiday candle" cause that smell to me is very harsh. This is mellowed out. Perhaps by the Milk & Sugar, neither of which is prominent.
  4. Heavenlyrabbit

    Feeding The Dead

    Sweet Fermented Incense. I smell Guinness Stout and Pound Cake. XOXOXOXO
  5. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Sluggard

    Another scent from MTP's that I'm glad to have waited for reviewing. Didn't like this at first and I think it's because this is such a different take on Pear. Generally, BPAL's fresh, crisp Pear note is really lovely and a favorite but I have come to expect it to be featured with either Florals or Vanilla so you end up with either a Wedding type scent or a Foodie scent. The Wood and Resin notes in this blend initially turned me off completely. I turned my nose up and thought it was a dirty Pear. And looking at the scent description wondered why why why it was called "unsoiled Pear". However, a day later and disabused of my prejudice regarding what a Pear scent should be... this is genius. Yes, you get the Pear/Gardenia but the Ho Wood and Lavender tweak your nose and dash expectations. I'd say this is a Pear blend that breaks the rules and ends up being way outside the boundaries. This is unisex to me and another of the newer MTP perfumes that a man might try.
  6. Heavenlyrabbit

    Berry Moon 2009

    What strikes me most about this Fruit blend is it's restrained sweetness and full bodied character. I think it might be the particular Honey note and just the right amount of Fig. I personally don't get any sort of fizz or dessert vibe though. In fact, I held off reviewing this til today cause I wanted to try it again and see what was up with that. But there it is.... my reaction is a bit different than others. This is a great addition to my collection. A lot of my BPAL Fruit bottles are either liquored up or real Gourmands/Foodie.
  7. Heavenlyrabbit

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    I held off reviewing this yesterday cause my arms were too full of other awesome MTP scents But this really deserves high praise and accolades too. Starts out Herbal with a touch of the sweet and drys down to that Honey note so many BPAL'ers love. This is the sort of scent I would wear after a long day gardening in the hot sun, after washing off and just before taking a nap. Might even be a good sleep scent.
  8. Heavenlyrabbit

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    I want to say that this is the perfect gourmand perfume. As Frolic points out, the Oakmoss keeps this from being totally foody. This is a chocolate mint hard candy as you're walking through an enchanted forest.
  9. Heavenlyrabbit

    Alice's Evidence

    This is spiced rum punch. Warm, fruity and makes me wonder what's in store for Autumn!
  10. Heavenlyrabbit

    Lawn Gnome

    Earthy, foody, fruity goodness. Get a bottle. This will be a legendary scent. Years from now, BPAL fans will seek this out. I am going to be strong about Lawn Gnome and stick to my "One Bottle" rule. Must repeat to myself WILL > NOT > BUY > MULTIPLES I was once a Patchouli-phobe but thank goodness BPAL taught me to try it. This has a "friendly" patchouli like Croquet does.
  11. Heavenlyrabbit

    Plastic Pink Flamingo

    I am also reminded of Velvet Unicorn. I get Marshmallow with a singular drop of fruit. Taking a stab at it, I'll say Cherry. Do not smell any Dandelion though. However, in Velvet Unicorn there was an unidentified "hard" note to my nose. And there's something similar here too. Recommend testing this first before purchase for those who find stuff like "Marshmallow" ending up like plastic. This comes fairly close to doing that on me and my skin really likes stuff like this.
  12. Heavenlyrabbit

    Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel

    Effervescent fruity happiness. Up-thread, I see someone else said "effervescent" too! This is Blue Fire with less booze and more fresh air. Blue Fire didn't work on my skin and I'd always wondered if it was the Gin or Blueberry that went off. Pinwheels seems to be working out. Lovely Summertime scent.
  13. Heavenlyrabbit

    Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune

    Didn't know what to expect and am pleasantly surprised. I'm in full agreement with those who mention layers of scent. On first application there is a layer of lighter Florals and after a few minutes, a darker layer (Sandalwood, Nicotiana) separates out. I am convinced there is some Vetiver evident with the bottom notes. If St. Johns 's Eve is the literal smell of smoke, this could be the feel of it.
  14. Heavenlyrabbit

    Splatter Comedy

    This reminds me of Egg'd Mailbox. At first, there's a blast of a sharp, alcoholic note. It's the Banana and the way it hits my nose is similar to the way BPAL's Cherry does on occasion. What some BPAL'ers might call "chemically" to me reads "alcohol". Like grain alcohol. So on opening, this is more like a Banana Margarita. Like one of the Tiki blends. When what is supposed to be Banana finally recedes I'm left with the Cream Pie and that's when it reminds me VERY much of Egg'd Mailbox. Which is nice but not unique enough for me. So, Banana doesn't complement my skin chemistry. Otherwise, nice gentle foody scent with an interesting hint of metallic at the end. A Steampunk Gourmand if you will i get no "Blood", so that's my big question mark.
  15. Heavenlyrabbit

    Lilith and the Jarocho

    WAY exceeded my expectations. Especially since so many had mentioned X-strength Jasmine/Lemon. I get a Lime/Vanilla/Margarita with a very pretty touch of Jasmine. MAYBE some Cedar and Moss on dry down. Apparently, my skin chemistry amps the other notes enough that they blend into the Jasmine and all complement each other perfectly. The only reason I usually avoid Jasmine blends is cause it's so overwhelming no other notes shine through. Lilith and Jarocho has lots of loud, vibrant notes to go with the Jasmine. They all hold their own nicely.
  16. Heavenlyrabbit

    St. John's Eve

    It was freaking me out reading reviews that noted the strong Vetiver presence. I am pleased to report that the Bonfire scent image is definitely as advertised and it overshadows any problematic Vetiver issue. In fact, after you get the Bonfire smell, and it's the real toast-your-marshmallows-on-a-stick smoky deal, you are left with a soft floral incense with the smoke in the background. This was so much better than I had anticipated. That said, on edit, this somehow manages to disappear after about a half hour! Which is sad. It smells like it was probably intended to on my skin but doesn't last.
  17. Heavenlyrabbit

    Hermes Trimegistus v2

    I study Qabala so was particularly keen on getting this and thanks to the benevolence of BPAL forumites, my wish was granted. Hermes Trimegustis is a gorgeous incense blend which my skin chemistry loves. It blooms on my skin and lasts forever. It's elicited several compliments already. This has a pay off that rivals #93 Engine and I couldn't be more pleased. Especially since the first reviews mentioned Lavender, a note that can really be overbearing for me. On application, I get heavenly Frankincense with a touch of the most dreamy Lavender and what I believe to be Lemon Verbena or the like. The Incense presence is so strong and sweet I'm fairly sure this has Benzoin and maybe something like Calamus. One would also guess Mastic. I also wonder if there is some Beeswax or maybe a very light drop of Honey. I don't detect any florals. Or do I? As I focus on the slightly lemon aspect of this, I begin to think maybe it's lemon blossom. And then my brain turns back around and refocuses on the deep, smooth incense that almost seems to have a touch of coconut or vanilla it's so sweet and smooth and addictive. Today is the first really warm, sunny Summer-like day here after weeks of rain. Hermes Trimegustis is like a Summertime version of #93 Engine with a touch of sweet herbal sunshine added. Blip- I came back to this post to edit in the Evergreen note that finally became obvious on my skin chemistry and am totally flummoxed to find no one else detecting a light touch of lemon something.... my skin chemistry must be odd this time around.
  18. Heavenlyrabbit

    Velvet Tiger

    On me, Spiced Satsuma Orange/Tangerine, Licorice and Cinnamon TOTALLY kick Vetiver's ass. This smells like an herbal tea. Which makes me wonder how this would layer over a heavily Vanilla scent. I pulled out Antique Lace. It's a divine combination!
  19. Heavenlyrabbit


    I love incense blends in general. BPAL has some amazing spins on that genre and this is top of the list for "Different". The Mushroom is there but with enough around it to just give an Earthy feel. When testing Destroying Angel I remember thinking it was nice but I'd never want to smell like that. So this is a blend that allows me to wear something related. Kind of a Sweet-Sour thing going on at the top which is obviously from the Currant and Rhubarb. Who would have thought we'd have a perfume with RHUBARB!
  20. Heavenlyrabbit


    Interesting and beautiful juxtaposition of Fruit, Wood and Earthy notes. No Florals are listed and I don't think any are in here. Pear seems to be the topnote. Pear bulstered by Oakmoss and they are on top of the other basenotes.
  21. Heavenlyrabbit


    If Smudge-sticks were turned into perfume, it'd smell like this. And yes, this is Musk/Incense intensive.
  22. Heavenlyrabbit

    Velvet Unicorn

    Underneath all the fluffy rainbow Unicorn sweet-goodness I detect something kind of "hard" and not sweet or fluffy. Don't know what it is. edit- I think it's something akin to the gin note found in other April Fools blends. Actually, after a few more testings, I think it's BPAL's Strawberry note that has a touch of fermented fruit to it. A long time ago, when the Earth was green There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen They'd run around free while the Earth was being born And the loveliest of all was the unicorn There was green alligators and long-necked geese Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born The loveliest of all was the unicorn And for your viewing and listening pleasure:
  23. Heavenlyrabbit

    Velvet Clown

    Really, the notes listed and artwork are both kind of scary. This is a combination of John Barleycorn, L'Heure Verte and...... Mitzvah..... and..... somekind of Steampunk/Industrial vibe.... (Smokestack ?) It is the most cacophonous blend from BPAL I've ever smelled. It's the most crazy-mixed up bunch of perfume notes I've ever smelled anywhere. Amazingly it works. Alcohol and sweet often works on me, though. And there's enough in this to make the dirt and grease smell delicious Totally a novelty scent that I am pleased to welcome into my collection! Edit- okay, the closest thing to a weird and wild note-combo in the BPAL lexicon I can think of is Drink Me. Which was HIDEOUS on me. Not that this smells like that in any way. But it's the same over-the-top smushing together of unexpected stuff.
  24. Heavenlyrabbit

    Velvet Tiki

    Pretty florals and tropical fruit. It's as if Beth took all the best associations from last year's Tiki blends and distilled them into one perfect gorgeousness. Where's my sarong? Ohhhh, Cabana Boy, I need you..... This actually seems to trigger some nostalgic scent-memory from a time before I was born. Impressions I get from watching old movies. The 30's sexy glamor with perfectly coiffed hair and trim red nail polish.
  25. Heavenlyrabbit

    Velvet Nudie

    This brought the latest Shunga blends to mind. There is an airy, fresh quality. Pretty and soft spoken. This would be lovely as a bath set, too.