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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Heavenlyrabbit

  1. Heavenlyrabbit

    Sol Invictus

    Playing off my impression without seeing notes listed and the name Sol Invictus: This is a mid-Spring day with clear blue sky, warm (not hot) Sun with not even a speck of humidity to foil the rain of Prana that I can see every so often. It's when the leaves have come in but they're still light green as they reflect abundant solar energy and the Vital Essence. On me, this is a slightly sweet floral/amber. Subtle but pervasive. It floats off me, is noticible but not in an overbearing way. There's a youthful vitality. Can't imagine a man wearing this... or a senior citizen. In quality, I end up thinking of the Unicorn (minus the herbal and soap) and then Delight. Checking the notes, Fragipani seems to be the reoccuring scent I caught.
  2. Heavenlyrabbit


    florals over roasted grains along with a smidge of garden dirt thrown in for good measure. There's also the barest hint of fermentation, IMO.
  3. Heavenlyrabbit

    Horreur Sympathique

    Whoa Nelly, this is intoxicating. Just the perfect blend of sweet, booze with resins and a touch of fruit. This is a silk velvet dressing gown of a scent.
  4. Heavenlyrabbit

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    There's a hint of sunny days here. Outdoors through fields and orchards. Perhaps some boozy swoon over lighter florals with the satisfaction of some fruit notes. Gauzy dresses, straw hats, a picnic for two out of sight. Somewhat casual and freespirited- this is another keeper.
  5. Heavenlyrabbit


    Mania has a gentle, naive quality to it. There is a bit of the strawberry scent here... but it's not overt and almost has a pleasant herbalness to it. I can imagine a character in a Jane Austin novel wearing this out to the countryside on an early summer day whilst picking flowers.
  6. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Reaper and the Flowers

    This is a high pitched floral that I could only imagine an older, mature woman wearing at night. Pretty straightforward blend too. Your chemistry should work well with lily for this to work, methinks.
  7. Heavenlyrabbit

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I understand where you are coming from, but the artist probably has a lot on her plate.
  8. Heavenlyrabbit

    Scent for Halloween?

    Wearing one of my long sleeve, tie-dye Grateful Dead shirts with Samhain cause it's the strongest Patchouli scent I have/smells good on me. So I'm reliving my Hippie Days. and NO!, I'm not 45 yet so stop saying that Edit- too bad I couldn't get my old patched pants up over my ankles.
  9. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Music of Erich Zahn

    An exotic sweet/sour tamarind perfume. The vetiver is very well behaved and does keep this in the unisex/slightly masculine range. Mimosa can be a tricky, overwhelming floral but here it also restrains itself. The musk and resins work well with my chemistry and make for a deep, long lasting scent. Just between us, tamarind is one of my "secret ingredients" in cooking. Layer this with something like Creepy and you have heaven.
  10. Heavenlyrabbit

    Pumpkin Queen

    It occurs to me with there being a Pumpkin King, Pumpkin Queen and Jack... there's almost an entire Royal Court. This is a wonderful variation on the Pumpkin theme. A bit seasonal but eminently wearable. ADDED Oct. 31: Call me crazy but I get Pumpkin Cheesecake with Orange Zest. In other words, BeaverMoon meets Jack for a tryst in an orange grove.
  11. Heavenlyrabbit

    Punkie Night

    Outdoorsy scent for when the nights begin to frost while the days still warm up nicely and you put on your well worn hiking boots, stick an apple in your pocket and go out for a 2 mile hike in the Walking Dunes to see if the cranberries are ripe yet.
  12. Heavenlyrabbit

    All Souls

    Kind of like "MonsterBait Closet Goes To Mass On Sunday". Or maybe a bit of Eat Me layered under All Saints. I do seem to find a bit of smoke, giving the impression of lit incense. There are definately some florals as in All Saints. The foody quality is very slight and dissipates almost entirely on my skin.
  13. Heavenlyrabbit

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Out of general catalog, I'd recommend Verdandi (apple, spice) and Al Azif (maple syrup). You can get imps of each and experiment with them on their own or layered with one another.
  14. Heavenlyrabbit

    Death Cap

    Apparently a witch has gathered a handful of rich loam and mixed in this much incense, that much spice along with a whisper of some floral and one drop of vanilla. Very interesting and different. There was a thread somewheres asking for 'most unique BPAL scent'. This would certainly deserve a nomination.
  15. Heavenlyrabbit

    Destroying Angel

    Dirty, chartreuse. Not absolutely unpleasant but I'd never want to smell like this.
  16. Heavenlyrabbit

    White Moon

    Blindingly white floral that does ease off a bit with touch of green as others have mentioned.
  17. Heavenlyrabbit

    Treat #2

    "Life is like a box of BPAL, you never know what you're going to get" I swapped my Treat #1 for this and could not be happier. The description of this as an empty box of premium chocolates is perfect. First go round the Buttercream, Fig & Chocolate came out. Second try the Orange was much more prevalent. Spices give this warmth but don't overwhelm. In any case, the Coconut and Clove proved to not be the problem I'd anticipated.
  18. Heavenlyrabbit

    Trick #1

    To me, this is an Ur-BPAL perfume. It's akin to the wonderful smell you get when you open your Imp Box and all the combined notes greet you. My first smell had me nearly in tears, though! I took the chance on getting a Trick even though they both have patchouli and when first applied, I smelt patchouli and nothing else. However, within about about 5 minutes later, a Heavenly Perfume started wafting off my arm. Warm floral with touches of sweetness and leather. This is one of my most favorite BPAL's ever. My reaction was simliar to the Masque. Gorgeous scent good for absolutely any occassion. If this weren't such a limited edition, it'd be in heavy rotation. If you have issues with patchouli, leather, honey or gardenia, you might want to try this because somehow the notes balance one another very well.
  19. Heavenlyrabbit

    Treat #1

    Upon reading the scent description for Treat #1 I dubbed it "Big Rock Candy Mountain" and after smelling it, that is the perfect name! When I opened the bottle a whiff of vanilla tumbled out along with the fruit and sugar and then promptly disappeared until the glorious drydown. This perfume wouldn't work for me if it was just fruit and sugar... but you have to wait for the drydown, which actually takes a while So back to Big Rock Candy Mountain... all this Hard-Candy sweetness might conjur images of a kid with her loot on Halloween but I get the image of penniless vagabond sitting haplessly behind bars- spinning yarns about the bounty found only in our imaginations and on Easy Street: Big Rock Candy Mountain One evening as the sun went down and the jungle fire was burning Down the track came a hobo hiking and he said boys I'm not turning I'm headin for a land that's far away beside the crystal fountains So come with me we'll go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountains In the Big Rock Candy Mountains there's a land that's fair and bright Where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night Where the boxcars are all empty and the sun shines every day On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees Where the lemonade springs where the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountains In the Big Rock Candy Mountains all the cops have wooden legs And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth and the hens lay soft boiled eggs The farmer's trees are full of fruit and the barns are full of hay Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow Where the rain don't fall and the wind don't blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountains In the Big Rock Candy Mountains you never change your socks And the little streams of alcohol come a-trickling down the rocks The brakemen have to tip their hats and the railroad bulls are blind There's a lake of stew and of whiskey too You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe In the Big Rock Candy Mountains In the Big Rock Candy Mountains the jails are made of tin And you can walk right out again as soon as you are in There ain't no short handled shovels, no axes saws or picks I'm a goin to stay where you sleep all day Where they hung the jerk that invented work In the Big Rock Candy Mountains I'll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains
  20. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Carpathian Mountains

    The very first impression I get is Rhodedendron. I do love BPAL's Danube, so this is good. Then very quickly, something like a Wintergreen (?) comes rushing out on a gust of mountain air. This note dominates... this might momentarily be worrisome as it's real strong and not necessarily desirable in a perfume. However, please perservere cause this phase does not last. Along comes a beautiful touch of sweetness with an underlying floral/fruity-ness. Thanks goodness I waited for that "wintergreen' scent to burn off
  21. Heavenlyrabbit


    Night-Gaunt has a delicate, underlying sweetness that must be coming from the flowers. Of course the Kumqat is prevalent but this is not as biting as Tweedledee and I am closer to thinking of Queen of Diamonds then Aizen Myoo (which was abhorant on me). Actually, I am going to have some fun comparing this to Queen of Diamonds and Cheshire Cat And I thought this would be Super-Pucker Powered. It really is fabulous and I'm glad I held out on Tweedledee cause this is more my style.
  22. Heavenlyrabbit

    Lucy Westenra

    This is primarly Blood Orange from start to finish. There is also a note that comes across to me very much like BPAL's Carnation (kind of spicey foral). This makes no sense considering the listed notes. The Next Day- Blood Orange comes roaring out and then the florals... which are considerably compressed due to the citrus note. Jasmine ususally takes center stage but the notes here are very well blended. And then there's that 'carnation' note from last night. No idea what it is. At least I know I wasn't tripping last night cause it's here again.
  23. Heavenlyrabbit

    Wilhelmina Murray

    Intense, deep floral incense. Viola touched with a bit of Dragon's Heart? This is a keeper.
  24. Heavenlyrabbit

    Dr. John Seward

    This plays out as Champaca augmented by the other notes. It's as if they all combine to make a lovely Champaca Accord that's been softened around the edges. The Ginger and Pepper are caught up in the Tonka, I suspect. Interesting balance of notes here.
  25. Heavenlyrabbit


    2006- The evergreen note opens up and dominates for a bit and then the pumpkin and patchouli stare each other down. It is a draw, as the spices look on the sidelines. After a while one of the notes suggests everyone chill out and go for a drink and eventually a good time was had by all.