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Everything posted by Heavenlyrabbit

  1. Heavenlyrabbit

    Ile de la Tortue

    Beautiful floral with a touch of earth. Perhaps Santo Domingo crossed with Midnight?
  2. Heavenlyrabbit

    Egg'd Mailbox

    So my reaction was different than those posted so far. At the opening application, lovely custard. Into first stages of drydown, metallic. Later medium stage drydown, woods. Later drydown, the custardy-goodness has receded leaving Sandalwood and Incense- something akin to Midnight Mass x All Souls. So I get a metallic stage in the beginning. Maybe I'm picking up the notes alluding to a mailbox. Metal and wood (sandalwood, I think)?
  3. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Atrocious Attic

    Atrocious Attic the smell I often find in antique, Victorian perfume bottles. A very old fashioned, gentle scent which I adore.
  4. Heavenlyrabbit

    Marshmallow Poof

    Closest comparison I've got in the BPAL constellations to compare this to is Mitzvah. But this is less cake and more sugar confection. Taffy? This is very lovely & I thank previous BPAL'ers who called this a pink scent. Cause that works for me. BTW, I personally couldn't wear Midway AT ALL as some note in it went funky on me (which is unusual for BPAL's sweet foody scents). So this doesn't compare to Midway for me. Definately a variation on Mitzvah for those who missed that.
  5. Heavenlyrabbit

    Event Horizon

    Earthy, balsamic, slightly sweet incense. I am familiar with the notes listed here and the opoponax is in the forefront. First on this is a bit much. Even for me, a die-hard incense/resin lover. This takes a while to develop after application. When it does settle down and allows the orchid to bloom, it seems all embracing. If you liked Minotaur, give this a whirl. This blend will age spectacularly well so I may eventually have to invest in a bottle.
  6. Heavenlyrabbit


    There's the caramel attended by the mint. But this is not foody- at all. Something like tobacco does come along very quickly and changes the entire complexion. Definately sexy.
  7. Heavenlyrabbit


    October evokes Indian Summer to me. This is a warm day that will evenually give way to cooler evening. Maybe even a frost. But for me this isn't cold, at least as I've come to expect cold scents from BPAL's nose. So for me, this is a walk in the forest on a late afternoon in Autumn. Shadows growing long. Leaves turning russets and gold. There also seems to be a stillness. The antithesis of say, Bonfire Night. Someone above used the adjective "Authentic" and that resonates with me.
  8. Heavenlyrabbit

    Bonfire Night

    This is sort of like Devil's Night goes slumming. Treacle comes out with the booze and I am in heaven. Or am I passed out in the woods after drinking a bit too much around the campfire? A raucous scent. Very evocative.
  9. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Emathides

    A soft, slightly sweet and very pretty chypre. Very happy with this one. The lavender and cedar are restrained.
  10. Heavenlyrabbit

    Singing Moon

    This is Herbal to the extreme. With dirt. And air. An interesting companion to Virgo.
  11. Heavenlyrabbit

    Virgo 2007

    Amended- Clean, fresh dirt. Or rather the weeds being pulled out of my garden with a bit of mossy soil at the roots. This smells like weeding the shady side of my (huge) veggie garden where I grow the peas and lettuce. This comes across on and to me as a casual perfume but could easily imagine it being gorgeous sexy with the chemistry. Oh yes, there is the herbal side of this. There is a vrey light touch of background sweetness. I'm glad I didn't review this yesterday as it's taking a bit of time for me to really "get" this perfume. It's different. Initially, the comparison to Destroying Angel or maybe Death Cap seemed apt. Today, I'm not so sure. Lightly testing once again... maybe something more herbaceous or green rather than brown? If you always wanted a wearable earth/dirt scent, but found them not quite making it for you, try Virgo.
  12. Heavenlyrabbit


    Lysander which is a new blend in the Ilyria category. Whitechapel. Mr. Nancy if you like a touch of foodiness. The Hamptons also has lime, IIRC.
  13. Heavenlyrabbit

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    This is a very close relation to Treat #2, for me. It is a wonderous box of chocolates. It is the rush of walking into a confectionary. It is the magic of being in the kitchen and throwing together this spice and that dried fruit along with some cocoa powder and concocting something that turns out unexpectedly marvelous but which you can never duplicate because you didn't take notes. For some reason this is one of the rare blends where I get a feeling or sense of Beth's creative process. Like when you read a Truman Capote story and can hear his peculiar voice narrating it. Why Star Fruit? What a trip this gourmand perfume is. edit to include more love for this... it's not too sweet. it's just perfection.
  14. Heavenlyrabbit

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    The Temptation!
  15. Heavenlyrabbit

    Allison Gross

    First try there was herbs chased by incense then a gentle touch of the florals. Second try we have incense with herbs in the background with a suggestion of the florals. This blend does the impossible. It contains dragon's blood but manages to subdue it. The Peony, one of the worst BPAL floral notes for me personally, doesn't make an appearance. Trying hard to sift through my BPAL scent memory banks, I come up with Hades. Not as a doppelganger but in kind.
  16. Heavenlyrabbit

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Brown Jenkins! Coconut is one of those notes that overwhelms and verges on "fake" for me. B.J. is a happy exception. It reads coconut to me but a very nice coconut
  17. Heavenlyrabbit


    What everyone else said plus maybe an alcoholic, low-rent version of Treat #1.
  18. Heavenlyrabbit


    This is a more virile version of Mr. Nancy. I love it. Tonka and Lime with a bit of cologne.
  19. Heavenlyrabbit


    Tested lightly a few times. Sometimes I got the melon quality on drydown. Sometimes I got the honey. It's just very difficult for my nose to distinguish all that much between aquatics. Yes, I can differentiate between them... but they still all seem so much the same to me.
  20. Heavenlyrabbit

    Cancer 2007

    In the bottle this is divine. First on it's an exquisite perfume. Light with a touch of fruit, touch of herbal and a slightly sweet floral. I get an almost creamy perfume with the slightest most gentle touch of powder. And then the sweet pea goes not-quite-right. Damn damn damn. It's like in print making when the registration on the final color is ever so slightly off. Still looks good but something is amiss. Broke my heart to pass this one on. Stupid Sweet Pea. It ruined Mouse's Long & Sad Tale for me too. Cancer was so close to working on me.
  21. Heavenlyrabbit

    The Sephiroth and Qlipoth blends - Recs and Discussion

    Honestly? here is some serious dis-enabling. I don't think there's anything in the Sephiroth that is BETTER than what you've got in your collection and seriously doubt you'd smell any of them later on and think OMG, I missed my HG scent! And as far as we know, Beth has a lot more wonderful blends up her sleeve. So unless you just want one or two bottles just for the sake of having a Sephiroth bottle to sit with the rest of them.... I'd say save for the next update.
  22. Heavenlyrabbit

    Death and Life Completed

    Of all the Salon III's, I only kept 4 and this was one. It stands out because it has the evergreen notes but they don't dominate. Although I like many Evergreen notes, my skin chemistry amps them and very little else comes through. Ended up keeping very few winter blends cause the differences were just too subtle to justify keeping them all. Anyhow, this is exceptional in that I can smell Evergreen AND the Florals. They stand in contrast to one another, so perhaps Death is the Evergreen and Life Cycle is the Florals? Very well executed. And it amazes me that Evergreen here is in the background for a change. I can pick out the Carnation (just a touch spicy), assorted florals and then the Evergreen. Oh, and the Peony doesn't funkify on me as it usually does. All in all, a highly recommended Salon blend. Trying to find a comparison I guess maybe House of Night (one of my enduring favorites)
  23. Heavenlyrabbit

    Sunrise With Sea-Monsters

    Well, the Pear/Freesia combination begs for comparison to Agony of Longing. Maybe this is a perfume soaked kerchief carried by a sailor out at sea to remind him of his sweetheart. The aquatic/ozone is quite strong and combines with the pear/freesia to produce a blend that hits some very high notes. It's too much for me, as lovely as it is, but then I'm Aquatic/Ozone challenged.
  24. Heavenlyrabbit

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent

    Fabulous plum with the green musk which my skin chemistry loves. The aquatic is so very faint, it's just a hint. Like the strip of green on the woman's gown that suggests at the Serpent running up her spine. Like Shelldoo, aquatics aren't my favorite. This is very different. A light, fruity aquatic if you will. With some notes I've no idea what they are. The plum subsides during the drydown to reveal a curious perfume that is both there and not there. It has good sillage. Smells great but it's subtle. This would be a great scent to wear at work if you're in an office with lots of people around. Edit- the aquatics do creep up much more later on into the dry down. So the scent starts out as Plum and ends up being Serpent!
  25. Heavenlyrabbit


    Several other Salon III scents are what I am calling "Clean Florals" which apparently don't contain aquatics or ozone. This is a floral that seems a bit pungent. Something husky or smoky somehow. Very evocative. I smell late summer or early autumn in this. A nice gardening scent. Next to Monna Vanna (and maybe Death and Life Completed ) this is my favorite of the Salon III florals. It's unique. And wearable. Highly recommended.