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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by curlygrrl

  1. curlygrrl


    When I first put it on, I got the most lovely lilac - not sickly sweet lilac like I've smelt before, but the scent that makes me so happy every May. So dreamy and serene - like floating down a river at twilight in the spring - the magical kind of river with no mosquitoes or algae. Then it faded a little, and I started to get the violet and tuberose. And the Palmolive. It's so funny - I never thought of Palmolive as particularly floral, and when I sniff my wrists it doesn't smell anything like soap, but still - I smell like I've coated myself with dish soap.
  2. curlygrrl


    I tried this recently, and loved it - of course, I love almond and incense and all things spicey, so I wasn't really surprised by that. However, the next day I had a nasty blotchy red painful rash on my neck. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what could have caused it until I was putting on the day's scent and almost touched my finger to that exact spot. I suppose it was the cinnamon, but I've used cinnamon oil in other ways, and it never caused a problem. The other pulse points where I applied it didn't seem much affected, though I think the skin of my cleavage was a little irritated. But that blotch on my neck was painful and itchy for days. I think this one is going to have to be admired from afar. Sigh.