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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gargoyle

  1. In the imp - gack, floral perfume! Something you'd get while walking through a department store.


    Wet - whew, it's mellowing out a little. I think I smell jasmine, gardenia, and lillies.


    Dry - a little soapy but not in a bad way.


    Bottom line - I got this as a frimp and I don't see myself replacing it once it runs out. It's a nice perfume but it doesn't seem to be as unique as the other BPAL scents I've tried.

  2. In the imp: baby powder, rose,jasmine, and other florals I can't pick out. It's a sickeningly sweet floral.

    On my wrists: the baby powder disappears, thank goodness. The rose is still dominant, but I think I amp rose. Jasmine is a close 2nd.

    Dry: not getting the honey notes that other people have mentioned. It reminds me of a rose scented soap I had. I'm sure it's lovely, but not for me.

  3. In the bottle - my first impression was super bitter dark chocolate and a hint of orange. I don't smell blood or smoke at all.


    Wet - oh THERE'S the blood & smoke! Hi, vetiver! Whoa.


    Dry - Definitely smoky but I can't really identify anything else. There's a sweet note to this that keeps it from being too terrifying. Sometimes I still smell chocolate, sometimes I smell slightly charred meat. :lol:

  4. In the bottle - vetiver and patchouli, maybe a bit of balsam and horseradish.

    Wet - vetiver, patchouli, and clove.

    Dry - the bergamot and orange come out and turns this into an intoxicating, dark, spicy floral. This screams "seduction" to me and I don't know why.


    I don't get a ton of balsam or myrrh from this. I don't smell the horseradish at all, but I feel the sinus-clearing fumes I associate with horseradish.


    I love the way it morphs. I think I've noticed more changes in Harpy than in any other BPAL oil I have so far.

  5. This ends up smelling like vanilla and chocolate. I'll keep it around for a while to see how it ages, but it really doesn't make me feel sensual or sexy. I feel more like I ought to be sticky from eating some sort of gooey dessert.

  6. In the imp: A nice blend of patchouli, coconut, and vanilla. The patchouli is a little strong, but it's mellowed nicely by the sweetness.


    wet: same as above but slightly woodier


    dry: this smells like an autumn campfire with a touch of sweetness & spice. LOVE!


    It's bottle worthy. I can see this being my go-to scent for fall/winter.

  7. In the imp: This really is a blend of my beloved Voodoo and lillies.


    Wet: More spicy floral, less of the amaretto sweetness I associate with Voodoo.


    Dry: Still a spicy floral that's gone ever so slightly soapy. Not a bad soapy... it's one that makes me feel like I've been relaxing in a really lovely bubble bath. Languid.


    I don't usually wear florals, but I think I'll hang on to this one.

  8. Wet - A sweet musky floral. Looks like this is one of the heavier scents I've tried.

    Drydown - The dragon's blood and amber are coming out more, the floral has faded a bit (yay!). A few people have used the word "languid" and I have to agree. I feel powerful, like I could crush you with my tail but I'm too busy basking at the moment.

  9. In the bottle: floral, kinda fruity, kinda perfumey.

    Wet: Piney, which I guess is the neroli

    Drying: Still mostly neroli but more orange is coming out.

    Dry: Hints of berry but it's not sickeningly sweet. It's also gotten a little powdery.


    This is a very nice summery fragrance & I'm glad I got it as a frimp because I probably wouldn't order it based on the description... I tend to favor the evergreen vetiver scents. I'll have to try it a few more times before deciding on whether to get a big bottle.

  10. Hey, my first review!


    I really wanted to love Wanda. The description sounded lovely, the reviews were mostly positive... unfortunately, it just didn't work on me. My first impression when I opened the imp was of Robitussin, which I guess that was the merlot. Wet, I got a faint whiff of leather, lots of 'tussin, and lots of rose. Dry, it was overwhelmingly rose. Nothing sexy or sultry about it.
