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Posts posted by neptuneanblues

  1. Any recommendations for scents similar to Lush's Karma or Rose Jam? Preferably GC

    I'd suggest searching in this whole topic of Lush comparisons. I did a search within the topic on "rose jam" (using the quotations) and there were several results. It would be even easier to search that topic for Karma since that is just one word!


    My personal GC suggestion for Rose Jam would be Spellbound, but YMMV. :)

  2. I don't usually write reviews, but there were none for this one, so I'll give it a try...

    ... to me this smells like beeswax-scented carpet, or like a slightly-sweet version of "new car smell."


    *EDITED* to add:

    I actually love beeswax and dust in BPAL scents, that's why I tried this initially... and was disappointed that it didn't smell much like either of those things on me. Skin chemistry is a funny thing, y'know!

  3. So glad the Hollywood Babylon blind bottle worked for you, Kalastrophe! Glad you've found some other stuff that works well too. Out of those, Tombstone is one of my favorite BPALs ever, and this thread has me thinking I need to re-visit Golden Priapus as I had a bottle when I first started out on the forum but re-homed it... maybe it'd work out better for me these days....

  4. I love coconut!


    Obatala turns to sour milk on me, makes me sad. I love Elegba, though it's not super coconutty on me, and Red Lantern is amazing, but again not coconutty. I have Eden, Goblin, Brown Jenkins and Roses, Pearls and Diamonds on my "to try" list, and possibly Death Adder. Am I missing anything? Any new scents that are coconutty?

    Body, Remember is not especially new, but is really coconutty. Ivory Vulva is from this year and also fits the bill.

  5. CT Oriental #206 was an interesting ride. I don't think I've ever experienced a cedar topnote before (it evaporated within the first 5 minutes or so, whereas usually I amp it more than other notes), but it definitely has one. Then it goes a little in the hairspray/bugspray floral direction for a short time, finally setting in as a sort of light creamsicle-vanilla, possibly with a bit of floral or amber support. Overall maybe it's a little like Pallas Athene, because that has a similar drydown on me.

  6. Alright, I have never written a review in my several years of BPAL-ing, so here goes nothing...


    My Animalic is #90. This is a fresh-out-of-the-mailbox impression, I'll edit and add more if I notice significant changes or nuances.


    This is kind of like "Streets of Smokestack" (the GC Smokestack plus the OLLA Streets of Detroit), or sort of like a slightly soapier and less sweet Streets of Detroit plus a rubbery note. I do kinda like it but it might be a little funky for actual wear. The oil is super dark and the bottle is super-full. I think I'm going to see if my husband wants it, because he liked Streets of Detroit but thought it was over-sweet (which is fine, more for me!).


    *EDIT* So luckily my husband likes this and it also smells way better on him than it does on me. On him, I can identify that this definitely has red musk in it. It's great stuff, it just works better with his skin chemistry than it does mine. :smilenod:




    Still looking for GC scents that could act as substitutes for Count Dracula! I've gotten some nice suggestions, but looking for others as well. Tried Nosferatu- I'm on the fence about it- on me it was very different, and was great until the very last stage where I think it went a little powdery- though I am going to try it again, to make sure it wasn't a fluke or that it wasn't still in travel shock. I also have some Dracul on the way, hopefully.





    Anyone have anything similar for "The Gentleman" from Yule 2012?

    (A dapper cologne, distant and refined: white musk, lime rind, and rosemary water with tobacco leaf and lilac.)


    After a weird, unpleasant drydown, it turns into a delightful cologne, slightly sweet and herbal and almost candy citrusy. I'd like to recreate it or something similar without hunting it down.


    I already have (and love) Whitechapel, but on me it's primarily powdery white musk. And Dorian and Jareth just turn into a sugary mess on me. No luck with Mr. Nancy either. Maybe Villain?

    Well I haven't smelled the gentlemen, but how about Spider, the convocation or vicomte de valmont?


    Another scent that should be hoarded but alas appears frequently on the sales pages is aubin grandpied bunmanchi. It's amazing in hot summer weather and nice when it gets colder, too.



    Thank you, I haven't tried any of those, and they all sound interesting!


    This perked my ears up! Vicomte de Valmont is my favorite so I am watching everything suggested to you with a lot of interest, haha- a bunch of things being suggested are sounding interesting to me- though your description of Jareth is scaring me- I've been wanting to try that one really badly. I was hoping it wouldn't be as sweet as Dorian.

    Obviously skin chemistry varies from person to person, but I didn't find Jareth to be anywhere near as sweet as Dorian. The leather and oude probably help out quite a bit with that. I actually can't wear Dorian (I think I have a mild allergic reaction to it, my eyes get puffy if I wear it), though I do like it on my husband... but Jareth is one of my favorite BPAL scents.


    Oh! this is good to hear! Though not that you are allergic to Dorian- I'm sorry to hear that! Do you know what note might be giving you an issue?


    I'm going to be trying Dorian again, though last time, all I smelled, and I mean, all I smelled was vanilla cookies and not a hint of the other notes. Jareth sounds more like what I wanted Dorian to be. I'm hunting down a decant if I can because I am new therefore not gutsy enough to just go for a bottle of something unknown. My skin has done some really interesting stuff with BPAL, but it's been picky. I wasn't expecting that.

    Thanks for the explanation of the differences for you between Jareth and Dorian- I love hearing how scents compare and change from person to person.


    Jareth and Dorian were both way too sweet for me. The only similar bergamot scent of that family that works is Theodosius the Legerdemain (from CD)


    And Theodosius went *bandaids* on me so I had to re-home my bottle. Everybody's skin chemistry is different! :)



    Still looking for GC scents that could act as substitutes for Count Dracula! I've gotten some nice suggestions, but looking for others as well. Tried Nosferatu- I'm on the fence about it- on me it was very different, and was great until the very last stage where I think it went a little powdery- though I am going to try it again, to make sure it wasn't a fluke or that it wasn't still in travel shock. I also have some Dracul on the way, hopefully.





    Anyone have anything similar for "The Gentleman" from Yule 2012?

    (A dapper cologne, distant and refined: white musk, lime rind, and rosemary water with tobacco leaf and lilac.)


    After a weird, unpleasant drydown, it turns into a delightful cologne, slightly sweet and herbal and almost candy citrusy. I'd like to recreate it or something similar without hunting it down.


    I already have (and love) Whitechapel, but on me it's primarily powdery white musk. And Dorian and Jareth just turn into a sugary mess on me. No luck with Mr. Nancy either. Maybe Villain?

    Well I haven't smelled the gentlemen, but how about Spider, the convocation or vicomte de valmont?


    Another scent that should be hoarded but alas appears frequently on the sales pages is aubin grandpied bunmanchi. It's amazing in hot summer weather and nice when it gets colder, too.



    Thank you, I haven't tried any of those, and they all sound interesting!


    This perked my ears up! Vicomte de Valmont is my favorite so I am watching everything suggested to you with a lot of interest, haha- a bunch of things being suggested are sounding interesting to me- though your description of Jareth is scaring me- I've been wanting to try that one really badly. I was hoping it wouldn't be as sweet as Dorian.

    Obviously skin chemistry varies from person to person, but I didn't find Jareth to be anywhere near as sweet as Dorian. The leather and oude probably help out quite a bit with that. I actually can't wear Dorian (I think I have a mild allergic reaction to it, my eyes get puffy if I wear it), though I do like it on my husband... but Jareth is one of my favorite BPAL scents.


    Oh! this is good to hear! Though not that you are allergic to Dorian- I'm sorry to hear that! Do you know what note might be giving you an issue?


    I'm going to be trying Dorian again, though last time, all I smelled, and I mean, all I smelled was vanilla cookies and not a hint of the other notes. Jareth sounds more like what I wanted Dorian to be. I'm hunting down a decant if I can because I am new therefore not gutsy enough to just go for a bottle of something unknown. My skin has done some really interesting stuff with BPAL, but it's been picky. I wasn't expecting that.

    Thanks for the explanation of the differences for you between Jareth and Dorian- I love hearing how scents compare and change from person to person.


    No, I don't know what note it is. I've had a similar reaction to a couple of other BPAL scents, but the only one I can remember right now is Okayaki (a past LE), which I really loved but couldn't keep since I couldn't actually wear it. Both scents could conceivably contain bergamot, but I highly doubt I'm allergic to that based on all of the Earl Grey I've consumed in my life (yes, I realize that BPAL's bergamot could be an accord and not actual bergamot though). Anyhow, hope you are able to track down some Jareth to try. :)

  9. Still looking for GC scents that could act as substitutes for Count Dracula! I've gotten some nice suggestions, but looking for others as well. Tried Nosferatu- I'm on the fence about it- on me it was very different, and was great until the very last stage where I think it went a little powdery- though I am going to try it again, to make sure it wasn't a fluke or that it wasn't still in travel shock. I also have some Dracul on the way, hopefully.





    Anyone have anything similar for "The Gentleman" from Yule 2012?

    (A dapper cologne, distant and refined: white musk, lime rind, and rosemary water with tobacco leaf and lilac.)


    After a weird, unpleasant drydown, it turns into a delightful cologne, slightly sweet and herbal and almost candy citrusy. I'd like to recreate it or something similar without hunting it down.


    I already have (and love) Whitechapel, but on me it's primarily powdery white musk. And Dorian and Jareth just turn into a sugary mess on me. No luck with Mr. Nancy either. Maybe Villain?

    Well I haven't smelled the gentlemen, but how about Spider, the convocation or vicomte de valmont?


    Another scent that should be hoarded but alas appears frequently on the sales pages is aubin grandpied bunmanchi. It's amazing in hot summer weather and nice when it gets colder, too.



    Thank you, I haven't tried any of those, and they all sound interesting!


    This perked my ears up! Vicomte de Valmont is my favorite so I am watching everything suggested to you with a lot of interest, haha- a bunch of things being suggested are sounding interesting to me- though your description of Jareth is scaring me- I've been wanting to try that one really badly. I was hoping it wouldn't be as sweet as Dorian.

    Obviously skin chemistry varies from person to person, but I didn't find Jareth to be anywhere near as sweet as Dorian. The leather and oudh probably help out quite a bit with that. I actually can't wear Dorian (I think I have a mild allergic reaction to it, my eyes get puffy if I wear it), though I do like it on my husband... but Jareth is one of my favorite BPAL scents.


    *EDITED* because I accidentally had spelled oudh incorrectly (like the instrument and not the scent).

  10. I would so appreciate a recommendation for something similar to Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille. I love the scent and would wear it every day if it wasn't so incredibly expensive. The vanilla is wonderfully sweet as a base note, but it's also balanced by a smokiness from the tobacco leaf and spice notes. I have been wearing Morocco for a while, but it doesn't have the smoky depth of Tobacco Vanille. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    "Tobacco Vanille Eau de Parfum is a modern take on an old-world men’s club. A smooth oriental, Tobacco Vanille opens immediately with opulent essences of tobacco leaf and aromatic spice notes. The heart unfolds with creamy tonka bean, tobacco flower, vanilla and cocoa and finishes with dry fruit accord enriched with sweet wood sap.

    Notes: ginger, tobacco leaves, anise, coriander, tobacco flower, clove, spices, fruit wood sap, benzoin, vanilla, tonka bean."

    I've never smelled your beloved, but I'm wondering if the Antikythera Mechanism would work, just based on the notes and how you've described it.

  11. I'm thinking of doing a coconut imp pack for my little sister (whom I sometimes call 'coconut princess'). Which 6 GC scents would best show the diversity of coconut? I want at least one everyday type scent and one that's a bit more evening wear. Ideas?


    Black Pearl


    Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds


    (and I'd pick either Shoggoth or Brown Jenkin for the last one, but if those don't sound good to you, there are also Elegba, Shango, and Blood Pearl to consider)


    I think people may have their own ideas about what constitutes "everyday" and "evening wear," but I think either Black Pearl or Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds might fit the bill.


    *EDITED* because I remembered a couple more scents
