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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by asterope

  1. Best Witch EVER <3 I cannot thank you enough again for the gifts, you really went above and beyond everything.

  2. If you need help with anything just let me know! It can take awhile to find your way around but its well worth it :)

  3. instead of getting a full bottle, you can order the smaller vials called 'imps'. It's a cheaper way to get limited edition scents. The lab only offers those in bottles. So instead you join a circle where everyone pitches in for a full bottle then splits it up :)

  4. oh you're sneaky. you figured me out :P

  5. Thanks darling! It went okay, was a long drive though. Hope to get your package out some time this week <3

  6. Unless you have a stockpile of red lace :P but no really I dont need anything in return, just happy someone else can love it.

  7. We need to put that new law into effect that passed here in Colorady... : )
