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BPAL Madness!


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About StarBlind

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench


  • Location
    The twinkle in an old man's eye...
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Morocco in the Pumpkin Patch
  • Favorite Scents
    Scents: the Shadowy & the Sublime, Smut '11, Smut '13, Siberian Musk, Faith, Infernal Lover, Black Lace, Romanti.Goth, Mourning Lace, L'Heure Verte, Black Death, Victorian Rose Milk V.1, Cabaret.Goth, Victoriana.Goth, Vixen, Banshee Beat, Black Heart, Vamp.Goth, Antique Lace, Dolly Keio, Sachs, White Rabbit, Whip, Embalming Fluid, the Unsteady Governess, O, Celeste, CC: Female, Kypris. Herbert West, Womb Furie, Cake Smash v6, Pool of Tears, French Tobacco, Snow White, Marie, Snake Oil, Snake Charmer.. Many, many more I'm neglecting to mention! SWOON NOTES: Vanilla, Tobacco, MUSK MUSK MUSK (espec. Red), Patchouli, Rose, Violet (espec. Sugared/Candied Violet), Tea (Green, White, Black), Incense, Frankincense, Myrrh, Tonka, Smoke, Opium, Orange Blossom, Resin, Honeysuckle, Rose Water, Sugar, Honey, Amber, Leather, Cake, Cream/Milk, Wormwood, Citrus, Sweet Pea, etc...

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Being a dork. Trash culture. History trivia (espec. Victorian/Edwardian). Vintage odds n ends. The ususal: Film, Music, Books, Art... Oh, and obviously the world of sensory delight overload that is BPAL and all things fragrantly alluring (duh!)
  • Mood


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  1. How are you sweetheart ...? :)

    Kisses !

    xxx Luna
