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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by inbigtrouble

  1. inbigtrouble

    Since I seem to need to reiterate it...

    Hey, Beth... I'm sure that you are looking for every way possible to simplify any facet of your life right now, no? I cannot even begin to imagine my entire state of being if I were to have the level of stress that you seem to have in your life :shudder:. That being said, can I say that I don't like the ties on the imps? I find that they get in the way and then they get kind of nappy/stiff as you use the oil more. Is it worth it to you to pay folks to spend lots of time (a fair amount, at least) to do this? Do you think customers would miss the ties a lot/perceive your product differently without them? Can you (or we, collectively) think of another less labor/cost intensive way to add character to the imps? What about pretty, pre-printed sticky labels that could fit lengthwise on the tubes? Just trying to help. I think you already know how much people here respect you, your product, and the challenges you have undertaken!
  2. inbigtrouble

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    Just curious as to how long it takes for people here to use up a 5 ml bottle. How often are you reapplying the oil during the day? Are you using it on skin, or as a room scent, etc.? Hope I am not duplicating another thread... Thanks, guys.
  3. inbigtrouble


    I don't get the lavender from this one at all. I just get *really* strong jasmine notes and a hint of the geranium. That being said, on me this is a light, sweet, clean scent. It doesn't seem to have any staying power for me, though. I really enjoy this one, and I think it is perfect for a beautiful spring day.
  4. inbigtrouble

    Site update in progress. Good & bad news.

    As many others have said, the price increases are absolutely reasonable/warranted. You certainly won't lose my business in the future! The news scents sound heavenly! I am especially stoked on Arcana and Kali. It sounds like the changes that are going to happen are all for the best.