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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Lyn0456

  1. Gosh, I just love stuff like this so maybe I'll give it a try too.


    I'm 26 years old. My zodiac sign is Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Libra Rising! I work night-shift in a lab at a hospital. I really like my job and my co-workers. I've always been kind of a night owl.


    I'm pretty goofy and I can be a little absent minded too. I'm also a little bit shy when I first meet people and I tend to need a lot of "me" time. I love to sleep. Does that count as a hobby? :lol: I'm very much into video games and anime too. For anime, I'll give any genre a chance. For video games I prefer RPGs or simulation type games, but I also really love survival horror games like Silent Hill.


    I love spooky, supernatural type stories. I like reading about astrology, tarot cards, ouija boards, haunted objects/places, strange dreams, all those sorts of things. Halloween is definitely my favorite time of year! I enjoy horror movies as well, although I tend to like more "psychological" horror than the gore type stuff.


    I'll watch any type of movie though, the only genre I gravitate to is horror but I won't reject anything else. Some of my other favorite movies include Back to the Future, The Dark Knight, and Grease. A bit wacky, huh? :lol:


    As far as music goes, I love oldies. The Moody Blues, The Beatles, Tom Petty, and the like. I'm a HUGE U2 fan. I also love Muse and Keane.


    I like to dress and smell nice. I love jewelry, mostly pendants and rings. I'm a red head, and I like to keep my hair long.


    As far as perfume goes my most favorite BPALs are Queen Mab, Roses Pearls & Diamonds, and Phantom Queen. The notes I like the most tend to be fruits and florals! I love rose the most! Orchid seems to do well on my skin too. I love pomegranate, grape, and apple. Really, I'll give any fruit or floral a try. I don't really like "dark" musks, but I've found BPAL blends that have "white" musk in them play very nice on my skin. I don't mind lemon scents either, but I'm not crazy about orange.


    Haha, this was longer than I intended! But a lot of fun! I hope you guys can recommend some things for me that I may have over looked on my own search through BPAL.


    I'm only about a month and a half into BPAL stuffs, but I'll give this a shot! We actually have a few 'likes' in common - i.e. the paranormal and psychological horror. I'm a biiiig horror fan - but like you, not so much into the gore. As far as our scent likes go, I'm pretty opposite to you!

    Have you tried Encroaching Madness? It's an... odd smell on me, but I feel that it captures the 'creepy' side of my personality and I like it every now and then! It also has some floral aspects (on me, at least) and I think you might like it. Deep Rose is another one of my favorite imps - it's very, VERY rosey on me, so when I'm feeling particularly gloomy I put it on to try and pep up my mood. Maybe you'd enjoy that? I'm also a redhead, and for the redhead side of me, I like Robotic Scarab. It also puts me in the mindframe of psychological horror (and steampunk, obviously) so you might enjoy it!




    As for me, I'm a 22 year old college student in Asheville, NC (also known as hippieville). I'm a Psychology major but that's mostly to cover my butt in case I decide to not go into teaching Special Education like I intend. I'm a redhead (as mentioned above) and I definitely have the temper to go along with the hair color. I am a total sweetheart for the most part, though, but it doesn't take much to set me off. I forgive too easily. I'm a HUGE horror fan and I go ghost hunting on a regular basis :] I have a very, very close group of friends who I would lay down my life for in a split second. I've been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years and she's the best - she's pretty much my nuttier counterpart and always surprises me with what goes on in her mind. I love music and drama; I used to write alot but I realized I'm not that great at it and it doesn't make me that happy anymore. I consider myself to be vaguely bohemian, in a very lazy way :P I love candy scents/sweet scents and I'm a gourmand fan to the max. I'm not a fan of moss/grave smells (they smell like cat pee on me) or choco scents (also cat pee.) I love clothes and makeup and psychology :] I'm very girly but also love a good pair of sweatpants on an off day.

    Oh, and I have two black cats, Lorelei (Bitty) and Gus, who are the love of my life (aside from the fiancee, obviously!)


    Any recs for me?

    Also, would it be okay for me to post some for my friends, to get ideas for Christmas presents? :]
