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Posts posted by melusine

  1. My favorite happy/spirit-lifting scents:


    Amsterdam (just so fresh and light)

    Has No Hanna (it's supposed to be an uplifting scent, and it really works, very bright smelling if that makes sense)

    Hermia and Pepper (I find pink pepper is a very cheerful note)


  2. I recently discovered Tulzscha and it's wonderful! But also horribly difficult to find more of. :P I'm going to keep my eye out for it, but in the meantime, anyone know any GC scents that smell similar?


    I used the lab search engine and found that the only current scent with cucumber is just cucumber (the Squirting Cucumber one) and most of the mint scents have florals in them. Envy sounds like it might be the closest... Any suggestions would be most welcome!

  3. The main thing I've been searching for is a good forest scent. There are some pine-y blends I haven't tried yet that sound good, but I'd also like more of a deciduous forest scent--green leaves, oaks and maples... I've tried some of the common recommendations, like Hamadryad and Yggdrasil, but they faded fast and didn't smell very foresty on me. Anything with much flowers or fruits, those tend to dominate the forest smells, also. I just want forest, nothing else! :P Well, a tiny bit of floral might be okay.


    Any ideas for an ultimate non-evergreen forest scent?

  4. In the imp: dark, watery, a little tang of vetiver.


    First on: Wow, the vetiver really jumps out, dark and a little bit burning, a little wood, and some soft, somewhat sweet musky undertones.


    Dry: This faded on me so fast. I only put it on an hour ago and I can hardly smell it with my nose pressed to my wrist. :P Just a hint of that sweet musky smell, and a faint whiff of that burn-y vetiver.

  5. My favourite cinnamon scent is Wrath--which I find is better for fall/winter, a little heavy (or hot? :P ) for spring/summer.


    My favourite scent overall is the sadly discontinued Tarot: The World, which has a nice hint of cinnamon in it, too. It's balanced enough that I wear it all year 'round. :D
