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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by devotchkadebones

  1. Your avatar! What a gorgeous photo. Love cats.

  2. Hi - just wanted to let you know that I've messaged you. Apparently my messages aren't going through sometimes right now for some reason; if this one hasn't, I'll give you my email.


  3. From the L Word? No, but I do love her! Actually, it's Brody Dalle, from the bands Spinnerette and the Distillers :D

  4. ty, forum.

    The rest of my comments, as I'm sure you can infer, was: "chose Pastafarianism."

    Seeing as a character limit function, I am baffled as to why this forum cuts off profile comments. It seems a little arbitrary.

  5. I've never met anyone active in the furry community. That's so interesting! I don't think that there's much activity on that front in Australia; we're pretty boring around here.

    Also, I love this: "Pastafarian elements."

    Last year, for one of my Philosophy classes, we had to do an essay/project on a religion. I, ever the eternal smart ass,...

  6. Oh, sorry. Your nickname :]

  7. Aww, does it have a story behind it?

    I used to have a septum piercing until a few months ago. I miss it :( I adore lip piercings, though; they're probably my favourite.

  8. Patches is such a cute name! I'll happily be your forum buddy. It would also seem we have similar taste in notes, so maybe we can be scent buddies, too.

    I can't quite tell in your avatar - do you have a labret piercing, or a vertical labret?

  9. Ohh, does it keep cutting comments off? Aha.

  10. Oh, the network totally screwed Joss over, no doubt. They did the airing-things-out-of-order thing with 'Dollhouse', too. How could you possibly expect it to get an audience when they don't even know what's happening?! And they kept changing the times it was aired, too. Eugh.

    So I never introduced myself! Hi :) I'm Jennifer. And it's lovely to (e)meet...

  11. I understand what you mean - rewatching 'Buffy', it wasn't as amazing as I though it was when I was younger, but I think at the time a lot of it was actually quite innovative. 'Firefly', though... oh, it was incredible. I find it so difficult to watch now, though, because it was just *that* amazing. I will never understand how that show was axed.

  12. Oh my gosh, you like Joss Whedon?! I started watching 'Buffy' when I was six, and it remains to this day one of my favourite shows (I think 'Firefly' beats it, though). That man is a veritable genius.
