I like to think of myself as kinda of a bad ass and it kinda reflects in the oils I gravitate toward. I have gotten some woodsy and tobaccoy masculine oil (ie Mad Hatter, Antikythera Mechanism,Fenris Wolf) but I don’t like them. They end up reminding me of hippies and head shops, which works for others but not me. In the end, deep down, I think I’m more a powdery 80 year old dowager than a bad ass. My favorites always turn out to be frimps from the floral/amber/oriental scent family and resembled something like a heady, warm traditional perfume. My favs are Haunted and Morocco.
I’m ordering again (no surprise) and I would REALLY like some advice!!If your taste is like mines, skewing towards spicy, warm florals, please tell me what your absolute FAVORITE(s) is (preferably from the more readily available GC). It would also be great if the dowager was able to pull off combat boots or sexy stilettos with her frilly dress and osteoporosis, if you know what I mean.