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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by katrink

  1. Omg only 12 or so hours till the pink car is mine!!!!!!!

  2. Omg True Blood was amazing!!!

  3. omg... for the last hour I just got lost in the vortex known as Wikipedia..


  5. only 30 more pages to go!

  6. Ono time to beat up Greg g-Bo booz

  7. Out of all the things we could have legitimately rioted about over the past year, from metered Internet Caps to introduction of HST to G20 Police brutality, losing a hockey game is what got the riots going? So embarrassing.

  8. pooka pooka keeps staring at me all weird... I think she is trying to steal my soul.

  9. Purgatory is vacuuming a Reno house

  10. Reason #995 of why I dislike children and don't want any. Went to sephora for their black Friday sale, the perfume I wanted was sold out. A lady was just about to put a box of it back and I said, "ohh I will take that if you dont want it". She sets it on my palm and this stupid 10 year old grabs it from my hand. I called her a little shit, and she ran off smirking. Teach your loaves manners people.

  11. Rocky Horror this weekend who is coming with to the laaaateee night doubleeee feature picture shoooooowww? I wannnna gooooooo oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhh

  12. RSVP Comments = Comedy Gold

  13. Screw you all I will get am own coffee. ;)

  14. Should have just parked at Skyview and walked to cosco it would have been closer.

  15. Snippity dooo daaaaa

  16. so much for going to bed....

  17. so much keg foodz yummmz

  18. So the dude from unsolved mysteries works at the law courts.

  19. Sooooooooooooo much stuffffff to do yet.

  20. St. Albert Walmart smells like feces..

  21. Starbucks I love you more then food.
