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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by katrink

  1. 15% Off Tuesday at Save On Wooooooo

  2. Magical hotdog deposit done!

  3. If any one likes nickelodeon floam then come on over to the house and scrape the walls with me.

  4. Foam balls in ma pants, Foam balls in ma pants, Foam balls in ma pants, Foam balls in ma pants.

  5. Mmmm tassimo, I zombie lover you.

  6. Angie Leshures Molars Pete Mitchell Thomas Chichak Mike Barry Sandy Joe KarpetzThe fright dome has been booked for all of you on the 31st MuhWhahAHhahHAha

  7. Starbucks I love you more then food.


  9. Thank you all for coming.. I still feel drunk. I need haz coffee...

  10. Northern lights are out tonight. :)

  11. Cutting Cutting Cutting

  12. Sooooooooooooo much stuffffff to do yet.


  14. Cat bum in Mike's face, Cat bum in Mike's face, Cat bum in Mike's face.

  15. Anyone who had a camera and has halloween wedding photos preaseee send them to me! katie@bonded-design.com If you have lots zip them and send via https://www.wetransfer.com/

  16. and finally off to bed. :) I work hard for ma money... sooooo hard for ma money. I work hard for ma money to buy giant sunglassesssssss.....

  17. Sungrasses wheeeeere areeee youuuuuuuuu.......

  18. Lighting at homo depot 30%-50% I just added another chandelier to the collection.

  19. Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes... except if your kt who needs at least an hour of solitaire or bejewled to turn off zee brain.

  20. makkkking magical logos in ma pajamas.

  21. Drinking magical cofffeeeee cause it's ma life source. Got in some clothes toooooooo.

  22. Hurray! My parents found my missing sunglasses!

  23. Reason #995 of why I dislike children and don't want any. Went to sephora for their black Friday sale, the perfume I wanted was sold out. A lady was just about to put a box of it back and I said, "ohh I will take that if you dont want it". She sets it on my palm and this stupid 10 year old grabs it from my hand. I called her a little shit, and she ran off smirking. Teach your loaves manners people.
