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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by katrink

  1. is tired and not going to work anymore tonight...

  2. Is waiting to be de-veined.

  3. is wondering why her 7 day smoke free lungs hurt more now then when she smoked.

  4. It smells like the inside of a keeper outside.

  5. It's 12:30! That means its time to eat parmesan cheese with a spoon time! Woooooo

  6. Just finished bootcamp at el' asshole fitness and leisure center.

  7. Just herded baby ducks and their mom off the boulevard of 137 street. Everyone is alive and well.

  8. Just ran I loveeeeee my shooooooooooes!

  9. just realized iphoto has it's own trash can.. and I have never emptied it... Goodbye 2793 photos..


  11. Last call for AA order.

  12. Let the closet war begin!

  13. Lighting at homo depot 30%-50% I just added another chandelier to the collection.

  14. listening to old Ukrainian music and cutting vinyl.

  15. Lovin John Dixon on slice right now!

  16. Magical hotdog deposit done!

  17. Makin magical Easter eggs and watching cartoon Beetlejuice!

  18. makkkking magical logos in ma pajamas.

  19. meetings meetings meetings

  20. miso just used my head as a landing pad... not cool.
