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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by katrink

  1. Just ran I loveeeeee my shooooooooooes!

  2. Stoopid mobile fb I hate you

  3. damn you to hell time machine.

  4. Feed me cheese lots of cheese cheese all over me cheese cheese I love you

  5. so much keg foodz yummmz

  6. Dreamt that people were tying to eat her fingers... Stupid Champix

  7. Is going to go buy welding tickets at walmart


  9. Happy Birthday Mowmow!

  10. Is off to the old house

  11. Why Internet is so expensive:"Data bits are finite, we lost 5 good men mining them last month, you gotta charge more than the 0.03 to 0.10 they actually cost, Jimmy had a wife and son to look after, now they have NOTHING!"

  12. Is so angry... What the hell Canada?? WTH???

  13. Is waiting to be de-veined.

  14. Is feeling trailer trashy today.

  15. Hates opposite land...

  16. holy hell I just cut off my finger tip....

  17. Just finished bootcamp at el' asshole fitness and leisure center.

  18. Rocky Horror this weekend who is coming with to the laaaateee night doubleeee feature picture shoooooowww? I wannnna gooooooo oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhh

  19. Zombie fish is really dead!!!

  20. Ono time to beat up Greg g-Bo booz

  21. Has rice in places where there shouldn't be rice.
