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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by katrink

  1. Cutting Cutting Cutting

  2. damn you to hell time machine.


  4. Dear Apple,Thank you for being so painless to deal with.

  5. Dear Vancouver, it's Boston Pizza's fault they jinxed it.

  6. Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes... except if your kt who needs at least an hour of solitaire or bejewled to turn off zee brain.

  7. Did you know veins look like cooked spaghetti?

  8. Do as I say but not as I do.

  9. Does anyone know if fresh garden peas have made it to the farmers market on whyte?

  10. Does someone remember sending me an email about calling someone else for design work? My mail and my phone ate it and I can't remember their name.

  11. Dreamt that people were tying to eat her fingers... Stupid Champix

  12. Drinking magical cofffeeeee cause it's ma life source. Got in some clothes toooooooo.

  13. Erin Welsh-Hoge is touching my kitties

  14. Feed me cheese lots of cheese cheese all over me cheese cheese I love you

  15. finally poisoned herself with a home remedy..

  16. Finished the car so itill beee the best day ever toooooomorrrrrrrow!

  17. Foam balls in ma pants, Foam balls in ma pants, Foam balls in ma pants, Foam balls in ma pants.

  18. Goodbye craptacular Edmonton summer. You ripped us off so there is not much to miss. Send your brother next year he is way hotter then you.

  19. goodbye ickybosh fish, you were gross, but I still loved you.

  20. Happy Birthday Mowmow!

  21. has 1 hour and 20 minutes till purgatory.

  22. has a brain hurtz.. stupid head.

  23. has a whole bag of angries.
