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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by katrink

  1. yay! for backrubs at Alpha Body Care !

  2. is archiving BPAL.

  3. W00t zombie musical movie at st. Albert theater here I come!

  4. has a brain hurtz.. stupid head.

  5. neeeeeds coffffeee STAT!

  6. Mmmmmmm zombie apocalypse

  7. has 1 hour and 20 minutes till purgatory.

  8. Is listening to old people talk about how expensive chicken mcnuggets are..

  9. Oh starbucks how I love thee!

  10. has a whole bag of angries.

  11. cooooofffffeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  12. What is it with MTVs teen moms and their lack of sheets on the bed?

  13. Has fresh eyebrows.

  14. is wondering why her 7 day smoke free lungs hurt more now then when she smoked.

  15. 24 HOURS TILL SKULLZZZ... oh yea and angies wedding... ;)

  16. almost done working!!!

  17. Does someone remember sending me an email about calling someone else for design work? My mail and my phone ate it and I can't remember their name.

  18. finally poisoned herself with a home remedy..

  19. want's sushi pizza!
