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Michele my belle

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Posts posted by Michele my belle

  1. I totally agree with Edens Sixth Day and I'm surprised that there aren't more reviews for this scent yet. This is what I had hoped Snow White would be.


    The snowdrift here is a cool, not minty, gorgeous vanilla with juicy red winter berries and the slightest touch of something herbal(I imagine the leaves on the berries). The throw on this scent is not huge, but it is so lovely, sweet(not cloying) and cool(temperture-wise :lol:).


    Fantastic winter blend and very evocative.

  2. At first I get the holly with a foody-sweetness backing it up. I think that Holly make me thing of christmas candles [since I've never smelled real holly :(] but it isn't a negative association since Christmas candles make me think of Christmas!


    The fig comes out in drydown to mingle with the Holly, making the blend very sweet. It is not very foody on me, but rather fruity, feminine and supersweet. [For the record my skin makes everything it can very sweet.]

  3. I was surprised by The Soldier.

    When I sniffed the imp, it was all yummy red musk, my love.

    I was thinking "Psssh. People are getting anise! Hah! No way!"


    Then I put it on and.... :eek: .

    Wishful thinking does not erase the smell of anise.


    Now, I have a theory that the red musk and leather together create the faux anise smell because I only catch it sometimes. Or maybe there is actually anise, either way it is there.


    It is not as creamy/leathery as I had thought, maybe with some age.

  4. Evil incarnate. Revel in your dark side with this romantically cruel scent. Contains red patchouli and vetivert.

    Okay, I'm trying this just to be fair since I know that it is important that the bpal touches the skin....but!

    In imp: WHY!? Why must it touch the skin? :lol:
    smells like...bacon. sweaty feet and bacon.

    here goes...tinyest dot ever.

    wet: now I smell like meats, salted smoked ham. While that is :yum:, I can't say it is what I prefer to smell like.

    dry: I just can't pick up how the vetiver is planty...I just keep getting more of the same.

  5. Thin, dark, and shadowed. A scent that offers no sustenance, comfort or satiety: lemon peel, white sage, frankincense, lavender fougere, sandalwood, vetiver and labdanum.

    I find this scent very hard to describe, it is well blended.

    In the imp: I smell something like cinnamon first, but I think that is my nose interpreting the mix of sage and frankincense. (*shrugs*)
    Its herbal and sweet, and makes me think of warm skin...which is bizarre because the citrus notes seem cool. This scent seems very paradoxical to me.

    Wet (slather, slather, slather): smells like frankincense...and sage..and a little of the citrus...all together it makes something incredible.

    dry: words really escape me with this.It is pretty, kind of sweet, but not in a friendly way. It is a very close to the skin type of scent, but it didn't fade away on me quickly (I did slather). It is slightly spicy but the citrus keeps it in check, and it is not foody in the least.

    This is blended so well, that I forget the name...I want it to be some new SN like..."golden skin musk", if that doesn't exist already. :lol:

    I think if you like frankincense, this is worth a try.

  6. This is smoky, woody autumnal love.

    Totally agree with Invidiana here.


    In the bottle it smells like pretty straight patchouli sweetened a little by the honey.

    I haven't used it in the shower yet...but I did put it in my hair and use it on my skin.


    It made my hair patchouli scented which has gradually faded into this very soft honey.

    Put some on my arms, and it smells like very sweet, woody honey at first (I think I amp honey) but quickly becomes very "woody" like others mentioned.


    It is beautiful and strong, but should probably be used in moderation around those you think may not love patchouli as much as you. :)

  7. This is my first soap by Villainess and my first BPTP soap.


    To me, this smells like freshly cut-into apples tempered by the faint smell of outdoors/dry leaves. (sorry still training nose!)

    Its like being in the middle of an apple grove in fall with dead leaves and fallen apples.


    I was worried that it would be drying, since my skin is very dry and soap almost always dries my skin out...but the only thing I feel is clean. :joy:


    Faint scent left behind--which is perfect for layering other scents.

    When I came into my room after showering my roommate immediately asked if we could go get apple cider. :lol:




  8. Special thanks to Indigo getting to try this one!! :wub2:


    In the bottle: very sweet, like spun, fluffy sugar (plain ol' white kind)


    wet on skin: vanilla!! and sugar. still smells fluffy and dry...not foody, just very sweet.


    dry: sweet sweet dry leather. maybe leather from a cow which subsided on a diet of spun sugar. :lol: a touch of vanilla in there. at the end of the inhale I get something metallic, so faint that it makes you :huh?: --but in a good way. It is a very mysterious metallic note.


    I think that this scent is very consistent throughout dry-down...it just gets fainter. Very light throw (personal) and short wear length (all but gone after 3 hours).


    I like the scent enough that I will wear just to smell myself! It warrants re-application.

  9. Curiouser and curiouser. Milk and honey with rose, carnation and bergamot.

    I was super excited that Alice was one I chose for my first imp pack.
    In the imp it smells like milk with something a little spicy but girly (carnation?)

    Wet, its all milk and honey.
    Then, as it dries the spiciness starts to come out, and as its getting better :eek: baby powder. like sour baby powder, if that is even possible. whyyyyy! :rantrave:

    I'm guessing this is an instance of bad skin chemistry. I wanted to love it.

    ETA: Tried it a few more times, and each I liked it more. Maybe I needed to let it settle (this happened with a few others as well)

  10. This is my first review...I'm sure my nose still needs much training, but I'll do my best!


    in the (lab-fresh) imp: Smells like DIRT! Its a sharp dirt smell, like newly turned, moist dirt--and strong. There's something sweet (the roses?), but it is extremely faint.


    wet on skin: Still the same dirt, and just as sharp, but a little sweeter.


    after 5 minutes: I can definitely smell the roses now, and the dirt has calmed down a little. At this point I can kind of pick out the notes that are listed. This smells exactly how its described.


    15 minutes: I can smell it on my arm as I type this, so it has some throw. Its harder to pick apart the notes now, since the dirt has kind of faded into the background and lost that "sharpness". I would describe it as feminine and earthy, it seems....gentle, and pretty. I think that someone who didn't know it was dirt might not recognize that immediately once its dry.


    Overall, I think its lovely, and I plan on seeing if it grows on me. :)


    ETA: upon retrying, rose was too much. my skin must amp it. oh, well.
