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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ofthegood

  1. When your pants come with a dog tag instead of a regular tag, you know they're going to be BAD ASS. Pun originally not intended, I swear.

  2. I wish I could put the chip from my smartcard badge into a ring and punch doors open.

  3. I am so unhappy that I got my sleep removed. Maybe Wolfram & Hart will put it back.

  4. Still no luggage from @United. It arrived at SNA at 9:45AM and was supposed to go out for delivery. 12 hours later... nothing.

  5. I'm just not going to question why one of the new socks I bought last night at Target has a Crackerjack (?!?!??) smashed on the inside. o_0

  6. Very disappointed with @United's baggage tracing. Savvy-seeming system... no useful information, no way to talk to a person.

  7. Desperate pre-trip audio needs had us running to @radioshack 3 towns over that the site said was open til 10. It wasn't. Very disappointing.

  8. The best part of that video is hearing very faintly that someone else nearby is playing it as a result of my tweet. :D

  9. I'm not sure if the subtle Sauron nod in this ad makes me want to drink this more... or less: http://t.co/oY3QAMiY

  10. Our alarm clock has a DST button that's superfluous (and sort of dangerous) except for two days each year. I gleefully pressed it today!

  11. Once you start looking for things that look like Sauron, EVERYTHING looks like Sauron, and you can't unsee it.

  12. New post up on lookslikesauron: One does not simply portal into Mordor. http://t.co/MTymjkcm

  13. This is awesome! RT @angela_la_la: This octopus video will charm the pants off ya. http://t.co/CLImFUq2 #octoburglar

  14. I'm very disappointed that the @Vosges truffle idea contest requires a superfluous Facebook account. Love the chocolate, dislike this trend.

  15. No, that's not snow: the photographs from Australia's post-flood wolf spider apocalypse are super-creepy. http://t.co/zxKFh931

  16. Rockin' it early 90s style in the office in a hooded flannel shirt that I've owned since Kurt Cobain was still alive.

  17. There's a box of NASA stuff headed to #JoCoCruiseCrazy - hope you seamonkeys have epic dark skies and use the stuff for astronomy fun! :D

  18. Disgusted by the actions of USPP against #occupydc. Disgusted by the bald-faced lies & rampant misinformation. Watching nervously today.

  19. Also love how police are destroying tents at #OccupyDC... and putting up their own tents.

  20. If you were an empathic vampire who felt the pain of every victim... why quit drinking human blood when you could just take away their pain?

  21. Thank you to all of my friends and family who voted for me. I'm sad that a bunch of them didn't count, no matter what you tried.

  22. Yay, my FrankenDie votes are finally going up and not down! Don't know how many I've lost... and someone else is catching up, fast. :\

  23. BTW, if you vote in the FrankenDie creature contest, let me know what # you are. Votes have been counting down and disappearing entirely.

  24. Last day to vote for my Mad Scientists' Guild creature entry! IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: http://t.co/zGhL0wlj

  25. Worked out a screen-accurate pattern for the Rubik's Cube tissue box cover on #bigbangtheory. It has 11 orange squares on its 5 sides. Hmm.
