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Posts posted by darlingdiva27

  1. Initial Impression: mossy, dry, with a hint of floral in the background


    On Wet: green and lightly floral


    On Dry: a softer green, the floral is a little more prominent


    Final Impression: still debating on whether I like this or not. I think I'll put it away to age for a bit and try it again.


    Rating (on a scale from 1-5): 3 (for now)

  2. In the imp: mmmmmmm :D pink grapefruit with a hint of pink lime, nectarine and patchouli


    Wet: smells kinda like candy, but also really sweet citrus with a hint of florals, patchouli, and musk


    Drydown: The grapefruit and lime has pretty much disappeared, leaving a :lovestruck: WONDERFUL :lovestruck: scent of rose, patchouli, musk, and a light hint of sage. Its fresh and sweet and my new pick-me-up-scent.


    :heart: 4.5/5 :heart: on my scale!! I can see myself purchasing a big bottle in the future!!

  3. This is my first real post so here goes:


    I'm a personal chef, aspiring photographer, and lover of all things old. I'm a southern belle. My two favorite places in the world are New Orleans and New York City. I'm of german and irish decent. I'm 5 ft 3, with long wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm very curvy, and proud of it (confident).

    When I'm not cooking, I spend my day curled up with my husband, reading a book, painting, photography, or catching up with friends and family online. Some describe me as "cute" and "sweet". I'll be the first to try anything new. I tend to speak before I think, and I'm hard-headed. I over-analyze things. I worry over everything. I am a Taurus, and the description truly fits me. I'm very loyal to those I love and care for.

    I'm very close to my family and although I dont have a whole lot of friends, those I do have mean the world to me. I'm also very close to my sorority sisters (Beta Sigma Phi-Louisiana Kappa Psi Chapter!!).

    I'm a sucker (no pun intended) for vampire stories. I also love spending my days (with my hubby and friends) touring old plantations, New Orleans, antique shops, etc. I collect cookbooks, and old cookbooks are my favorite. I also love pin-up style. I love tattoos and have several.

    I like clean scents, and strongly dislike foody scents. I also love exotic smells. Vanilla is an okay scent, just not too strong (my body chemistry really brings out any vanilla notes). I also would like something for those times I'm in one of those dark, sultry, confident moods.


    Thanks so much!!
