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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by AlphaB1tch

  1. The semester is over, FUCK YEAH!

  2. sérieux pk c si dur trouver les heures d'ouverture du starbucks à coté de l'uni? j'vais devoir aller dans la NEIGE juste pour voir.

  3. Tweeting from my phone, bitches!

  4. was at the tim burton exposition in toronto and figured out who's style @gublernation drawings remind me of :P

  5. this week, steam, bpal and bptp combine their strenghts and kill my wallet.


    #ebz A sinister fungal wilderness by the river. The Department of Menace Eradication subcontracts... http://fallenlondon.com/c/420097



    #ebz This far underground, there are no natural lights. There are distant phosphorescent things i... http://fallenlondon.com/c/416150


  8. Bored out of my mind. Scared shitless. What should I do.

  9. Starting a working out program tomorrow. Curious, anxious and all around pretty excited. Bring it!

  10. coup de fatigue terrible. désagréable.


    #ebz the Starveling Cat! the Starveling Cat! it likes your bones! it prefers your fat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/357211



    #ebz Ask Madame Shoshana to cast your horoscope. We all know those aren’t stars in the roof of th... http://fallenlondon.com/c/354130


  13. No-one has heard of the street - or is prepared to admit it. But apparently an unusual young woma... http://fallenlondon.com/c/351280

  14. I'M HUNGRY AGAIN. Why? +_+;

  15. Got to go fetch a mystery package tomorrow. Wonder what's in it? hopefully soap or perfume.

  16. people are annoying and ... annoying.

  17. Autumn. Nostalgia, rain, dead leaves, wind, bittersweet memories, Halloween, mist and longing for a glimpse of the past.

  18. My Twitter Rank is "Student". What's your Rank? http://twit-rank.com #TwitRank

  19. annnnd MOGRA rocks again (#MOGRA live at http://ustre.am/buwj )
