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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by AlphaB1tch

  1. To me, this is very musky (black musk? or red? I'm not sure), a bit of blood, and some sort of a dirt/dust note, that blends to the background with time. The frostiness takes a while to come on and it's very subtle but it's there to subdue the musk slightly.


    My fav BPAL so far.

  2. Red musk & rose. What the? I haven't read rose in any descriptions but it's pretty much the only thing I can smell. I can also smell some Sassafras. It goes powdery but in a good way (most perfumes do that on me anyway). Anyways this is very floraly with an hint of spice.


    Might be my fav BPAL so far.

  3. Wh... what the hell?


    That about sums up my thoughts.


    I couldn't wait to try this because it seemed SO awesome. I mean, seriously, all the scents listed sounded great! Red currant I love, mandarin, pumpkin.. I do not know the smell of quince but I expect it is something I would enjoy... Blueberries are awesome, ginger, green tea... and vanilla is easily one of my favorite scents.


    I am not very familiar with Frankincense, but I expected it to be one, faint in this blend, and two, that it would smell something like myrrh.


    Tonka I know is supposed to smell like vanilla, almond, etc...


    And vetiver I had never smelled.


    So there is something I hate hate hate in this blend (and I have a super-easy-to-please skin so I doubt it's me amping up something weird... I smell it in the bottle as well anyways..) that I suspect must be either frankinsence or vetiver.


    It's my first time ever ever ever not liking a perfume, especially a BPAL one so I'm super disappointed. I really hope someone can help me identify the problem scent (that seems to be somewhat reminiscent of Caraway...)


    Hours and hours and hours later it is finally smelling decent... "incense berries and wood" allright.. but it took the whole day. I guess I might've put too much (but I used the same amount as usual)


    I will need to try this a second time, but so far, it is going to be sold or swapped.

  4. Might as well try for stuff for my different cosplays


    1. Kizuna Hyuuga from Strawberry Panic: 13 years old, pigtails, energetic, likes to cosplay... that's pretty much it.. her uniform is red, pink and pale yellow


    2. Byakudan Kagome from Strawberry Panic: same uniform as the girl above, this is a cute, ultra shy, ultra childish, almost catatonic girl of 12 years old who always holds a big teddy bear


    3. Presea Combatir from Tales of Symphponia: 12 years old (and 14 in ToS: Dawn of the new world) but is actually 28/30 years old (she lost 16 years of her life being stuck in a emotionless, almost robotic state). She is still pretty much emotionless, and at first understand little of the world. She's cold, and cute in a way (like her awkwardness is cute). She is ultra strong and fights with a huuuuuge axe. When she fight she says stuff like "Die!" in an ADORABLE voice. She has PINK PIGTAILS. And is awesome.


    4. I-No from Guilty Gear: Sexy, sultry witch in red and black PVC, who fights with a guitar and her witch hat eating people. Inspired by Shiina Ringo. Short black bob-cut hair, a mole, blue eyes, and a very skimpy outfit.


    5. Jihl Nabaat from FFXIII: Sexy, womanly, authoritarian, cruel. Dark blonde hair, very long, glasses, military uniform, baton (the police kind!). Beautiful cold and dark.

  5. Jumping on bandwagon. I'm such a newbie and would love recommendations of stuff that would fit me.


    Im 21 years old, just entered university after failing repeatedly previously in college (which is a different thing than university where I live). I intend on studying Eastern Asian Studies and history. I've been living on my own for years. I took 16 years of dance classes, feel at home on a stage and only on a stage.


    I've done all sorts of crazy (and sometimes stupid) stuff with my life. I did nude modelling the day I turned 18, and I backpacked around Europe. My teenage life (and by that, I mean junior high... okay, high school as well) was full of sex, drugs & rock'n'roll. I ran away, hitchhiked, started to go clubbing at 14 years old... etc etc. I calmed down once if all became pretty much legal (aka I turned 18.)


    I grew up to jazz, switched over to metal and Japanese music sometimes in 5-6th grade, and switched back to more funky stuff such as gypsy punk sometimes after entering college.


    I like to think I'm intelligent, tech-savvy, passionate, vehement, vindictive, rebellious and very brash.


    My political affiliations lie into rather extreme anarcho-communism. I'm also wiccan and bisexual.


    Physically, I'm 5'1", pretty slim but curvy, I have dark blonde hair, blue eyes, wear small glasses (think FF8's Quistis or FFXIII Jihl Nabaat, for instance).


    I'm a cat person. I love reading, playing video-games, roleplaying, fashion, cosmetics, art, dancing, politics, anime, video games, cosplaying, history and japanese female idols (and loads of other things too, otherwise, I'd be boring.)


    My favorite places in the world are a stage in front of thousands of people, the sanctuary of my coven, the woods near my parents house, in front of my computer, in my lover's arms, and in beautiful old cities such as Copenhagen, Tallinn and Ljubljana.


    My dream is to study in Oxford, UK, one day. And I hope I can make it.



    So, any ideas?

  6. Okay I was sure I posted this yesterday but I guess I utterly failed somehow.


    I have been using Lise Watier's Capteur de Rêve as my main perfume for years. It smells lovely, its notes are lily of the valley, birch, fir, lotus, magnolia, sage, and probably resin or amber or something like that. I can also smell a bit of smoke, dust and dirt in there, in a good, natural way. Those weren't in the description though, so not sure if it's just me.


    I'm looking for something BPAL similar.


    The other thing is I'm looking for something similar to Cabochard (vintage Cabochard if possible) by Grès for my mom and it's uber important because my mother can't find cabochard easily around here anymore, and she misses the vintage one. It's a very leathery and animalistic perfume in a way. A note list, that I believe is from the vintage edition, I found on the internet lists it this way: bergamot, mandarin, galbanum, ylang ylang, jasmine, Bulgarian rose, clove, oakmoss, tobacco, musk, iris, sandalwood, vetiver, leather, castoreum, patchouli and labdanum.


    I really hope to find something similar that my mom would love. I should insist that tobacco, musk and leather play a bigger part in this one than, let's say, patchouli does.


    I really hope one of you scent goddesses can help me with this.
