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BPAL Madness!

Lorna Brigid

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Posts posted by Lorna Brigid

  1. I really haven't reviewed this one? Wow.


    I got this a little less that a year ago, and I'm gonna have to look for a Vermontian to snag me another bottle soon! :)

    On me, the apricot, oak and vanilla meld so nicely, and though it is a light one with modest throw, there is something so golden warm without being suffocating... :thud:

    I absolutely adore Haloes!!! I was sitting at work today, listening to some fool blather on, and thinking "Omg, I'm having one of those 'I'm so in love with the scent I'm wearing' days!"

    And normally woody scents worry me, but this oak is so smooth compared to other woods, and the whole lot just goes to Yum! on my skin.

  2. Does anyone remember the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine? (Stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this)


    I had this as a little kid, and you ground your own ice in it, and then poured the flavored juice over it to make your own snow cone.

    This smells exactly like that.

    This blend, and also Frost at Midnight, just turn out to be icy fruit punch on me.

    I guess I'll do well to remember that snow+fruits = snow cones on me.


    ETA: 2011 version

  3. Evil

    Evil, who knew you smelled so clean?!?


    Srsly, it must be the ambergris and the tea making it cool and astringent. I don't get any plum or ambrette, and just a hint of the opium.

    Huffing and huffing, and I know I like you, I just cannot decide how much!

    After awhile past the drydown, I realize, you know what this reminds me of? It smells a lot like Black Butterfly Moon!

    I wonder how this would smell on me if mixed with another RPG like Mage or something...

  4. Lots of people here have impressive spreadsheets and ways of keeping track of their BPAL.


    But for me, I find that the "design it however you want/need" way of Excel is the way for me.

    I use all three worksheets for one book: The first sheet is My Stash on the left side, with the name, description, category and my review.

    On the right side is my wishlist, which consists of the name, description and category.

    When I make a purchase I cut and paste it from my wishlist to the stash side.


    Sheet 2 is what I use for "Tried and Don't Have" and this is where I put the scents that I have sold, swapped or given away. This way I still have documentation of what I've tried, the category it is from, and my review of it, and where it went.


    Sheet 3 is where I list what I have for sale or swap, so that I can keep those listed separate from sheet 1. I'm really trying to work my way through the GC and scents as they come, and keep my stash to only my absolute loves, so using the 3rd sheet to cut and paste the ones I don't love so much to really helps.


    All my columns are labeled and color coded, which also makes it easier for me, because black and white format makes my eyes go :wacko:


    I don't know how to post it to Google docs but if anyone would like to see my sheet I can email you a copy.

  5. 2011 version:


    I was afraid when I first opened my imp, that it would be overwhelmingly rancid buttery cream.

    But yay, upon drydown, it's all SUGARSUGARSUGAR!!! Love it!!!! :wub2: Uncomplicatedly sweet and sugary!

  6. I was really looking forward to this blend, because all the notes in other blends work splendidly on me.

    Sadly, mostly what comes through is the sandalwood, rose and frankincense. I don't get any lilac musk or pomegranate. It may need a little more time, but it really comes off as a generic old lady's perfume. Slightly sophisticated, but still kinda generic.

  7. What's weird, is with mine, I ordered on the 14th, and it said "Shipped" the next day, the 15th.

    Usually it says "Awaiting Shipment" for a week or two before it says "Shipped." Of course I still don't expect a CnS for like, 3 or 4 weeks, but I just find this...weird. I don't mind it, it's just...different!


    Anyone else have this?

  8. Oddly enough, I'm not a fan of lilac when it is fresh and in real life. Don't care for it then.

    But it seems to really work in scents on my skin!!!

    Ville Marie is my favorite of the three scents here. And funny enough, on me, with that buttery vanilla note going on, I actually smell like lilacs and cake when wearing this.

    Very nice! :wub2:

  9. Ya know, I like this. I just don't like it enough.

    It is like Black Butterfly Moon, but it's missing the chewy center; the sweet and spicy heart that BBM, one of my top ten, has.

    I get mostly the oppoponax, berries and amber. There's that little kick of balsam and lime, and it's cool... but just not like I had hoped it would be. *shrug*

  10. Hmm. The original Sugar Moon went really dry on my skin, with pronounced blue musk. The flowers and fruit were subdued. Personally, I don't find it similar to Eat Me at all. If I were looking for a dupe, the blue musk would be my primary search filter. Something that's blue musk (or "night musk" or similar) with light florals, maybe layered with Sugar Skull, should be up the same alley.


    Rozpustnica, from the retail only salons, might be a good candidate for layering with Sugar Skull. (I know that's two not so readily available recommendations, but that's all I got...)


    Wow, not a lot of blue musk in the GC! A search of reviews turned up Night Raven and Old Demons (both from the Marchen series) as possibilities, though. I should have qualified my question, or perhaps posted it in a different thread, since I'd like to try scents that are evocative of Sugar Moon. I find that I tend to select the same notes over and over again, and finding one that I like (Sugar Moon) that includes notes that are outside of my comfort zone was a welcome change. Thanks again, to all, for the suggestions. Now ... I think I may have an imp of Sugar Skull around here somewhere ....!


    I just wanted to add that although it does not list blue musk as a note, I find Morgause to be a very blue musk style scent. It is like a tamer "Clock Strikes Midnight", which is a 2010 Yule that does list blue musk.

  11. This really is a weird scent... final verdict is I love Virginia!

    I'll tell ya why (it has nothing to do with the fact that I want to move there, or that it reminds me of my Grandma, bless her heart)

    I smell the frankincense, and the caramel, tonka, orchid and tobacco... Seperately, none of those are "favorite" notes.

    And Virginia is a wafter and morpher!

    When I smell it, this is what I picture: A hot and sunny afternoon in the foothills, there are wildflowers all over the yard, and cigarette smoke lingering in the air.

    It actually reminds me more of something opium-esque than red musk.

  12. This scared the bejeesus out of me at first, because when I first opened the imp, it smelled like thick rich butter!!


    But, I braved testing it, and it turns out it is lovely!! Sweet honeyed vanilla. I don't get any of the strawberry. Maybe an ever so mild tinge of something sweet, but not necessarily strawberry.


    My favorite of the Courtesans.
