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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Ahh, gotcha. I don't remember getting apple from Creepy, but (like I said), it's been quite a while. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. But you WERE helpful because you made me remember how much I like Grog! Maybe I could layer that with something appley.
  2. Hmmmmm. I do get butterscotch from Creepy, but I also get a LOT of apple, which is what I'm really looking for, I think! I have tried Agrat Bat Mahlaht and recall that the amber and florals made it pretty sweet on me. I like Grog, but it doesn't have that apple note that makes Creepy such a winner for me.
  3. Is there any GC like Creepy?
  4. Gryphon

    Odd Portents

    Ditto to what Dark Alice said about this being a very well-blended scent! Wet, it's heady and perfumey and simply luscious. I feel the way Molls does about the dry down, though. The scent nearly disappears. This might be a good scent locket scent, but with so many other wonderful BPALS to choose from, I'm not likely to invest in a bottle and will settle for the decant.
  5. Gryphon

    Punkie Night

    A lovely, apple-y fresh fall scent!! The apple is strongest (and tartest) when wet. When it dries down, it reminds me a lot of Fearful Pleasure, which is another fall love of mine.
  6. Gryphon


    The almond seems to be missing from my decant and I'm getting a lot of cherry cough syrup from Ghoulish. Fortunately, It doesn't last long on my skin.
  7. Gryphon


    This is the surprise hit in the batch of decants a sweet forumite sent me. It's slightly foody, probably thanks to the vanilla and cajeta, but not bakery food. The incense and smoke-dried jalapenos give it a really nice kick that lingers on the skin. I do get non-candy bar chocolate, like you'd find in a Mexican mole sauce. Guess that fits with the theme of the scent!
  8. Gryphon

    The Hag

    Rum is at the forefront when wet, with galangal and current close behind. At the drydown, the vetiver comes out to play, giving the blend a pleasant smokiness. I love it!