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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. Tobacco is rich, thick,sweet and dark. It dosn't smell like a cigarette to me. My chemistry really amps up florals and it is about all I get from Kali untill it is dried out and almost completely faded away, then I get some cocoa with a fruity sweetness (the osmanthus and honey...).
  2. lookingglass


    I'm freaking out because I LOVE figs, and I am eagerly waiting Freakshow...but Gomorrah and Nemisis are smelling the same on me, and I can only assume it is the fig~!My skin is ignoring eveything else and amping up a pencil shaving scent that I can only assume is the fig (never thought fig smelled like an art box before... ). I hate giving a lame review but that is it on my skin...no depth, no unfolding... I smell like a pencil.
  3. lookingglass


    In the bottle: very spicy and buttery! Wet: As above, but the butter creams out into pumpkin pie. Drydown: The peach emerges. It is pleasent, but I'm a little nervous. I had a bad experience with peach oil before... Dry: Oh, it is love. I don't feel like a candel or a craft store. This is beautiful....rich, spicy, and decandent...everything is blending beuatifully. The peach gives the scent a nice lift that makes it very wearable, especailly on this warm late summer day. There is a darkness holding it all down...It is getting me ready for my Halloween update order, for sure! All afternoon I kept noticing a heavy throw of peach...it is just too much! When I sniff my wrist, it is spicy, creamy...? Off to swaps with you...
  4. My husband has smelled my 30something imps, and the only one that I wear that I get a sly "Mmmm, don't you smell good ", is Bordello...
  5. lookingglass

    Silk Road

    Very cinnamony in the bottle and while wet. As it dries down, there is a very complex spicy smell, and I cannot identify them all...very spicy, but not foody...just a dry golden orange scent~mysterioius, oriental, but not overly sexy. There is not a creamyness like Chimerea. I wonder if there is some sandalwood holding it down...It fades fairly quickly on me. I would feel very comfortable wearing this to the office.
  6. Would someone please compare and contrast verandi and the hesperides for me? Editied because I am a spaz...
  7. Omen and Nemisis and Yggdrasil are all similar to me...I was expecting Nemisis to be more fruity.
  8. lookingglass

    Mad Hatter

    I was thinking that this one would be very herbal and standoffish, but I was mistaken. The lavender and penyroyal sit at the top of my skin (I am not getting lemon~perhaps it is only adding freshness, and slightly transforming the lavender). It is not reminicent of sachets or bug spray for me, nor is it overly manly. There is a sweetness, a creamyness that must be the black musk. I have a tummy ache today, and this one is really comforting. It is not too "perfumey", sweet, or manly. Have to try it on DH...
  9. lookingglass


    Perhaps this is just an old imp...but it smells like old perfume: very rosey and dusty. I cannot wear this~my skin usually amps up florals, anyway, and this is just too much.
  10. lookingglass


    You would think that I would have tried this one right off, seeing as how I am such an Alice...collector. But I was wary of the bergamot and rose and carnation. I am more of a sweet/resin/wood lover. And I have smelled Alice scents in the past (the Disney version is particularly nauseating). But she came up in a swap and I could put her off no longer. Oooohhhh! I thought the bergamot would overpower on the top, but it blends with the rose and they morph into something delicate...and a bit old fashioned, but still timeless. The carnation must just be spicy, because this is not nearly as floral as I imagined. She dries down to a creamy sweetness with a tad of spice. This is similar to Morocco in character, but cleaner and less sweet. Curious, mysterious, surly like only pre-pubescent girls can be, I find this one to be the girl power that is put through the trials during the blooming of womanhood. I don't think it smells like a little girl, though...it reminds me of myself, yes, as a young girl, when things were fresh, delcious, and new; but I was not afraid of anything and was not in the least self concious. Thank you, Beth, for another beauty...
  11. lookingglass


    For some reason this is smelling to me a bit like nemesis without the fruit, which is odd, because I don't know of any notes they share. It is very earthy/chypre...masculine. Like a dark cave where no one can find me...
  12. lookingglass


    I got this one in a swap, while Freakshow is on order, because they seem to have similar notes... I want to give you a breakdown of this one, but I can't. I immediately think "My art school tackle box!)~For 4 years my "purse" was a tackle box with charcol, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, erasers, paints...plus trail mix (nuts and dried fruit, mostly), and what few costmetic items I wore (chap stick/lipgloss, maybe powder). I had my head in there all day every day for what seems like forever...selecting the tools to express my desires, fears, ideas with no words...trying to make sense of my life...knowing that the time out was time in, and that there had to be a balance. "she whom none can escape'... and her primary duty is to punish hubris and mankind's offenses against the natural order with inflexible, remorseless and raging fury".~the Lab Reading that, I am thinking that is what art should do... It dosn't have much throw, though. I'll make a spray and that will cure that, I am sure. DH loves it on him, too. Glad I have a 5 ml!
  13. lookingglass


    Yes. It smells just like a pomegranate martini. Sharp, sweet, and fruity, almost lemony. Bright and sparkly. Just not something I can wear.
  14. lookingglass


    I wanted to love this. I love chocolate and fruity... But the associations are too great... The orange blossom is very apparent, and I had a body wash that I used during the time of a very uncomfortable breakup...(I don't want to think of that daily) If you love orange blossom, get your hands on some while you still can. The cherry is almost medicinal, and I have just spent too much time with children's tylenol these days... But the chocolate note is lovely!
  15. lookingglass


    She has been on my wishlist for a while, and I received her as a freebie in a swap...oh, the kindness on this forum overwhelmes me! Since I have moved to the South, I have fallen in love with the mimosa trees. In the early summer, they produce Seus looking, pink, puffy blooms that are sweet, bitter, tangy and fruity smelling. Really quite a happy smell. I have never found a perfume that could capture it. I find them here...darkened Masabakes is a Southern graveyard filled with Witches. It is sweet, sour, spicy, and resinous...macabe, wise, and sultry. I am in awe.
  16. lookingglass

    Butch yet not manly scents?

  17. lookingglass


    OK...so I reviewed this back in the day, and it was a no-go. But I received just a dab the other day (over a year from my first try) and I am newly in love. It is funny how the pallette develops. Wet this quite lemony, but clean. As it warms on my skin, the tea warms as well, sweet and fresh, and the lemon combines with it seamlessly. The musk and sugar smell so sweet and sexy. This IS divine! Must have more! This is light enough to wear in the summer, but warms enough to be comforting on a cool night as well. I love it.
  18. lookingglass


    I find this to be a very stately fragrance. I concur with Olympia's review that this scent is not for the meek! There are a lot of powerful notes here...Lemony sharpness slaps you; the strong vertiver and woods are at the top and do not let go through the drydown. This scent says, "I get what I want". It does not waiver...tenatious grip. It is like someone in control who doesn't even care if you notice them. I love it, and hope DH will love it too. It is quite masculine.
  19. lookingglass


    Straight out of the bottle it is already-sucked-on-red-hots. Hmmm... On the drydown, something is reminding me of Snake Oil, (is there copal in Snake Oil, too?), and I am afraid it is going to get playdough-y...is that the almond? I'm learning to live through the sweet/salty playdough phase. It passes for me... Dry,the cinnimon is still prominent, but becomes darker as it blends with the resins and honey. She is Dana O'Shee's and Snake Oil's sassy daughter! Love it. Edited to add: I have been wearing this often lately. I tried it in the summer and swapped it off, but pined away for her this winter. For me, it is the perfect end of winter scent. Initally, it is warm and sweet...comforting and spicy...a little sexy, but still a "wear anywhere" scent. Totally dry, though, I smell the honeysuckle! Ooohh! It is like the hearthfire has been allowed to dye down because Spring has come into bloom. I must have more!
  20. lookingglass

    Dana O'Shee

    Mmmmm....fae food. 'Very almondy in the bottle (drool...). Wet I can detect the honey, slightly green, and creamy milk. My first imp of this I swapped away without giving her much chance. It faded quickly, and I lost my patience. This time around (must have a 5 ml to slather!), she reminds me of a satiated O; it is a delicious, sweet, second skin scent, but is much less overtly sexual. It is unlike any "milk and honey" scent I have ever tried. P.S. I think she is a great alternative to Snow White if you can't find any.
  21. lookingglass

    Milk Moon 2005

    This is by far my favorite milk scent. I received a precious imp of her from Gin (thank you again!). Milk Moon is creamy and sweet, with an inital fresh breeze in the background, the lightest green mint. On the drydown I faintly smell coconut and white chocolate...so delicious. This dosn't sour on my skin like Dragon's Milk did. Just soft, delicately sweet, nurishing, comforting. The perfect scent to wear around the baby and sleepy time... So sad it's an LE!
  22. lookingglass

    Where does the art on the website come from?

    The art work really sold me....beautiful...
  23. Hecate, too. You get an almond blast at the beginning, but it dries down warm and sweet, without being foody.
  24. lookingglass

    Nutty scents - blends with nut notes or nuts

    I did not get heavy nutty out of these at all...Hecate, too, is almondy, but sweet and creamy and resiney-not particularly nutty. I am thinking of trying Gluttony and Hellcat myself, looking for the "perfect" nut.
  25. lookingglass

    Danse Macabre

    Fresh cypress on first sniff, with the oakmoss, spices and resin whirling in the background. The cypress fades, and an earthy/spicyness remains. Very lovely, but masculine. DH has a cologne, Epices, from Paris that is very much like this, though not as clear and clean.