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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass

    BPAL around the kids

    My littlest one is really comforted by O these days...it is my comfort scent, too.
  2. lookingglass


    This smells a lot like Blood Kiss to me, but slightly more soapy and candy like. A bit of a strange combination...I'm sticking with Blood Kiss.
  3. lookingglass


    I do love this, and will be using up the imp. I just won't be buying a big bottle right now...If I could only choose 1 BPAL scent for all eternity, though, Haunted would probably be it...She is a combination of some of my favorites. Haunted seems to be the conception from an unholy union of Scherezade and O, with a dark, Snake Oil-y feel. I love them all at different times... If you liked the musk in Scherezade, but not the incense, or wanted to love O or Snake Oil but didn't because the vanilla turned to "play dough", then you will want to try Haunted. It is truly lovely...
  4. lookingglass


    This is so well blended...complex, fresh, distinguished. An entirely confident scent.
  5. lookingglass

    The scent of summer.

    I'm hearing that the Lion really evokes summer...(off to put it on my wishlist). But is is the warmth of summer, not the grass. Quick search on BPAL site (anything to get on there and search for something else!This board is SO enabling!). Hmmm...Haven't tried these...just a search on "grass" and I got Coyote, Rosalind, the Apothecary, and Amsterdam (among others) but I would try these based on their descriptions and what you are looking for... Xiuhtecuhtli is what I like to wear in the summer. It is really green, just a tink floral, with a stable base of copal and patchouli, giving it the body that I so crave in a perfume (makes it melt into my skin, I think). Good Luck!
  6. lookingglass


    On me this smells like I got something dead on me, and I tried to scrub it off with an industrial cleanser. Body decomposition and an astringent chemical smell (scrub, scrub...). There is something nice underneath...the musk, I think...but all together, this one is NOT for me!
  7. lookingglass

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    Chimera, March Hare, or any of the Bloods (Blood, Blood Kiss, Dragon's Whatever you like)...
  8. lookingglass

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    Gender neutral my eye! This is very womanly and perfumey. It smells like a perfume that my firend's mother wore when I was a child...Paris? Or maybe it was just from Paris... It is pretty. Iiiiii, don't really do pretty. This Belle is a sweet and crispy floral. Clear, clean...like white chiffon. It really is a beautiful blend, it is just so unlike anything that I wear.
  9. lookingglass


    OK...I am trying the aquatics. I have begun, and think I will end for a while, with Undertow... Kkklggh This is sweet but sharp. It makes me flinch...It smells like something I would clean with. Drying down there is some mint, and it gets a little softer, but it is still..aquatic. Again, if my shampoo smelled like this, I would probably like it, but not on me as a perfume.
  10. lookingglass


    The fresh tea and bergamot from the Earl Grey is full of tangy tannins. Drying down I get the raw, black, hot, snapping leather. I'm giving this one to the man...
  11. lookingglass

    The Red Queen

    Wet this scent is lush, blood red cherry. As it dries, splintered, heavily varnished wood emerges. They sit separately for a moment, and then morph together into the patinaed carved wooden chess piece that is the red queen. It is quite strong and odd. Dry, though, this is definitely a favorite. It comes to life on my skin, once absorbed, like the queen herself, through the lookingglass. The cherry fades, only sweetening the wood, and their is a creaminess that holds it to my skin. I am transformed. I will wear this when I want to feel a bit haughty, in charge, and embracing my madness!
  12. lookingglass

    Sea of Glass

    A blue crystaline floral/aquatic. Lily of the valley? lilac? I really am not a floral girl...and there is a saltiness, a sharpness...this would be great as a shampoo or linen spray...not 'rich' enough for me as a perfume. Dry, the florals get a bit creamier, but not much. I'm kind of sneezy...
  13. lookingglass


    In the bottle: Pencils and cocoa... Wet...why is this penciley? Drying down...oooh, I can smell...METAL! This is odd...OLD METAL! Cocoa and a slight, dusty wiff of incense. Pencil smell fading. Dry: ...the metal is really hanging on...like I have a wrist full of change. Teenie, tiny floral...gives the scent a nice lift. Such an ODD scent. I get an image of the hippies sticking flowers into the ends of soldiers guns during war protests... I may be passing this one on, but I was very glad to have tried it!
  14. lookingglass


    Absolutely delicious. I get all the notes dancing beautifully together. Blooming on my skin, I feel decadent, warm, wanton. Everything I love in a fragrance. Bet this would be great on DH, too. He loves Hellcat, though...Elegba is lighter, flirtier. MINE! Edited to note that I bet this is JUST what Captain Jack Sparrow smells like!
  15. lookingglass


    I don't know what year this little vial of Spooky is from. The pepermint is going stong, and there is a slightly warm creaminess on the drydown. Very soft...quite like buttermints.
  16. lookingglass

    Golden Priapus

    DH is a big juniper fan from the pre-BPAL days. This is the first juniper BPAL we've tried...I am not a juniper fan myself, but I got it for him since it had amber and vanilla, and O is one of my true loves. In the bottle and wet it is VERY evergreen. DH is already loving it. It is not a serious bite, not X~massy...OK...I'm game. On the drydown, there begins this golden sparkle. This smells like a magical forest! Ooooh, the amber emerges. I LOVE amber...(sniff,sniff). This is fresh, outdoorsy, but with a warm skin scent underneath. It is the best of both of what he loves and what I love in a scent. Dry, this is luscious, but husky, vanilla amber...O in the deep, dark woods. Big bottle list for sure.
  17. I LOVE O and am thinking of ordering a bottle of it in my next big order. It is a warm, soft, sweet, sexy skin scent. I am just a bit..Haunted...it is calling to me... Amber is the big note in both, and I do LOVE black musk. I am just wondering what all you other O lovers think of Haunted! Are they so very different? I don't want 2 scents that are really similar...Help!
  18. lookingglass

    Blood Amber

    It be what it be...dragon's blood and amber....sweet, dark, resiny...like a dark, golden aura. It is warm, sexy, inviting, and magical.
  19. lookingglass


    Super strong apricots! Ugh, oh...my peach association is just too close behind! I need to put that aside and meet Yerevan for the scent that it is... Apricot aside...I don't get many other fruits. The pomegranate is giving it a bit of a fizz, and the plum may be darkening it...but, really, I just get a lot of APRICOT. The roots give this an earthiness once dry, which is quite nice. Overall, this scent on me reminds me of walking through a KY peach orchard past its prime, when the limbs are broken from the summer storms, and the overripe fruit is fermenting on the ground beside them.
  20. lookingglass

    If I love O - tell me about Haunted!

    That spicey? p.s. I have an imp of haunted on the way that I got in swaps...I love this board!
  21. lookingglass


    Cedar...whoa...yeah. Potent. Moth stopping. Drying down, the woods get more complex and their wounded bark scabs over. There is a sacred scent of exotic blooms and spices... I didn't think this one would agree with me...but I like it. DH took it for himself. Maybe he'll share.
  22. lookingglass

    Black Phoenix

    Wet this is very strong, almonds...sweet, creamy and cherrylike.,,yum. Drying down, dusty resins, spices and floral (very rosey) notes come to the front and mingle with what is left of the fleeting almond. I see the Seraglio reference, but this is darker, muskier, more complex, and without the citrus. It also reminds me of the incense note in All Souls. You know what it really feels like?: Alice and Hecate together. Dry this is sweet, dark, musky, slightly dusty/powdery floral. This scent keeps me interested as it morphs through the drydown stages: from a gift of candy, to the presentation of fresh blooms, to the down and dirty seduction. I am in love...
  23. lookingglass


    I thought that I would fall in love with Tamora. She is many things that I love...amber, sandalwood...I was hoping that she could be the peach for me...the peach that did not drip with sour overripeness. She did deliver on that note, but alas, there was the heliotrope: sharp, bitter, and astringent; It makes the blend smell like a designer baby aspirin washed down with grape soda...at least on my skin. I am thinking that on someone else, it could smell lovely.
  24. lookingglass

    The Hesperides

    The Hesperides are the Nymphs of the Evening who dwell in a verdant garden located in the Arcadian Mountains, guarded by the terrible three-headed dragon, Ladon. Within their garden lives the tree that bears Hera’s sacred Golden Apples. Their perfume is that of sturdy oak bark, dew-kissed leaves, twilight mist and crisp apple. Wet this is like a fresh apple turnover...tart, warm, sweet. Oooh, be like apple picking back home...please, please, please!!! On the drydown it gets more woody, but the apple just stays...appley. Even a real apple wouldn't smell this appley. My body is turning this sour apple sickly . Find me in swaps!
  25. lookingglass

    If I love O - tell me about Haunted!

    Vanilla goes "play doh" some people sometimes...