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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass

    Al Azif

    I love the sweet maple beginning on this one, but dried out it is sharp and cloying. I can't wash it off!!!
  2. lookingglass


    I had no idea that I would fall so hard for this scent. I bought it for my stargazer lovin sister, but of course, I had to try it! Foamy, delicious ambergris mixed with creamy lily and a brightness that is undeniably floral, but is fresh, invigorating, and hard to place, exactly. It is definitely an accord. Lovely. Drying out, the amber and vanilla rise and melt beautifully with the musk. It is a similar combination to Mouse's Long Sad Tale, or Morocco, but I love Lyonesse most of all...It works so well with my skin. I have been waiting for a scent that I could put on fresh out of the shower that retains that clean feeling while being sweet and resinous at the same time. Lyonesse is that scent...the perfect scent for me. Clean, soft, sophisticated, and exotic. Like being on a sea sprayed cliffside, with the wind whiping through my loose hair... This is a master blend, indeed, and is now in my Top 10... So happy I have a bottle!
  3. lookingglass

    The Perfect Lavender

    Lurid is my lavender love...
  4. lookingglass

    The Tell-Tale Heart

    The vertiver and pepper hit me first... I get a big wiff of cocoa, but then it gets veeeerrrry spicy...so brightly spicy it is almost floral. I had to check and see if there were florals in here! Nooooo! I want spicy cocoa musk!!! Nope. Dried out, it is mostly fresh smelling...kind of soapy. The dragon's blood, vertiver and pepper combo have seen to that.
  5. lookingglass


    Mmmmm...is that ginger? It isn't cold like ginger usually smells on me...it's warm...like gingerbread....immediately followed by a sweet, boozy vanilla/honey musk. It is like the love child of Sed Non Satiaita and Smut! It smells just like sex. This is how DH likes my BPAL. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the wonderful, kindhearted forumite that FRIMPED me this golden droplet! FOREVER GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!
  6. lookingglass

    Kindly Moon

    This reminds me of Champs Elysee. Slightly fruity floral with a crisp musk drydown. It is not my type of scent anymore, but I know that my stargazer lily lovin' little sister is going to love it!
  7. lookingglass


    This smells kind of Voodoo-y on me. A sweet, woodsy powder. Something is sharp, though, maybe a resin or fresh wood...
  8. lookingglass

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    So light, sweet, powdery, and delicate. A bit like Antique Lace with her etherial vanilla; quite like Enraged Bunny Musk in it's pinkness, but MUCH less floral. It is like O without the green, and it flirts with having the depth of Morocco. It is a wonderful comfort scent and would be perfect in the Spring.
  9. lookingglass

    Trick #2

    Damn you for your dark, vanilla/pomegranate blends that love me that are f***-ing LE's!!!! I loooove this! Dark, juicy, sweet pomegranate and deep woody vanilla! UUUUUUGGGGHHH! The pine and patchouli do really play so well together with the smokiness of the tobacco. It smells to me like a Pagan orgy: Naked bodies dripping with fresh, exotic fruits dancing around a bonfire in a clearing in the forest. Divinity!
  10. lookingglass


    Upon application, my first thought is that this is a soapy, less sweet Bengal, or a more perfumey sister to Morocco. The blending is expert. On the drydown, it becomes seamless: Fresh, slightly spicy, deep, complex, insense. If you are afraid of orange, burning spices, cloying roses, or pencily sandalwood, pull up your bootstraps and try this! I did, and fell in love...
  11. lookingglass

    The Masque

    HOOOONEY covered carnations. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Drying down the darkness of the incense, spices and patchouli all do a slow dance behind the honey. Glorious! I was worried about the rose accord...does that mean it is not really rose? It is not very rosey at all, though. Mostly honey and carnations on me. Love, love, love!
  12. lookingglass

    Grand Guignol

    Super sweet apricot. The brandy note is not deep and bitter...it makes it kind of fuzzy. Yummy!
  13. lookingglass

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    Lots of green woods. The leather is fairly strong, but it is not the "man lust" scent (musky, ambery) as I hoped or expected. This one dosn't work for me or DH.
  14. lookingglass

    Two, Five & Seven

    Sweet and fresh and clean. Not cloying, no strong throw...just fresh roses. I am happy to be able to pick out my beloved tea (delicately sweet) and white roses (so crisp). The grass is not overpowering or fakey, it just adds a little green. Beautiful.
  15. lookingglass

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Spicy plum candle, hot mulling cider, and mums. Not as musky as I hoped. Quite fruity but definitely dark. Smells just like holiday time. Usually anything that is "craft store" or "candle" on me is a no-no, but this is really beautiful. My favorite mum scent yet, I think...as of this moment!
  16. lookingglass


    Orange and honeysuckle right off the bat. Yeah! I can live with that. Then the lemon verbena hits with a left jab. It soon sweetens out to Lemonheads. The honeysuckle hangs on with the heliotrope (you go little glorious, sweet flowers!), but the sharp lemon is really pissing me off. I am just not that SUNNY! In looking for the perfect honeysuckle (which I have not found...I want a shaded honeysuckle...) this would play 2nd fiddle to Eos. If you love lemon, though, GO FOR IT!
  17. lookingglass


    Neroli is hit or miss on me. I suffer through it through the wet stage...it is very dominant. The raspberry kicks up just for a moment, and then it smells like a box full of Strawberry Shortcake dolls. It just does! Like the whole collection together. Kind of plasticy and fruity and...cute.
  18. lookingglass

    The Brides of Dracula

    Oh, honey! I was afraid from the above reviews that this would not be the honey scent I was expecting. On me, though, it is! BPAL's honey is intially green and then creamy sweet on me. This is no exception. It is right at the front, mixed with the golden apricot of the osmanthus, and a slight waft of fresh white flowers. I smell a definate resemblance to Kali. Dried out it is a sweet 'skin scent', slightly powdery(like amber usually does), with a hint of faded flowers. The spices seem to just blend with the amber. It's hauntingly beautiful...golden. This scent lasted all day but with light throw.
  19. lookingglass

    Count Dracula

    Oh, this one has GOT me on the first sniff............. Heavy clove...dark, like clove cigarette smoke wafting from the sexiest goth man in leather . The tonka,musk and patchouli go creeeeeeamy....oooooh....SEXY! I was afraid that the neroli would be too orange but it isn't! With the sandalwood and ginger, it just gives the blend a much needed bite. INSTANT top 10. DH must wear this! Oh, thank you, Beth for this blend. Dracul just didn't do it for us. This does. Brilliant!
  20. lookingglass

    Wilhelmina Murray

    Mmmm...tea rose. I have always wanted a tea rose that was wearable. I believe this is her. Wet, this reminds me of Ouija. It is light and floral, but dark at the same time...a little dusty...like the scent of flowers lingering in heavy drapes. On the drydown, there is a hint of dark fruit, but the flowers are still predominant. Dry, this has melted in beautifully. The musk and resins give this a delicious creaminess. It is romanticly evocative of this tragic Victorian heroine...like scented letters to a secret lover. The dragon's blood is the last to go. Oh, how I love the dragon! This scent is light and fades very fast. I wouldn't have thought so with all of the flowers (which could have been very heady) and the resins (that usually hold on tight), but I really have to slather. She'll be going in a roller bottle for sure. I think that if you liked Alice but it was a little too girly you will LOVE Mina.
  21. lookingglass

    BPAL scents appropriate for very young children?

    Honey, milk, vanilla, and chocolate scents go over well with the children in our house. My son's 4 year old "girlfriend" just got hooked on Snow White!
  22. lookingglass

    Sandalwood Scents

    Morroco, for sure, is my fave. Nice and creamy wood. Sandalwood is usually pencils on me.
  23. lookingglass

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Lurid has an ozone note with resin. It is warm and wet to me!
  24. lookingglass

    Sri Lanka

    Very, very woody and dry. Not a good match.
  25. lookingglass

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    When I saw the description of this scent, I was so excited. I have been whining for a DARK pomegranate scent. So many pomegranate scents are too bright for this "dark" loving woman. I wanted something that smelled like the musky, bitter pomegranate seed, some surrounding juice, and Snake Oil. First sniff the Misfortune Teller is sour and flaring, almost like fresh wood or herbs, or composted fruit, almost alcoholic, and off putting. I try not to smell my skin too closely. I remember that, "Hey! You don't oversniff your beloved Snake Oil like that! Get off it and let her get to know you!!!". The drydown is quick and welcomed. She immediatly warms on my skin into a creamy, musky, sweet vanilla with a juicy bite of fruit. Oh, this is EVERYTHING I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is like Snake Oil, Smut, and Hunger (only with dark red fruits and no flowers...but definately a similar dark, sexy, haughty, fruity feel) together, but and entity entirely her own. The notes blend beautifully...magically. I keep getting wafts of pomegranate as if I had just been eating one. Totally dried out, this is just DIVINITY! It's transformative. My absolute favorite BPAL by far. I mean it. I am not just jumping on the bandwagon. I have found my signature scent. DH says it is PERFECTION, and that HE wants to wear it, too. Go for it, baby! Let's bathe in it together! Oh...oh...oh...do I buy a ton or wait until I run out of one bottle????!!! Calm, calm...calming. It will be up for a year...up for a year...I can buy a bottle every month...and then 100 bottles at the end of the year!? I have never hoarded en mass. I am concerned about the fruit and red musk ageing(souring? fading?) but I must have a lifetime supply! Thank you, thank you, thank you Beth. This is a dream come true!!!!!!!!! ETA nearly a year later: this baby ages wonderfully...it just gets deeper, all of the edges round out. Just divine. ETA Seven...omg...seven years later, she's still going strong. All the sharp edges rounded out...a juicy, smooth, dark fruity red musk, with sweet, sweet patchouli. I have bottles hoarded en mass.