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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass


    Oooh, I love this! It smells as if I have been working in the garden in the Spring (what I wish I could do here in the dead of January): there is dirt, a faint composting smell, with the freshness of flowers and the tang of a damp breeze. It is like Zombi but lighter and not as scary!
  2. lookingglass

    The Labyrinth (the movie)

    Yeah, I was thinking Fae. I thing someone has an avitar for Fae with Sara and the peach...
  3. lookingglass

    The Great He-Goat

    Oh, yeah. This is good stuff. If you like Blood Kiss this, too may for you, if it is not too similar. The vertiver is sharp and dark to begin, with a squirt of pomegranate instead of cherry. It seems to heat up with my skin, and instead of slightly souring, as Blood Kiss does for me (but not on DH, which is why it is still one of my top 10) it sweetens with the amber. Spicey, dark, sweet lit incense. I love it, and I hope He will, too.
  4. lookingglass

    Horn of Plenty

    Almond with the Voodoo undercurrent: a kind of honey/powder/herbal blend. I think it smells fabulous, and am giving it to my brother with a great deal of need for a change...
  5. lookingglass

    Blood Lotus

    I never thought that lotus smelled like bubblegum, but here I definitely get it when it is wet. Drying out it gets much more juicy, rich and sexy. For a single floral it is very wearable for me.
  6. lookingglass


    Smells like a freshly Pledged antique table.
  7. lookingglass


    A great twist on the classic frankincense and myrrh scent. The olive is a little green and fresh, the ginger is a little fruity (like citrus), the patchouli and musk and dark and deep. Really wonderful. A great incense scent. It will smell great with some cake scented lotion! This is one that me and the boy can definitely share.
  8. lookingglass

    Purple Phoenix

    Grrrrrraaaapey . It is very sweet, like grape bubblegum, just like I hate. I don't want to hate Purple Phoenix! I love purple! I love the Phoenix! I love almost every other note listed! Drying down, the dusty, dry floral incense notes come out, but the grape is still there and I really don't like it. I know this will get more love somewhere else.
  9. lookingglass

    Wolf Moon 2007

    This is DH's new favorite. He loves juniper, but had not found his holy grail BPAL juniper. This is it. To me, it begins smelling like a forest. I don't usually like the smell of pine, but this is not at all pine-sol like...it is fresh and real. What are the Christmas trees that smell like oranges if you rub the needles? Are they fir? I don't know, but WM has that same fruity air about it. The orris is lovely, one of my favorite notes, and as it dries, it takes on the scent of an Advent calender that I had as a child. This is a magical, Narnia evoking scent for me. Dry this is pure glory~brooding musk and glowing amber with winter air, like the hunter come home on a blustery evening. I will be hunting down bottles.
  10. lookingglass

    Lilies & Lily of the Valley

    Absolutely Lyonesse...I, too, am a stargazer lover. My happiest memories that I share with my sister are of smelling them in our father's garden. Lyonesse comes the closest to capturing that. I think that the amber and vanilla take the sharp edge off that stargazer SN's usually have. Peitho is more floral, but I think the jasmine is more prominent.
  11. lookingglass

    Dragon's Heart

    This is so RED, juicy, sexy, pulsing, powerful and delicious. It starts out bright red and flowing, drying down to a maroon, brooding scent. Dragon's Blood is always sweet and fresh, drying down to a powdery incense, on me. The fruits with the red musk are made for each other. If I didn't love the lilac in Dragon's Eye so much, or the pure sex of Dragon's Musk, or if Dragon's Milk did not chase my son's monsters away, this would be my favorite Ars Draconis.
  12. lookingglass

    Blood Pearl

    I thought that this was violet, but no...it's orris. Hmmm. The musk here is divine. Have I smelled it before? I don't know....but I am a musk LOVER and this is very different from anything in my collection. The coconut is just sweet enough with the freshness of the floral and musk. Simple, but I like it!
  13. lookingglass

    Wolf's Heart

    Mmm...dragon's blood, rich and deep, slightly spicy and creamy, with a bit of that powdery Voodoo note. There is a floral quality evocative of honeysuckle and lilac. I love this blend so very much. It is both soothing and uplifing, as someone has said before. It is like Dragon's Eye and Eos together. I expect to wear this as I wish for Spring, as well as when I need renewed faith in my ever changing creative abilities.
  14. lookingglass


    This is beautiful...dark purple tangy plum with pink carnation swirl and dead sexy musk. I can pick out each individual note clearly. A wonderful example of what I love to call BPAL's "fruitientals".
  15. lookingglass

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    Dana O'Shee smells just like an almond milk cake that I make. O is like a honey cake.
  16. lookingglass


    Soft, woody, husky and warm. This smells like autumn without the fruit and spice that is usually portrayed in autumn blends. It is both dry and creamy...a golden brown scent.
  17. lookingglass

    Les Bijoux

    The orange blossom and rose are very prominent, much more so than the apple. The honey/incense note is lovely, both lush and light. It is sister to The Brides of Dracula, Fae, Skuld, and O.
  18. lookingglass

    Foundation of Fortune

    It smells remarkably like Brimstone, which is a GC favoirte of DH's. It is smokey, smoldering ash with a slightly herbal top. Since this came in to our possession we have sold 3 large pieces of artwork...something that has been "in the works" for over 5 years. We got a few grand within the first week. Thank you, Lab, for helping us make our dreams reality.
  19. I second the mention of Bengal; it's much spicier than O, but it has the same yummy honey note. Also Jezebel might be up your alley. And Regan--no honey in that, at least according to the site, but on me it was very honeyish. Bijoux has much of the same green honey note of O on me. Others you may want to try are Skuld, Chimerea, and Snake Oil. DH says that SO is more "powdery" than O...
  20. lookingglass

    I want a BPAL that smells like Bath & Body Works...

    Have you tried Lyonesse, Sed Non Satatia, or Brisingamen?
  21. lookingglass


    Glory and Majesty, Kokab, God’s Judgement. Immediate top 10. I must have a bottle. Or more. Wet, this is almost all red carnation. Drying down, it gets less floral, more spicy, and creamy (vanilla? almond? skin musk?). It is a red and gold scent to me. Regal and sexy. I love both Alice and Morocco, which I think are both similar to Hod, but Hod wins; it is stronger and more powerful in the carnation dept. Alice is more milky/childlike, and Morocco is more woody. Hod is eating marzipan then having sex on a bed of carnations. I could then make a judgement...
  22. lookingglass

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I guess I hadn't bought a GC bottle in a while, but I love the "new" glossy lables! I don't feel like they will smudge.