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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass

    Beaver Moon 2007

    Beaver Moon reminds me quite a bit of Eat Me, but it is brighter...more tart. Love the vanilla cream: sweet and deep.
  2. lookingglass

    Black Forest

    This is the captured scent of a cold, moonless night, lost deep within the darkest wood. Haunting and desolate, this scent evokes images of fairy tale tragedy and half-remembered nightmares. Thick, viscous pine with ambergris, black musk, juniper and cypress. Prior to BPAL, the idea of smelling like pine brings up bad memories of Pine Sol janitorial buckets cleaning up puke at the elementary school, or those yuckie trees that they hang up in cars. ...but, DH loves juniper scents mixed with sexy musk so I had to hunt down some Black Forest. I am getting to it first, though, of course! Inital impression is PINE but quite natural, like rubbing evergreen needles between my fingers and smelling that. Not fakey. The throw is kind of like the green-soap smell of the tattoo shoppe, but that's fine by me. It dries out quicly and the ambergris really makes her presence, nice and strong like in Lyonesse. Dried out, this is way too sexy! It is giving me strange fantasies of being helpless, lost in the woods, then wrapped in the arms of a centaur! Mmmmmm.... Roll me on the wet forest floor... The musk and ambergris combine to make a deep, sweet skin scent with this breath of the forest wafting on top. Oh, yes...he WILL wear this! Please, if I can get over my pine hang ups, you can too!
  3. lookingglass


    Let me just jump on this bandwagon cuz I am instantly hooked on Shub. This is even more than I expected. Really, it is everything wonderful about BPAL all wrapped in one. It is creamy, sexy, spicy, "you've never experienced anything foody like THIS", dark, dirty, and "OMG you smell soooo good" (from strangers!). Ginger is usually a note I stay away from because it can be too lemony for my tastes. But this ginger with the sharp resins brightens up the sweet, deep, musky base. It's perfect. DH says I smell like everything wonderful during the holidays when it is wet, but it dries out to dark, sexy, almost murkey skin. It's like Bengal, Chimera, Snake Oil, Sin, and Gingerbread Poppet all together, but so, so, so much more! It's drydown reminds me of Black Phoenix. Mmmmmm. Yup. Love myself! This could be my #1. I am so glad that I don't have a spicy big bottle of BPAL right now, cuz I need to justify Shub(s!) in my next order!
  4. I tried a whole bunch of 'em and I still like just straight up Snake Oil the best.
  5. lookingglass

    Love a GAP perfume, want a BPAL that's similar...

    2, 5, and 7 has a very true grass note, if you can do roses...
  6. lookingglass

    Discussion of all things Amber

    I, too, find Snake Oil ambery. I don't know if there is any actual amber in there, but ambers are often composites with patchouli, vanilla, and spices. I think SO fits that bill! Three Gorgons...OMG. I always get complements when I wear it. Amber and pepper...mmmm! Amber just smells like warm, glowing skin but better to me. Definately a favorite note!
  7. lookingglass

    The Lurid Library

    Imagine Antique Lace and Smut consumating their relationship on a Victorian book of love poems with dry violets pressed inside. My new favorite...
  8. lookingglass

    Midnight Kiss

    Frimp from the Lab. Hmmmm... I never even saw it comming... OMG this is FANTASTIC! It is flirty and fun, sexy and delicious. It is what I want department store scents to be like and they never are (Juicy, Princess...I'm looking at you...). She is like Mme Moriarty's little sexy stripper sister. This one is a party girl for sure. If you like Bordello and/or Eat Me you will LOVE Midnight Kiss. She is a bit more complex.
  9. lookingglass

    The Death of Autumn

    THIS is the scent of Autumn herself. She starts with a biting slap of harsh vetivert and resins. While it is fresh it is also dark and demanding, and it evokes a bright, smokey fire. Drying out I get the distinct crunch of fallen leaves, but with it, also, a feral heat that reminds me of castorium, which is creamy without being sweet, which must be the dark amber. This really smells like a dark, smokey, autumn night...the decaying soul of scorched flora. DH comments that up close it smells like burning leaves but when I walk away there is a sexy, animalistic note. That's the kind of throw I've been looking for... Hours later the dark amber and spices remind me of an even more sinister Three Gorgons. I am very, very pleased. I fully embrace this scent in all of her stages. She is exactly what I was hoping for...Brilliant.
  10. OK, rub it in that you have yours already!!!!!! Blood Countess made me freak out. I am not easily freaked out. I was obsessed with Elizabeth Bathory (the scents namesake) and music from the era, but the scent itself... I couldn't wear it. Oh, hell, I have to try it again now! Sin is dark, hot, dirty, and a little sweet. Love it. Haunted is dark for sure, but smells kind of like puppy-poo-poo on me after a while. Horrible...horrible! I HATE that it does that on me, and it is probably just that I was traumatized by the puppy who is now my dearheart Lestat... I digress... You might like Black Opal. It is "shiny" black, to me. A favorite for the summer because it seems sleek and not heavy. Snake Oil, of course, is dark and sexy.
  11. lookingglass

    The Hanging Gardens

    I procured an imp of the Hanging Gardens because my son is learning about the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World. I was sure I had tried it before, on my search for the perfect pomegranate, but I do not see my review, so I must be mistaken... My son, who is 5, reviews it as this: "Pomegranates! Flowers! Fruit! This IS the Hanging Gardens, Mommie!". It is suprisingly not as sweet as I imagined. There is an inital red fruitiness, but then it really reminds me of Ouija with the dry, wispy floral. It dries out delicate and creamy. I really love it!
  12. lookingglass

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    My man loves Boomslang. He won't wear Snake Oil (which I wear almost daily), but loves Boomslang...go figure! Maybe it is the woods or cocoa. I thought that adding cocoa would make it sweeter, but on him, somehow it isn't. Smells like a dark, sexy man!
  13. lookingglass

    Three Gorgons

    A pepper blend that is really peppery! LOOOOOOVVE! Arcana had a scent last year that was pepper and vanilla...Haint; it went all strawberry on me (yeah, I know...where did that come from), and I was so sad to have to swap it away cuz it just wasn't want I wanted. THIS is what I wanted. Not a lot of citrus (thank the gods!), just a little lift for the pepper. The amber is sweet and rich and just delicious like always. Pepper is one of those things that I want to dominate a blend...it is one of my favorite spices. I put pepper on my toast, rice, everything. I want to be crusted in pepper but sweet at the same time. On the drydown this turns all smokey and lovely. A sexy, smoldering scent...deep, with a kick. I MUST have a bottle of this. MUST.
  14. lookingglass

    Judith Victorious

    This is strangely thick and sweet and light and clean. The chestnut is creamy, like a nutty coffee creamer, but the flowers are quite soapy. Even dried out, these two aspects are quite apparent at the same time. Not a lot of mandarin, which I don't care for anyway, but it does give a nice lift in some blends. This is not a top 10, but a definate keeper.
  15. lookingglass

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    The Scarlet Woman, aglow with sensual indolence: red musk, benzoin, caramel accord, golden honey, and spiced Moroccan unguents. Oooh, yeah! This is definitely a Top 10 for me. This really does not smell very much like Smut to me at all (Which I love and have plenty of...it was just exciting to see the comparisons in previous reviews). It does have plenty of red musk, like Scherezade to my nose...but more layered...complex. It behaves much like incense on my skin as well, being heavier when wet and drying out in a smoky way. It is, however, a dryer scent than I expected~like Hecate was on me~suprisingly not creamy despite the sweetness. It is not as caramely as Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil, and so if you are jumping on this baby for the caramel, love her for other reasons; she is sweet like expensive incense, not like candy. I think she is Sed Non Satia's sister for sure. I wore this to a party last night. A friend embraced me, and breathed in Her scent. "Smeeellll heerrr!", he insisted to all of the surrounding people. These were some of the comments: ~you smell like a new baby ~like laying in bed in the sunlight ~like a haram girl ~like a bitch ~like sex ~just edible ~like honey ~nothing could be sexier ~oooh, I smelled that in the air earlier and couldn't figure out if it was something blooming or incense! DH said, "What are you wearing!?!". I gave him my little imp and he slathered it on! Big bottle NOW. I love scents we can share.
  16. lookingglass


    At first this is almost citrusy (which must be the linden), which makes me almost run away screaming. But I remember that I love narcissus and Snake Oil, so to hang the f*@& on and get my nose OFF of my wrist and let the scent settle and waft... I just might like this best of all out of the Snake Pit. It is clean but creamy, floral but musky, sweet and deep. This is Snake Oil for when it is warm outside. I will save it and wear it all summer. We happen to have a lot of cottonmouths around here. Maybe it will appease them!
  17. lookingglass

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    I got this for the acai berry ( I love berries...I wonder what this one smells like?)and smoked vanilla. I HATE neroli, so I was a bit out on a limb. This really smells...like air freshener, gummy candy, or apple/berry dishsoap. Up for swaps.
  18. lookingglass

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    This is quite like Red Phoenix was on me. The cassia/cinnimon thing is just overwhelming and does not play nice with my chemistry. Can't do it.
  19. lookingglass

    King Cobra (2006)

    The copal here is a lot like the sweet note that I thought was the honeysuckle in Chimera. The resins are not sharp at all. This is sweeter than I expected. There is a likeness to sugared bubble gum.
  20. lookingglass

    Night's Pavilion

    Sweet and spicy white floral. Kind of like a cross between Ouija and Brides of Dracula.
  21. lookingglass

    Death Adder

    Ooooh, yeah....you are not going to be seeing this one on my swaps page! If you like Snake Oil, Perversion, and/or Blood Kiss, this is for you. It is dirty, sweet and so sexy. Yum.
  22. lookingglass

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    My long awaited has arrived at last... and I am just as infatuated now as I was anticipating. There was no reason for me not to love this scent. It is composed of everything I love. It is an orgy of sticky candied incense. Very caramel at first, drying out with a soft, dark, deep, sweet floral. It's perfect. So glad I bought a bottle unsniffed. If you wanted to love Snake Oil but it just didn't work, I would try this for sure.
  23. lookingglass


    I received a frimp from the Lab back in the day and fell in love. She is quite like Black Phoenix without the almond, a smokier, more earthy rose, and more myrrh-longer lasting and less powdery.
  24. lookingglass


    Yes: very thick and gritty in the bottle...like the bottom of a homemade cup of hot cocoa; that is the smell and consistency of Boomslang in the bottle. It is very much like Velvet and SO together when wet. It must be the extra bite of woods that gives it that effect, but I always assumed it was the myrrh in Velvet that gave it that minty bite, and here it is for a moment in Boomslang. Hmmm? Drying down, it's Snake Oil with just a light dusting of cocoa. Love it! It will be my "extra sexy and delicious" Snake Oil blend! This morning DH came to wake me up and he was surrounded in a thick, dark, delicious, sweet cloud of muskiness. I could not identify what is was, and was shocked to find out it was Boomslang! He dosen't wear Snake Oil!?! He said the cocoa was very prominent wet, but it dried out on him by the time he got upstairs. I think we may need another bottle soon!