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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass


    Lots of lilac and plum, with an earthiness from the leather, herbs adding some green. This is like a less sour Blood Countess on me. A spingtime scent that is not too innocent...keeper.
  2. lookingglass

    Raven Moon

    <img src="http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thud.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="thud.gif" /> Yes, yes, yes! This IS special...and slatherable. Raven Moon has complexity, silage, and depth without being heavy. There is a sparkle when wet, almost what some would call "collogne-y", or soapy, which would be the "shine" of the musk with the myrrh. It quickly darkens, though, and all the notes blend beautifully, almost a clovey in it's spiciness; not at all a sterotypical spiciness (aka "craftstore"). The rich patchouli/vanilla/musk drydown is downright edible without overt sweetness. If you like other spicy/resiney BPAL's (Chimera, Bengal, Cathedral, etc) it should be right up your alley. If you missed it, try Miss Lupescu-they are very similar; ML has a slight fruitiness from the almond blossom that RM does not have, & all dried out RM is just a bit bolder, rounder-sillage is medium, wearlength is nice and long. Definitely a keeper for me.
  3. lookingglass

    So you're devastated about Antique Lace...

    I'll add Inez to the list. AL is mostly vanilla musk on me, which Inez has. She's definately a sister scent.
  4. lookingglass

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    yes. please. i have one bottle of la befana left, it is so incredibly beautiful. interestingly enough, the raven is also my 2nd choice. Are we scent sisters, I wonder?
  5. lookingglass

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    Pleeeeeeze, Beth, bring back La Befana for Yule. It is my favorite violet: candied but dark and smokey (with no vetiver or mint, which I really don't pull off well). The Raven is my 2nd choice.
  6. lookingglass

    Your Best-Bet "Must Try" Enabling Scents

    Please add, in addition to the lovelies mentioned: Sin Dragon's Heart Antique Lace
  7. Hetaerie is hella sexy, as is Inez and Hand of Glory.
  8. lookingglass

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    I have been transformed into a pumpkin pastie! The pumpkin is the slightly buttery, spicy autumn scent we all know and love here. The almond and honey musk combine seamlessly to give the blend a slight nutty, creamy, skin sweetness. These almonds are not being brash cherry girls, though there is a slight fruity/juicyness. It smells like O and Dana O'Shee are having a pumkin late, really. Delicious, sensual, Faerie Harvest feast!
  9. lookingglass

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Cinnimon is a note that will be making its appearence again very soon: Sin and Chimera are on the top of the list. I remember how I wanted the Death of Autumn to be my ultimate fall scent and it ended up smelling just too chared on me. Le sigh.
  10. A combo of Heiterae and Blood Lotus may come close w no almond!
  11. lookingglass

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    I will be breaking out the Snake Oil again during the day, but I'm so looking forward to Pumpkin 1 (w almond and musk). Ooooh....
  12. lookingglass

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Posting b/c I had forgotton how much I love the yummy, dark, juicy, sexy, fruity/muskiness of Dragon's Heart! I need some more right now! If I am completely honest, I love it more than Mme Moriarty.
  13. lookingglass

    Hand of Glory

    Oh, this is GLORY! It goes on with a fresh wood note and a spark of saltpeter that dries down quickly. The beeswax warms up honey sweet, combinging with the nutmeg making an almost eggnog note. Leather does not usually agree with me, but it is brilliant here, slightly dry and dark, like mummified flesh. Delicious and evil. It has sillage like WOAH, too, which is something comming from me b/c I can't slather on enough of anything! It's another lovely, dark, gender neutral skin scent (my favorite kind!). It smells like I've been preparing and altar and now I'm having a lovely tea party in the underworld! IMMEDIATELY into the favorites category!
  14. lookingglass

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I can't think of a scent that I wear that dosn't get put on wrist/fringertip to bottle and get applied to wrists, neck, hair, and other pulse points....and reapplied at least once a day! I seriously don't gag people out, either. Ok, ONCE I know I gave someone an allergy attack, but they were fine in a few minutes and kept sitting next to me and they totally could have moved if they wanted to! I don't like rubbing pokey plastic on my skin and I wouldn't be able to smell anything if I only put on a drop of anything.
  15. lookingglass

    Pumpkin Smash

    Pumpkin pulp, beeswax candles, smoke, asphalt, and beer! I was afraid of the beer. I really don't even like to drink beer and I sure as hell don't like the smell of it! This is pretty yummy, though! Slightly buttery pumpkin and spice, like a pumpkin pastie, with an incensy, smokey drydown.
  16. Oooh, this is fantastic! DH commented that it smells "fresh" on me, which I could see a bit...in a fresh wood way. It reminded me a bit of Theiry Mugeler's Angel first off...like a clean, sweet, earthy scent. On the drydown it reminds me of Haloes without the sour apricot note that kept me from keeping her..plus it dries out way darker. SCORE! The woods and tobacco smell very much like patchouli, and it stays creamy with just enought vanilla. It is not as uber sweet as I expected, and the woods are not "splitery". I am so pleased! I think this is truly gender neutral, and a nice dark skin scent. This is going on my bottle list right away!
  17. Maybe: ARCANA: The essence of magickal enigmas and long-forgotten esoteric mysteries. Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and verbena. or Bewitched:Deep, luscious green and berry scents that evoke images of woodland witchcraft and the raw power of nature: blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk. or Phantasom:This delicate, spectral perfume gives rise to an eerie distortion of of the senses. It bestows an ephemeral, ghostly, and truly haunting quality to your presence. Green tea, lemon verbena, jasmine and neroli. When I think of her, I think of a powerful loyal lover and mother, and couragous witch. She may like Dana O'Shee or Dragon's Milk with the little one around!
  18. lookingglass

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I get red sometimes if I put on spicy BPAL's (do I even have any that aren's spicy...?) right out of the shower. Cinnimon often does it no matter, which makes me really sad b/c I love a strong, blood red smelling cinnimon like Sin...OMG.
  19. lookingglass

    Talcum Powder, French Talc....

    My father in law says that Snake Oil smells like the talc his Scottish mother used to wear. (Runs to read more powdery reviews herself!)...
  20. Almost everything I like is sweet, though I like my sweets dark and not too foody. O, Snake Oil, Brisingamen, Mme Moriarty, Eat Me, Kali, Florence, Hetaire, Black Phoenix...just some of my faves.
  21. Black Opal, Darkness, any Lunars, the Apothecary, La Befana (what I imagine Honeydukes to smell like)...
  22. lookingglass


    Another lilac lover who has yet to meet her match. I do worship Ouija and Dragon's Eye but they just do not bloom on my skin. Alas!
  23. Luna: anything moon, maiden, soft, or fae...Maiden, Eve, Ouija, any lunar (of course!), Alice, Fae...Antique Lace even, really. She is so soft, pale, and wistful...
  24. The Raven, naturally! I always wear Snake Oil to openings. It IS my signature and I fancy being from Slythern House... (though any snakes would do). Other scents that evoke HP world: Bewitched Hellcat the Unicorn Ouija (so wispy and etherial!) Zombi (for the infiri!) I think Malfory would smell like Severin...just...REALLY! Dragon's (blood) anything
  25. lookingglass

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self Similarity v4

    V4 A dream come true: Snake Oil with wistful violets and powdery orris! I would expect such a thing to be heavy like La Befana, but it is much lighter and flowery with less sweetness. I have been mixing my various violety BPALs with SO (Raven, Saraglio, Violet Ray), but this is so much more soft and lovely. It feels more like Antique Lace, but with a dark musk. Oh, god... Love, love, love!