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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass

    The Arbor

    Wet this is RED MUSK! brightened with the herbs. Drying out, the florals are head-y, and yeah, a little tart, but it's ok, it's ok...the red musk is backin' it up. It has a very Indian feel. The patchouli is deep and woody, but the massoia/tonka/white flower thing it has going on gives it a gently creamy, almost buttery sweetness on the drydown. Mmmmm...sweet patchouli musk, my favorite kind of blend. It feels like Phantom's sibling in in how it is a rich, musky, floral incense scent. I'll be wearing this out in the Spring and Summer- it has a freshness that is undeniable, but it's still dark and sexy. I think she'd cut through a bar crowd like a bitch on wheels, too. I love it enough to have back up!
  2. lookingglass

    fizzy, sorta carbonated, sparkling blends?

    Katherina is all peach (really it's apricot but I've only ever had peach...) soda on me, waaaaaay more than Fae.
  3. Dana O'Shee smells like warm, sweet rice with almondy milk to me (and it's GC!).
  4. lookingglass

    Smoky, Sweet Scents?

    Door Antikythera Mechanism Hecate
  5. lookingglass

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    How would you compare and contrast Door and DNHoney? On a totally unrelated note, I think Tzadikim Nistarim smells and feels a lot like Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse.
  6. lookingglass


    Playtex scented tampons. I really can't get past the reference right now. It's a soft, powdery, rosy scent...with a little spice, I get the spice and I know, I know, I could train my nose and learn to like it because it is so darn likable. It's fresh. It's wearable. It's lovely. It just reminds me of my first periods. Sorry.
  7. lookingglass

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    This was NOTHING like I expected! Earthy, delicious, creamy, juicy, woody, mango incense?! OMG! I love this so much. It is my new "happy" BPAL! I wore it hooping and I smiled the whole time. I don't like traditionally bright scents, as I've said before when I have to make an exception, but this is GORGEOUS! I it feels like when I went to a Hindu temple, surrounded by a haze of sacred smoke, with offering of fresh fruits all around. I am so, so GIDDY about this scent!!! It smells like how happy it makes me to see kids on their birthday. CRAAAAAZY! Craaaazy good! Ya know what it's like...it's a lot like Winter Solstice Luna Eclipse!
  8. lookingglass


    Door has stolen my heart. She is such a lovely juxtiposition of bright herbacious notes, sweet/creamy honey, and a deep, smokey/dusty, yet tangy resininess. She reminds me of a more mature, esoteric Honey Moon, which was my little one's favorite when he was a baby (sigh of nostalgia...). It is calming, yet not soporific; fresh, yet not grating; grounded, yet gentle and approachable. This is perfect for me to wear to work as a psychotherapist. There are many doors I am called to open.
  9. lookingglass

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    A Mutter wedding sounds so wicked awesome! Will the ceremony be upstairs or down?
  10. lookingglass

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    Delicious, waxy honey. This smells both green/floral fresh/honey, and smoldering/sweet/creamy. It's like Hand of Glory "light". I'll wear it to bed (snuggle, snuggle).
  11. lookingglass

    Berry Moon 2009

    ZOMG! Wet: Bright raspberry, bitter orange blossom, and snapped bright green stems. Drying down the honey note emerges more, still so fresh with the tart fig, the musk is all breezy but starts to get creamy. I'm so glad. I have to have a scent that melts into my skin. Dry: The berries and fig darken and meld with the honey, like tart filling, but the musk keeps it lifted and not too foody. I imagine that if I wore Fae, Honey Moon, Heitaerie, and washed my hair with my VO5 Sun Kissed Raspberry condishioner I would smell something like this. But I don't have to! I have my very own PRECIOUS bottle! And how often do we get RASPBERRY in our BPAL??? Crazy, happy, Berry Moon LOVE!
  12. lookingglass

    Victorian Garden

    Very very very much lavender-purple flowers and green stems. It dries out like lavender water, a bit lighter. If there are herbs and honey, they simply mingle with the green part of the lavender to my nose. A pretty little posy. That is it.
  13. lookingglass

    Ü Mütter Museum

    This. Smells. Just. Like. The. Mutter! I opened the bottle in the gift shop and was totally creeped out and amazed. On the opening it is a bit "green", balsamy, yes, but it smells like old, polished wood, like Bezoar. It starts to dry out and get really leathery, dusty incensey, and waxy/sweet, like the remains, wax casts, and antiqued paper that line the cabinets upstairs and down. However, it gets a "Mmmm, you smell gooooood" from the man, so don't be too afraid... This scent has oomph-silage and wearlength are strong and long, just how I like it.
  14. lookingglass

    What am I smelling?

    If you are brand new to single notes, you can get a bit of an idea by going to a health food store an sniffing EO's. Eden Botanicals also sells sample of their EO's.
  15. lookingglass

    The Ultimate Raspberry!

    I love raspberry but haven't found a BPAL one that suits me. You may try plum, currants, and pomegranates (especially paired w red musk) for a similar juicy red fruit feel.
  16. lookingglass

    Creamy Spicy Florals, a/k/a Florientals

    Phantom, Darkness, and Inez are my creamy, spicy, floral babies.
  17. lookingglass


    The apple and honey give the inital "green" impression to me, which is slightly herbal, clean, and salty. (It's not nearly as salty, though, as Muggler's Womanity-from a cavier note-if you have smelled that mainstream fume...) Drying out, it become more creamy, musky, and spicy. It's very sweet, rich, and slightly smokey, though it reads as "blonde" to me, like a "blondie" brownie but not chocolatey. Wearlength is long, long, long and it's suprisingly complex for such a sweet blend. I really love it, and is now my go-to apple, and I am pretty sure it is DH's favorite on me...rawr!
  18. lookingglass

    L'Examen de Minuit

    Bright, sharp resins flash, then a breath of lilac exhales fleetingly before sweet myrrh and rose lull this scent down, down, down to darkness. The lasting effect smells like bruised skin looks-overripe and slightly dusty. I love it. Suprisingly, it wears very much like All Souls!
  19. lookingglass


    This smells like honeyed, spiced herbs. It's lovely. Reminicent of the bones of Hamadrayad or Phatom Queen without the apple, it is slightly tart and woody with fresh green sprigs. It's lively in a "come hither" kind of way, but is then bitter and haughty.
  20. lookingglass

    Aperotos Eros

    Pinion pine incense is what I think of at first. The bergamot and musk added with the really fresh sprig of fir create the interesting visual of Christmas-tree-cutting-hands. It immediately dries down to a sweet, powdery incense. The maosia adds a touch of butteriness. DH loves this one.
  21. lookingglass


    This one opens with a PUNCH of resiney florals. Hitting the skin it sweetens, spices up and creams out. It reminds me a lot of Phantom without the rose. Drying out it has that wonderful "inside of gramma's purse" powdery perfuminess from another era. Love it.
  22. lookingglass


    Oh my...smells like peach soda or peach jello. Oh, wait...driiiiiiiiiied down (10 min or so later) this is warming up nicely....! 20 min later: This is the best damn white musk on the planet! It's fuzzy, slightly sweet apricot colored skin, so fleshy and delicious. It lasted all evening, all night, into the next morning, but close to the skin. It's a snuggler.
  23. lookingglass

    Old Demons of the First Class

    I bought this GC scent in a 5 ml unsniffed because I just knew...and I was so right... Out of the bottle, I immediately thought of one of my all time favorite fragrances, Serge Lutens' Fumarie Turque. Mmmm! I am supprised there is no tobacco in here because it is rich, dark, and sweet like decadent pipe tobacco, almost a single note in its denseness. The complex peppery spices and musk open with a squirt of bitter neroli (a note I am not particularly fond of but find curiously welcomed here). The lift is reminicent of breaking open an exotic twig emitting a tangy resin, not at all sunny. The tonka and sweet opoponax immediately add a rich, sensuous chewiness. I insist that my man slather this all over his chest hair immediately! Ah...there...it is even better on him... This is the kind of scent that feels like snuggling up on a bear skin rug in a leather lined library with a crackling fire...don't wake me unless moments of passion are promised...(goes back to insatiable sniffing...)
  24. lookingglass

    Fire, smoke and ash scents

    Hand of Glory!!!!
  25. lookingglass

    Pomegranate V

    The pomegrante is tart but immediately tempered by the slightly creamy, inky-spiced amber. The florals are silky sweet and lift with the pomegranate like opium smoke, keeping it from comming off as singularly sour. My husband says it smells like the season and I do agree.