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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lookingglass

  1. lookingglass

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I love Chantilly. My Gran wore it all the time, and anyone who knows me knows I LOVE grandma scents! I still use the dusting powder in the summer. To me, it's a musky, powdery, floral. She feels like kin to Haunted, Snake Oil (but SO's way sweeter), Inez, and Antique Lace. I want to add All in a Golden Afternoon for some reason, but I've only sniffed it once.
  2. lookingglass

    dragon's blood recommendations...?

    Blood Amber is sweet, too.
  3. I LOVE Dragon's Heart and Dragon's Musk. Add Le Lethe to the list of hellasexy!
  4. Mix any of the above with Lights of Men's Lives and you're good to go. The Blasphemer's Reliquary came down with the Carnival but hopefully will be back with it's kick ass myrrh. Phantom has a bit of dark rose, but the incense notes are creamy and awesome.
  5. lookingglass

    BPALs like Serge Lutens perfumes

    Snake Oil totally rocks (my "If I could only have 1 fragrance for the rest of my life" scent), but I believe you will be tempted to search further, as well, due to it's being it's own being, and the lack of soft woods. Don't worry-the madness is bliss... You might want to try: Antikythera Mechanism: teak, oak, tobacco, and vanilla. Similar notes, but can come across as a bit astringent at first. The drydown is nice, creamy, dark vanilla woods. Glowing Vulva (it was an LE...is the bath oil still available?): Cream accord, amber, teak, and lotus blossom. Morocco: Arabian spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia. This one FEELS more like Un Bois to me. Vanilla isn't listed, but it's regularly noticed as a primary note. The woods have a similar lift that Un Bois does, and it tends to feel sheer.
  6. lookingglass


    This scent is a lovely, epic journey across Canadian wilderness. It's very outdoorsey: it smells of a melange of trees and dried flora under the foot of one sexy ranger. I'm slathering it on my man! For all the dry notes it dries down to a slightly spicy, creamy, woody scent. The man likes it when a scent goes on fresh and bracing-ready for WORK!-but then dries down snuggly for after hours. This is one o' them day to nighters.
  7. lookingglass

    Figs and Fig Scents - alone and in combos

    Heiteare is dark, chewy fig!
  8. So many favorites of mine here...but I have to add Blood Kiss, the Caterpillar, Tzadikim Nistarim, Shub, and Phantom.
  9. lookingglass

    Temperature and BPAL

    They should be ok. It's not good for them to get hot/be hot for long periods but for just one morning...hell, they often sit in mailboxes for a while. Don't worry too much. Give 'em some lovin', maybe put in another order...
  10. lookingglass

    Pine and Evergreen goodness

    I had to stop in and give some love to the pine. Illustrated Woman turned my heart and now I have to go revisit scents with pine that I may have discredited too quickly (looks at Black Forest).
  11. lookingglass

    Please recommend powdery blends

    Eve and Florence.
  12. lookingglass

    Loving the frankincense!

    No 93 Engine is almost completely frankincense on me.
  13. lookingglass

    Follow Me Boy

    Creamy, powdery floral with a ton of throw and crazy sex appeal. This is NOT your gradma's nor your baby's powder.
  14. lookingglass


    Yum, yum, yum...this is reminding me of Raven Moon but thinner and woodier. I'm glad it's GC.
  15. lookingglass


    Sweet honey musk! I was expecting a very red smell from the berries and resins but not so much, really-it's more of a blush on skin. It actually smells like a more femme version of Hand of Glory which I am really thrown by and more than pleasantly surprised. It must be the musk that smells kind of leathery. Total win!
  16. lookingglass

    The Knave of Hearts

    YUM! Fruity rose, deep spice, and creamy sweetness. I thought this would be just Eat Me with roses but it really has a different feel. It's less foody, more spicy, with a very voluptuous, velvety rose. It's very much like a loukhoum fragrance without the overt nuttiness that generally makes those scents a no go for me. I love it! Off with his head!!!
  17. lookingglass


    Weird-io! In the opening, the melon and gin go WA-ZING!!! but it's not particularly edible. I've never smelled anything quite like it. It's a light green, wet, fizzy smell but it immediately gets a little powdery and creamy. It's fresh yet sweet and dense at the same time, kind of like a clean musk. I thought there might be iris in here because it gets that gentle baby head creaminess all dried out, but it must be the honey. I gave it to DH who loves deep smokey scents but craves something more summery sometimes-this seems to work very well for him. I would definitely consider this gender neutral, though. It dries down very quickly and sticks very close to the skin. It reminds me a bit of Black Opal at the end.
  18. lookingglass

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    This is brilliant. I always thought I'd like a green scent with oakmoss but I neh-ver really have. Green scents tend to smell like the bottom of my Grandma's purse, or a tincture of some kind- not mysterious, sexy, or a good fit for my skin. I never got that leathery feel people always talk about in green scents. I've wanted to. I think it's a wonderfully romantic notion, and leather as a note rarely works for me as I find it too tangy. I have often imagined Mina's green leather gloves in Bram Stoker's Dracula and want to smell like that. Wah! I want green leather! Faiza, however, is my ticket. I guess I needed a little fruit, ti, and honey in with the mix. This is NOT, however, a frilly, girly, fruity, flowery blend by any means. I'm not like, "hey there, orange and blackberry! Whatcha been up to?!" like easily identifiable tarts. The white florals, too, are understated and are merely creamy and indolic, blending seamlessly with the honey and musk. OMG . The leathery note seems to come from the oakmoss and musk. It's smooth, melty, sleek and murkey green with an understated sweet smoothness. The topnotes give just enough lift to make the darker notes shimmer. The drydown is amazing and I can't describe it well enough...it reminds me of how Fae dries down in feel: the musk gets all... faceted...shining light and dark, sharp and creamy all at the same time...it's subtle but ungodly beautiful. She's quiet, slinky, complex, and sexy. I'll be getting a bottle when the Carnival gets back in town, for SURE.
  19. lookingglass

    Schlafende Baigneuse

    Yellow rose! It really smells like yellow rose! Fresh, with green stems, wet and bright. Drying out the creaminess comes out and I smell fresh honeysuckle. I think this is the most realistic floral I have ever smelled. Yes, it reminds me of L'air du Temps, too, but more of a nod to it, not a dupe. This softens out quickly to a light breeze of a pale yellow floral-delicately sweet. Fresh out of a luxe shower, indeed. It's sunny without being tangy or piercing.
  20. lookingglass

    Magic, Do As You Will

    Resiney...yep. It's nice. It is purpley, but not FRUITY, more like a...purple haze. Dried out it smells a lot like my beloved Medea without the green complexity and a little more oomph.
  21. lookingglass

    The Illustrated Woman

    The only reasons that I haven't tried this scent before today is because of the pine and some fierce resistance that I can only liken to trying to deny an intense romantic infatuation with someone you don't even know. I was so afraid she would smell like Pine Sol, which smells like cleaning up puke at elementary school to me. I know. I feel horrible even thinking that about a BPAL, let alone writing it, but I was SCARED. Scared the pine would be minty or Christmasy...just the fact that it was THERE. Even thought I heard so many amazing things about this Illustrated Woman. And I just happen to be a very illustrated woman myself. All the other notes are total win. "Common...put me on the wishlist...just see what happens...read the reviews... you know you want me..."she called to me. I didn't even want to read or believe the reviews because I could not imagine that the pine wouldn't eat up any other beauty she may possess. But now, today...I faced my fear and my desire. I sniffed the bottle. Pine. Strong pine, but definitely not Pine Sol. Pine sap. Fresh flowing, gooey, amber colored pine sap that as I child I could not resist touching to see if it was dry as it oozed out of the trees that shaded the sandbox that I played in everyday, that lined the edges of the forrest I was forbidden to enter alone. (I want to go...let me go...I'm so curious!) When it was dry I peeled it off in thin ribbons, the amber edges all white, or I picked off small globs and rolled them around between my thumb and middle finger. I can feel the sensation even now... When it wasn't dry, my finger poked through the sticky membrane to the richly scented liquid. Either way it would get all over my hands and smell so amazing it was worth the dirt that would soon stick to it and last all day, no matter how many times I washed my hands. Sometimes later I would get in trouble for wiping it on my white cotton dress... But it fades....the memory...and the pine in the Illustrated Woman. OMG. What a flashback... Morphing...if it's not pine what's it gonna be? Sniff...what the? Sniff... Fuck YEAH. THIS is Holy Grail. WHAT am I smelling?! It smells like...like... what I always wished headshops and stores of magical objects and incense and every other perfume oil smelled like but DIDN't. It just smells absolutely amazing: chewy, rich, smokey, but like SKIN. It has a resemblance to Snake Oil (my true, true love for years), for sure, but she's less medicinal and with less sillage, and just...different; it smells just as musky and sweet but with different musk and different sweet. I think it's more complex than Snake Oil, with less vanilla and more honey and resins. But it FEELS just as comfortable and BAD ASSED at the same time. There is a slight niff of men's cologne but Iiiii like it!-it's subtle and naughty. I cannot stop smelling myself. No one would dare fuck with me in this. It's the kind of scent I could imagine someone smelling and thinking "What is that?". It smells like some exotic PLACE really, or rather, like someone has been in some exotic place and then returned and I am enchanted by them and want to hear their stories and learn their secrets. And then I realize...it's really ME. Me. The bookish, tattooed, smokin' freak that I am and- I like myself. A lot... I love this. LOVE it! I am so frustrated that the Carnival is down at the moment cuz I would buy multiple bottles right now, which is something that I don't do very often. I have to have more of this. Have to. She delights me the way she smells so like my childhood and then grows into a dancing, wild gypsy and finally into a luscious, honied lover. Instant love. I have fallen. Honestly. Madly.
  22. lookingglass


    Smells like...boozy cherry chocolates and coconut but actually very wearable! Fun!
  23. Brilliant, IP! Thank you!!!
  24. lookingglass

    Oatmeal and Avocado?

    I'm thinking Obatala: milk, coconut meat, shea butter and cool, refreshing water
  25. lookingglass


    All the corruptions of the earth: mandrake, dark myrrh, seaweed, swampy moss, black pepper, pimento, opoponax, tobacco absolute, and tarry clove. FUNKY! It's almost a chypre without citus topnotes-a dream come true! It's a punch in the face with sharp resins and fresh spices and wet earth that almost reads like a heady, dark floral, greenish brown, not too sour. It's reminiscent of the Caterpillar, but with less floral, and add clove, lots of myrrh, and GREEN...sweeter, sticky, and kind of leathery. It feels like a classic Caron but more...wild-swampy, yeah..like, primeval. Ooooh, another add to my heaping myrrh pile!!!! I gotta have a full bottle.