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Posts posted by rumandkerosene

  1. My first review! I was going to wait until I'd built up a bit more, er, scent vocabulary, but I had to review this.


    Shoggoth smells like Hawai'i to me. Like walking down Waikiki and stopping in all the little tourist shops, but I mean it in the best way because everything smells gorgeous there. I hardly get any lemongrass or lime at all, just a very mellow, sweet coconut with mellow sweet florals that work together to make me think of white ginger leis, even though it's not quite the same scent. Normally I don't care very much for coconut, but it's somehow incredibly pleasant here. It's beautiful! And it's making me a bit homesick for my island.

  2. Ooh! Okay, here I go; I'm an illustration major, but what I'm really passionate about is storytelling. I want to write/illustrate young adult fantasy novels and comics. I also love drawing pinups and fashion illustrations; my favorite is burlesque style lingerie. I grew up on the stage- dance, piano, violin, theatre- so I have no problem getting up on one, but on the other hand, I'm introverted and painfully shy. I also grew up with my nose planted permanently in books, and I'm a bibliophile not only in the sense that I love good stories; I adore the smell and feel of old books. I do bookbinding as well!


    I love all the arts, whether it's visual arts, performing arts, culinary arts, etc- I think good food is one of the best things about being alive. I will listen to any genre of music, but lately what I've been playing most is Cirque du Soleil soundtracks, Yann Tiersen, and weird circus or dark cabaret music, like Circus Contraption. I'm a huge Cirque du Soleil fangirl, and while I don't care much for traditional circuses, I love the circus/carnival aesthetic.


    I'm too polite- it's actually something I'm trying to correct, and I'm getting better at it! I've always had problems expressing anger (I bottle it all up), but I'm getting better at that, too. I grew up in Florida, and spend half the year there for college, and half the year with my family in Hawai'i, which I love beyond words. I can't imagine life without the ocean, and I'd rather not live without mountains and lush forests too- when I'm in these places I'm so happy that my heart hurts. I hike, scuba dive, and wish more than anything that I could fly. I love the smell of forests, especially after rain.


    Although I consider myself feminine, I'm finding that I really enjoy masculine and neutral scents, although I like some sweet girly ones too. I dislike florals. I'm queer and biracial, and have a really short temper when it comes to bigotry- especially the seemingly innocuous kind ("it's just a joke"). Uh, I should probably stop now, before I write a novel. Sorry!
