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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Incendiare

  1. One of the first imps I ordered! I love almond, amber, and cardamom, so I imagined this to be a pleasantly warm spicy almond, and it pretty much is, particularly in the vial. Once applied to my skin, it momentarily turns cherry almond. I cannot pick out the cardamom or myrrh, but there is a slightly muskiness hiding behind the almonds and general spiciness. The amber gently wafts and grounds Bastet. Beautiful and I will definitely use up this imp.

  2. Almondy Gluttony in the vial. The booze comes out a bit more on my skin. Definitely like Gluttony, but with a more Frangelico and pure almond extract punch to it. Dry and nutty, yet slightly cakey. Hellcat doesn't seem to morph on me much at all. It seems to stabilize itself at the one-minute mark on the skin. I could see this being a holiday scent!

  3. This one is a surprise for me. I never thought I would have liked it as much as I do. In the bottle, I get mostly spices, primarily cinnamon. It's not a red hot cinnamon type either, but a freshly ground cinnamon with which you would use to bake. There is a tinge of pumpkin but it's barely there. Applied to my skin, I still get the fresh cinnamon, but as Pumpkin Latte dries, the pumpkin syrup note comes through, although it smells more like maple syrup. The coffee is there too but it isn't the star of the show. This one has some killer throw. I can smell it all day. I never thought I would ever want to smell like this, but oddly enough, it works. I'm even going back and forth on acquiring a backup. It's that good.

  4. I am immediately greeted by juniper and sandalwood. Whoa, wet it smells a bit medicinal. Reminds me of Tiger Balm a bit! Luckily, that phase only lasts a minute. Now the florals are coming out. They're a bit sharp and undefined, but I do detect a hint of lilac. The warmer woods join in however overall, this still smells cooling and slightly medicinal. I like the end result. It's a pleasant woodsy floral with a slightly cool background.

  5. Sweet spices in the imp. The lily becomes a lot more palpable once applied. Something about this makes me think of a kind of drink though, but I don't know what it is. I'm completely stumped but I like it. It almost smells a bit carbonated. So yeah, basically spicy lilies.

  6. Is that you, jasmine? As soon as I take off the cap, I get slapped in the face with this particular strong floral. Actually, it's not as offensive as jasmine can be to my nose, but this is seriously all I can smell at this point. The jasmine automatically dies down as soon as I apply Bien Loin D'ici to my skin. Now I'm starting to get some of the notes listed, primarily musk, spices, and a touch of sweetness. If I concentrate enough, I can get the talcum powder that some other reviewers are talking about. Actually, I now know that this reminds me of. My grandma has had a jar of floral-like talcum powder ever since I can remember, and it smells similar to this, although this is ten times stronger. This is alright but my imp is way more than enough.

  7. Boomslang just may be the love of my life. Snake Oil and I weren't exactly BFF in the beginning, but after a month of aging, I grew to love it. Oh my, add some cocoa and a bit of sweetness from rice milk too and I am speechless. Snake Oil lingers in the background and the teakwood blends in with the Snake Oil while the cocoa and rice milk sit on top. I need multiple bottles of this and will be extremely sad when it's gone.

  8. Whoa, dark berryish wine in the imp. It almost reminds me of a cross between Villainess' Blush and Bathory soaps, which are two of my favourites. Freshly applied to the skin, the tobacco comes out along with a parade of flowers. A couple minutes in, I can finally detect a hint of chocolate. I think what's happening is the chocolate is blending in with the tobacco. I love the way it smells when I wave my hand in front of my nose. As it's drying, the berry wine is coming out a bit more again and the tobacco is softening up. I don't get any honey from this at all. Kali is a pleasant surprise. I received this from the lab as a frimp and so glad that I did because I would have never have ordered this one on my own.

  9. She herself had cheeks like blood and milk and grew every day more and more beautiful: creamy skin musk and blushing pink musk with soft sandalwood, white amber, dutiful myrrh, and star jasmine.

    Vasilissa is very soft and feminine in the imp. I automatically get amber with a touch of soft pink floral. Unfortunately, it doesn't smell as nice wet. The pinkness goes a little murky. But wait, as it's drying, it gets better again. I am catching the slightest whiffs of Pink Sugar in here combined with a sweet musk. After a few minutes, the soft floral is peeking out again, but I can't pinpoint what it is exactly. I really like this one and want to continue experimenting with it.

  10. Jezebel is intensely sweet orange in the imp. Wet, the sweetness instantly becomes recognized as honey. Initially, I don't get any roses whatsoever, but as Jezebel dries, the roses gradually come out. The orange blossom follows along, as well. I don't get any sandalwood whatsoever. The other notes mingle with each other more as the blend settles down and dries on my skin. It's not as orangey as it initially was in the imp. The rose becomes even more palpable about five minutes after I've applied Jezebel to my skin. It's very pretty but not bottle worthy.

  11. This one is a shocker for me. It smells nothing like what I imagined it to be, but that is a good thing since I thought it would smell like dusty coffee. Instead, Miskatonic University smells like a cappuccino sweetened with a bit of toffee. The deeper I take a whiff, the more I can detect the Irish cream. Wet, it is beginning to morph a bit. The woods are coming out ever so slightly and it doesn't smell as sweet. The dust is very faint and barely there. This is definitely a lot better than what I was expecting. Bottle worthy, not sure, but this imp will not be neglected at all.

  12. In the imp, I can smell dark purple berries, or even blackberries, combined with fresh greenery in the background. Wet, it doesn't change too much. It becomes slightly brighter on my skin, but it still remains darkly berryish. It gets slightly muskier on my skin too. While I kind of see my where people are getting soap from, my nose translates it as musk.

  13. The blend of ginger and jasmine in Siren reminds me a bit of LUSH's Something Wicked This Way Comes, which is one of my all-time favourite LUSH scents. As soon as I opened the imp, I could detect the ginger above everything above. Whew, it's strong! I can smell the jasmine behind it, especially once wet, and a general sweetness from the vanilla although I can't distinguish that it is in fact vanilla. I don't get any fruitiness from this at all. I can almost detect a faint woodsy note in the background too. It's a nice blend but I won't be reaching for this one because I'll admit that it still can't compare to my beloved Something Wicked.

  14. To me, this represents BPAL as a whole. It's the epitome of BPAL. Womb Furie is two of the most popular BPAL blends in one. I get O more than Snake Oil. I'd say 65% O and 35% Snake Oil. I absolutely love Snake Oil on its own, and although I really like O a lot too, it can sometimes be a bit too much for me. I like how the Snake Oil tones down the O-ness in this blend. As it dries down, it turns a bit powdery, but it's not too much. Although Womb Furie would never be my #1, it's definitely a necessity in my collection now. It's soothing and calming, yet lusty and mysterious. Sheer awesomeness.

  15. Mmm, love the smell of Seraglio in the imp: fresh almonds, orange peel, and spices, primarily clove. No florals at this point. Just something I'd probably want to bake at Christmas. Wet, it smells like an amped up version of what it's like in the imp. I'm starting to get a bit of the bitterness from the neroli, and a slight hint of rose way far in the back, but the sandalwood still isn't present. As Seraglio dries on my skin, it's warming up. There is a gentle, warm woodsy note in the background but it cannot be easily identified as sandalwood. At this point, it kind of reminds me of the scent of a blown-out candle. It's pretty much dry at this point. The almond is calming down a bit and the rose is coming out more. They seemed to have switched places. Very nice blend but not bottle-worthy.

  16. In the imp, I don't smell any floral notes, just woods and musk. I can pick up on the sandalwood and musk, but when a forumite frimped this to me years ago (this imp is probably over three years old), when I first smelled it without knowing any of the notes, I thought I could smell myrtle wood in there. I can usually pick out almond no problem, but I don't smell any in the imp. Wet, the sandalwood comes out even more. The oakmoss shows up on the skin, too. This smells fairly dry. Up close, I still can't detect any jasmine, but when I wave my hand in front of my face, I get a light whiff of jasmine woven in with the woods. Still no almond. On the dry down, Salomé is definitely a woodsy jasmine. It's very unique but not something I would reach for.

  17. I can smell an instant burst of freshness out of the imp. The water blossoms are palpable, and it's also very aquatic. The Lady of Shalott smells very similar wet, but at this point, the gardenia becomes bolder and more alive. As it's drying, I'm not detecting any ginger. I don't get musk out of this, either. Dry, it's the same story. It's a beautiful blend. It doesn't knock me off my socks but I will enjoy my imp.

  18. Sweet oranges in the imp, and wet, Carnal smells exactly the same on my skin. I can kind of tell that the sweetness comes from the figs, but if I didn't know the notes in this blend, I would have never guessed fig. It's nice. Smells good on my skin and in my hair. Would I purchase a bottle? No, but I'm glad that I got to try this one.

  19. Pickled Imp is such a pleasant surprise. In the bottle, mostly red hot cinnamon with pine. The pine sap note worried me a bit because I generally don't care for pine, but it actually smells really nice in the bottle. Once I apply the oil to my skin, the pine disappears anyway and I am left with blazing cinnamon and some clove in the background. The magic really starts to happen with time. After a while, the vanilla arrives and smoothes out the fieriness. The final dry down reminds me so much of one of my favourite black teas which includes cinnamon and vanilla. It's like a cinnamon bun fresh out of the oven. Five billion thumbs up for this one.

  20. Hollywood Babylon is quite a straightforward blend to my nose. It's cherries and musk in the imp, and cherries and musk on my skin. I am starting to get a bit of amber as it's drying down. The cherries kind of remind me of the kind that you can find in lozenges. This one is really burning my skin too. Overall, not bad, but I won't miss it once my imp is gone. I'll probably use this one in my hair on occasion to avoid the burning sensation.

  21. The grapefruit comes bursting out of the imp as soon as I open it. Wow! The chamomile and musk quietly follow, but I really need to concentrate to smell them because the grapefruit it pretty damn loud. I'm surprised I don't smell any lavender because my nose tends to be very sensitive to it. Wet, while the grapefruit is still in charge, the chamomile catches up a bit more, and I'm getting a bit of what I am guessing is the delphinium? My mom has grown them in her garden and they really never had much of a scent, but this definitely isn't lavender I am smelling. This blend is so refreshing and invigorating. I think it would make a great shower gel. It almost smells a bit cooling to my nose too. I never would have bought this blend on my own so I'm glad that the lap frimped me this one.

  22. My imp's all pineapple, cherry and toffee right off the bat, with the pineapple dominating. Wet, the cherries take the front seat and the toffee is still palpable. I have no idea where the pineapple yet, though. This one makes me mouth water. As it's drying, a custard note comes out more and accompanies the cherries. If I think about it hard enough. I can catch a whiff of toast, but it's incredibly brief. This is way better than I expected!

  23. In the imp, I get berries with icing that is sweet, but not overbearingly so. It morphs more into a vanilla cake with currants when wet. It's starting to burn my skin a bit, unfortunately. Still smells fantastic though! Maybe it's psychological from the burning, but I am getting the faintest hint of cinnamon in the background. Reminds me of the cupcakes my grandma used to make for me to bring to school for Valentines Day. She would put one cinnamon heart on top of each vanilla cupcake and she would use cream cheese icing on top so it wasn't your typical insanely overly sweet icing. Eat Me is kind of the same. Definitely my favourite foodier blend out of the more classic GC's (like Gluttony, Hellcat, Cockaigne, etc).
