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Everything posted by flyby

  1. flyby

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I have two completely different Fenris Wolves! (bad pic, sorry) I'm pretty sure this is a case of a mislabelled imp, since the scents are pretty different. The orange-red one smells more like what I'd expect FW to smell like based on the notes description - strong red musk, hints of amber and wood. The golden-yellow one is very patchouli in the imp but on my skin it's honey-patchouli (I amp honey) with some musk in the background. Can anyone tell me which one is the genuine canine? And if the golden honey-patchouli imp isn't FW, what might it be? I... kind of like it. A lot.
  2. flyby


    Based on Mellifluous's description and the SB part, I was hoping this might be a Lemon Scented Sticky Bat proto. Having tested it, I'm about 90% sure it is - to my nose it's the exact same sweet lemon note. In bottle: Mmm sweet lemon, with a cool liquid edge; it really is a lot like limoncello, which is a total YAY for me because I've been looking for a lemon-granita kind of a scent. Wet on skin: The lemon comes out, as does the sugary note, and there's a hint of the cakiness that LSSB does on me, but only a hint. Mostly it smells like a nice lemonade with a spike of limoncello - there's something of a resemblance to Geek.goth in this stage, but it doesn't last more than half an hour or so. Dry: Alas, this fades really fast, much faster than LSSB proper. After about an hour the lemon had got a lot fainter and overall it became less noticeable, and it started to develop the Dreaded Thin Sour Smell that amber does on me. That's gone now (9 hours after application); all I get when I huff my wrist is a faint hint of the aforementioned cakey smell. I think I'd like another bottle, because in a scent locket it'll still work for the summer lemonade smell I want, but I won't be heartbroken if I don't get more.
  3. Random question: does anyone know if the 'order number' thing that comes after your name in the CnS means or matches up to anything if you ordered via paypal? I have a CnS that I'm really hoping is my 'missing' clowns order, since it seems like a little too soon to be my order from 19th of May. It'll be at least a week before it gets to me. I know on my recent etsy order (that should arrive any day now...) the number after my name matched up to the etsy order number, so I wondered if there was some way to match this CnS up to a paypal order.
  4. I've still heard nothing about my order from 1st April, although I've emailed three times in the last couple of weeks. I'm starting to think my email address might be getting caught in the Lab's spam filter or something (which could also have caught my paypal order), so I think I'm going to try emailing from a different address when I get home tonight.
  5. I expect the customer service emails are a little backlogged after Bats Day. I emailed over the weekend too as I've still not heard anything about an order placed on 1st April, and I've not had a reply yet. I might email again if I've not heard by the end of the week.
  6. flyby

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    I love the sticky bats and am planning to order a bottle this weekend, but it's too sticky-sweet for the refreshing feel I'm looking for. It's lemon icing on me! Maybe I'll pick up an imp of Embalming Fluid to test with aforementioned order; it seems like it might have that kind of cool and fresh feel to it.
  7. flyby

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    I recently discovered that limoncello with lemonade (soda, not the cloudy made-from-lemons kind), sliced lemon and a dash of lemon or lime juice over a lot of ice makes an amazingly refreshing hot weather drink. Now suddenly I have a craving to smell like that - fresh sharp lemon, only a little blunted by sweetness, with something cool and clear and fizzy and wet. Could anyone recommend something that might fit the bill?
  8. Young Pine Saplings from the current crop of Shunga is very rice-puddingy on me, similar to Großvater Tanz.
  9. flyby

    Gingerbread Poppet

    2010 version: In bottle: mmmm mmmm yum this smells like the kitchen before Christmas - warm and spicy and foody, like someone's been in there all day baking and there's gingerbread in the oven. On skin, it's much the same, but it does fade down quite a bit; on the other hand it holds up very well to slathering! After a few hours the spiciness fades into a subtler, creamy scent with a hint of vanilla in the background. As I type it's been 14 hours and it's much more of a skin scent, definitely noticeable and yummy if I sniff my wrist but sticking very close and quiet. Ordered another bottle already because I know I'm going to be slathering this (and huffing my wrists all day!).
  10. flyby

    Beaver Moon 2010

    In the bottle, this is all sticky strawberry sweetness with maybe a faint hint of peach hovering shyly in the background. Wet on skin, it's strawberry sauce, the expensive kind of strawberry sauce you might find drizzled over your dessert plate at a nice restaurant. Sweet, but not sugary at all. As it's drying the bakery notes are coming out a little, and it's reminding me very much of strawberry tarts - pastry, creme patissiere, and glazed fresh strawberries over the top. Not quite cheesecake, but pretty close! Definitely interested to see how it settles and ages.
  11. flyby


    In the imp, I get a sweet-sharp-citrusy scent that's just this side of cleaning fluid. Wet on skin, it gets a little smokier and the incense starts to come through, and it gets incensier as it dries. Unfortunately my skin also seems to drink it up, and it dies down to almost nothing on me. A shame, as I quite liked the smoky-sweet incense of it; maybe I'll try layering it with a drier incense scent to see what happens.
  12. flyby


    From the notes this sounded interesting! Straight out of the imp I got almond almond almond, and on my skin I got really strong toasted almond, so strong it drowned all the other notes. Then I got a violent headache, so I think this one is for the swaps pile. Oh well.
  13. flyby


    I was frimped this from the Lab, and the imp came very full so I managed to spill a generous amount over my hands when I opened it to sniff. On me, I get a predominant impression of woodsmoke, wafting over leather and spice and something subtly creamy. Like a bonfire that someone's thrown a handful of incense and spices into. I think I like it, though it's definitely an autumn/winter scent for me.
  14. flyby

    Pink Phoenix

    I really wanted to like this, but my immediate reaction on first opening the bottle was 'this smells like Calpol'. Then I hoped it would be different on my skin, but no, it's Calpol all the way. Not unpleasant, but medicinal (even kiddy medicinal) is not how I want to smell. Sadness.