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Everything posted by xscpx

  1. xscpx

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    For those speaking about hops and gluten: It's a contamination issue from how they are processed. By my research/experience they are nearly always processed in plants that also process wheat and wheat products. As someone with Celiac's disease, it's better for me to assume they are contaminated that to risk how sick I could get. Oats don't technically have gluten in them either, and those are almost totally off limits. Contamination is major to people with my disease.
  2. xscpx

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Wow, better ask the lab directly on that one. I sent them an email. Still waiting on the response. I was just hoping maybe someone happened to know the answer. Thanks! For what it's worth, I asked them about gluten a couple of weeks back and was told that none of their oils had gluten in them. Damn! I wish I had read this 45 seconds sooner! I just placed an order with no Mabon! Oh well! That's an excuse to make another order!!
  3. xscpx

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Wow, better ask the lab directly on that one. I sent them an email. Still waiting on the response. I was just hoping maybe someone happened to know the answer. Thanks!
  4. xscpx

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Anyone know if actual hops are used to make the oils for Mabon 2010? I'm severely allergic to gluten and don't want to have a major reaction.
  5. xscpx


    In the imp: I smell mostly the myrrh and vanilla. On skin: Wow. At first the cocoa was powerful (in a good way) and in a few minutes it faded a bit and the sandalwood really began to shine. It settled to this beautiful creamy sandalwoody/myrrh awesomeness. I actually was walking in a store about 20 mins ago and thought "What smells so good?" just to realize I did! This may be the first scent I buy a full size bottle of. Really beautiful.
  6. xscpx


    In the imp: Smells like honey with a tiny bit of a cake type scent poking through. On me: Honey. All I get is honey. Nauseating, super sweet, thick smelling, honey. Right now, I hate it. I'm trying to deal with it to give it time to fade, but I highly doubt I will wear this again since it's giving me a stomach ache. Sad, I really would have liked the oatmeal cookie-ishness other people mentioned.