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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by AmyO'Shields

  1. I can smell each of the listed notes, but it seems like a jumbled blend when fresh. I have a feeling this will be absolutely stunning in a few months...

    For some reason the cardamom tea smells like galbanum to me...very interesting. :-) im really glad to have a bottle of this and cant wait to see how it morphs :-) As a cardamom lover, im quite happy.

  2. Dreamy, woodsy leather. When dry, i smell some rosin and sandalwood. This is a beautiful blend and reflects the character perfectly, in my opinion. So, on me, this dries down to a gorgeous soft leather on a bed of creamy, woodsy sandalwood.


    Beautiful, and unisex.

  3. The Lake of Solitude: a scent of introspection and introversion. Meditative white sandalwood with rosewood, Roman chamomile, white lavender, marjoram, Himalayan cedar, and oudh.

    Cedar, lavendar, oudh. Beautifully, seamlessly blended. Wow. The sandalwood and marjoram provide a soft/sharp contrast for the bottom. The chamomile is light and soft and beautiful. I opened this late last night after a long day of travel and after one sniff, i needed to wear it to sleep, and it let me sleep soundly. I adore this and will treasure my bottle. Sorry this first review isnt more descriptive...i just wanted to.share my impression. :-)

  4. Red musk, saffron and a clean patchouli. This is so beautiful. I tried it when it was released and it smelled horrific on me so i put it away and retested it today - yup, beautiful.

  5. I am in love with BPAL's plum note. :wub2: Many of my fellow BPAL addicts suggested that I try to find a decant/imp of Queen of Spades. This seems to be almost impossible. I have also been told that Blood Countess is very similar to Queen of Spades... unfortunately Blood Countess is discontinued.


    Please tell me there is hope and that there is a current GC that is similar to Queen of Spades.

    I don't know about Queen of Spades, but I love Plum too and Oya is a wonderful plum...also, Bordello. I'm sure you've tried those, but they are two of my favorites and I figured I would try to help. :)

  6. I love this perfume. Sophisticated rose infused cedar on me, and i love it.


    Had to edit my review as i wore this last night while listening to the song.

    This is like the ultimate sadness...the perfume matches the music and the sentiment perfectly.

    Wet, this is all teak and a hint of cedar and a tiny tiny hint of rose.

    Dry, this morphs into a sweet, sparkling rose tinged soft cedar. WOW.

    I had a feeling this line would be amazing, but i had no idea how much i would end up loving these perfumes.

  7. The Sasquets ancestral estate: vast dark halls of stone threaded by cascading rivulets of beeswax, and the scent of snow-laden fireweed, Pacific silver fir, thick mounds of vibrant green moss, purple lupine, Pacific bleeding heart, and lava ash.

    Um...this is fantastic. The Lab's chilly, yet comforting stone note with LUPINE! And moss and other light flowers...gorgeous.

    And then the beeswax comes out and stomps and pees all over everything. Crap. :-(

  8. Honestly I can't pick out any scent that stands alone but I smell lilac and oakmoss. This is gorgeous, my favorite of the Lupers. Reminds me of a Spring day in the mountains of S. Korea just West of Seoul. Wow. I had to buy a bottle after demolishing my decant but now I need another...or two. Spring in a bottle.


    I just had to come back here to restate how amazingly beautiful this is.

  9. Cypress boughs swaying in a crisp night breeze, with red sandalwood incense and blood grass.

    Well, I guess I will give my impressions since no one else has...its SO good.

    I think its the blood grass (whatever that is) that makes me think of red musk...not the cherry/grapey sort but a true red musk. The sandalwood incense is to die for and I don't get much cypress, though I can tell its there.

    My impressions are from a decant, just in case it matters. And I will be buying a bottle of this.

  10. Maybe my sniffer has a blind spot for BPAL Orange Blossom...?


    This is GORGEOUS, refreshing and makes every nerve crave Spring. White tea with a sweet Apricot on top. I love it.


    ETA: almost a year later, this bath oil is so beautiful and still makes me crave Spring...man, BPTP 2014 Lupers were frickin' amazing...i am sooo looking forward to this years!

  11. I smell brown sugar and maybe a dark musk with some booze. I do not smell Red Musk (which I was hoping for - Smut) but this is still nice, even though it doesn't smell like Smut or Goblin lol.


    ETA I like this very much...it just isn't what I expected. :-)

  12. This is gorgeous. Nothing harsh here, very muted spices/creamy hint of coffee but just a hint...almost like the memory of coffee.


    This reminds me a bit of Spanked rez minus leather and Hell of Great Heat in vibe.


    I cannot wait to see how this ages!



    Lol, this smells nothing like Spanked or Hell of Great Heat to me now...what was i thinking?!


    The vanilla orchid, black amber and champaca are the stars when this settles down. Wet, it is all about the strange coffee bean note the Lab uses (that is somewhat harsh, perfumey and smells nothing like coffee...to me atleast) and i am glad that burns off. What a beautiful perfume this has turned into.

  13. Creamy sugared jasmine yum. I used a drop on my skin to test the scent- this is gonna layer beautifully with Snake Oil and half of my other perfume oils! I cannot wait to try a bit of this in the bath! Gorgeous non "stinky" jasmine. :-)


    I tried this in the bath a few nights ago and it prompted me to slather it all over as a moisturizer (mixed with a vanilla lotion) the next day...

    This is some addictive stuff. I have a backup on the way and I would get a third if I could afford it.



    Try layering some Celeste over this...it is amazing!!!


    ETA: layered this with La Lugubre Gondola omg yes!

  14. The Moroccan Goddess of Carnal Desire. Dwelling in fresh-water springs and rivers, she is doom: her embrace drives men mad with mindless lust. Sacrifices are made to the Lady of Lust on the Summer Solstice in the hopes of placating her passions and driving her red-tinged gaze away. Black musk, blackened saffron, lemon peel, and vetiver draped over thick honey.

    I'm a sucker for Black Musk and Lemon and I love Saffron. Vetiver and Honey are both firmly seated against me. I had to get an imp of this to try.

    All I could do was sniff the imp wand...at least, so far. Its VETIVER, Honey and a bit of Black Musk.

    I will update here if/when I'm brave enough to put this on my skin.

  15. French lavender, white plum blossom, white ginger, and rice wine.

    I just got this in the mail and wanted to share my initial impression, this usually changes but:

    Lavender is most prominent in bottle and wet on skin. Its not a TKO lavender but closer to the lavender in Needlework and A Nocturnal Reverie. Actually, this has a very similar vibe to Needlework.

    Dry - I get a hint of ginger and a nice soft hit of the rice wine.

    In short, if you think you will like this, get it. There are no surprises here if you like the notes involved. I think it is pretty now and may very well turn into a drop dead stunner in a few months time.

    ETA: After an hour the plum comes out! This scent has a gorgeous waft...it will certainly age well!

  16. I love this oil.

    Leather, patchouli, oak, vanilla and almond fabulousness.


    Why does it have to be sold out?


    ETA: so glad i have 2 bottles! This is aging so well...leather, smooth patchouli, touch of almond and creamy vanilla. GORGEOUS.

  17. This is so good. Wonderful. I bought this a while ago and decided to bathe with it tonight...Patchouli and a hint of ylang with mostly lemon and a hint of grapefruit. Delicious. I love the scent that clings to my skin...so glad I bought this. It will see a lot of use this spring!
