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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by AmyO'Shields

  1. Wow. This is wonderful. It is not a creamy or foodie vanilla...its a cold, flat vanilla but in the best way possible (not cold as in snow note but more solid and matter of fact, lol). The benzoin does give it a hint of 'spice' but just a hint. This is truly beautiful. I used it as an after shower moisturizer today and the cloud of scent stuck around for atleast an hour. :-)


    Eta: i ought to mention that i do not smell any licorice/anise that i got from the prior release (thank goodness!)

  2. Osmanthus, linden, tuberose, carnation, ylang ylang, and lemon tree blossoms with Himalayan cedar and a drop of tobacco absolute.

    This is so beautiful. All flowers present and blended seamlessly...perfect for spring! I need another bottle. This reminds me of the Primavera atmo spray from a few years ago, which i also love. Bravo.

  3. Well, color me disappointed. From a product titled Black Vanilla and Cardamom i would expect to smell both. I guess the Cardamom that they use doesn't smell like cardamom, more like anise? Good grief and i have never had luck with their vanilla smelling like vanilla so i guess i should have known better. This is a blast of tobacco (a hint? I think not) and their anise-y 'cardamom'. Vanilla and cinnamon, mia.

  4. Wow. This is super beautiful!!! And, this is the first time i have *really* been whacked upside the head by vanilla in a BPAL oil!!! Woohoo!

    Almonds and vanilla...hoo boy am i in love. I guess i'm not really familiar with mimosa but there is something different coming through when this dries down that i am not sure i like. It adds a slightly bitter element to the scent...i hope this doesn't get stronger with age because the almond and vanilla cream are spectacular.


    ETA: whatever was bitter is smoothing out. This is beautiful.


    White musk and Himalayan cedar with bergamot, rose absolute, white patchouli, pink peppercorn, and hay absolute.

    The cedarwood, oh the cedarwood!
    It was all i could smell two nights ago, and it is still very heavy. (I think this is a softer handed use of the cedar used in Our Hearts Condemn Us?) Dry, the white patchouli, hay and white musk are starting to peak through. This is beautiful but i want to smell the pink pepper...i am hoping some age will allow it to surface. As of right now, the rose, bergamot and pepper are mia.


    Venus the Progenitor

    Black amber and jasmine tea with 7-year aged vanilla bourbon absolute.

    Beautiful. I smell the same jasmine tea note from The Mysterious Warning, and a similar vanilla to the one from Signior Dildo...i don't get much amber yet but would assume it will become more prominent with aging. No throw but a beautiful skin scent. I am glad i bought a bottle, it is lovely.

    ETA: i put this on early this morning and it has changed a bit...the amber reminds me of the amber from Hesiod's Phoenix but not sweet at all. The jasmine tea gives the amber a slightly bitter/astringent sweetness. No vanilla this morning. I cannot wait to smell this when it is settled in at the end of Spring...very nice blend. Funny, i don't get the licorice from BPAL's black tea note so i am thinking this is more of a Darjeeling? Quite nice. :-)

  7. '15

    Wow. I am a Smut lover (at least years '07, '08, '10, '12 and '13) and this year's is no exception. I would say this is a tiny bit more powdery than '10 but most similar to '10...no particular fruits, just sweet, smutty red musk. It amazes me that it is instantly wearable since so many need time to rest/meld/think about what they've done, etc. I will need a backup of this, for certain...this Smut is hoardworthy.

  8. Well hello, cousin of Celeste!

    This is right out of the mailbox but i mainly smell that gorgeous, creamy saffron. I will update after this has had time to rest...so far, it is gorgeous.


    I should add that i cannot wear beeswax or honey and i do not smell any honey in this blend. :-)


    This morning it is all patchouli, saffron and leather. Wowza!

  9. It took me a few months to 'get' Diamond Star. Incensey, musky, brilliant multi faceted and glowing but wrapped up in a comfy blanket? Yeah, that's what i smell. :-) Color association for this one is beige. I also love the ambergris here! This may be the genius, sleeper beauty of the OLLA line. These are all strangely addictive...

  10. This is a purple version of Eat Me...no lavender in sight, which is a disappointment because i love lavender.

    I was worried about the ale but it doesn't show up on my skin.

    I thought i wanted to sell this but, even though it wasn't what i was hoping for, it still smells great and is different enough to keep!

  11. Tonka bean, orange blossom, ambrette seed, and brown sandalwood.


    I am SO glad i put the butterflies away to age...

    I still can barely smell anything in the bottle, but it smells pleasant enough.
    I had to apply/slather this twice...my skin literally drank the first!
    Snuggly warm tonka, hints of sandalwood and orange blossom and man, the ambrette seed takes this to a whole new level of refined incense when it dries down. I would say this is a new favorite but it has zero throw. I will save this one for 'in' days snuggling in a blanket with a book, or on days when i don't want to share my scent with anyone.
    This is cozy, exotic, and gorgeous. I just wish it was louder!

  12. The perfected winter rose, dew covered and freshly cut.

    :-) i LOVE Rose Red. I have not lit the candle yet, and i might not ever because it throws its scent so well! I have had it sitting on my coffee table for atleast 2 weeks and it is so pleasant to sit down, catch a whiff, move my arm to grab something, get a waft, and it seriously makes me smile. BPAL hit it out of the park with Rose Red and i am thrilled to have the candle...even though i may never even light it. :-D

    Eta: I just wanted to add that I still haven't lit this candle and it still throws scent wherever I put it. Great scent.

  13. With Himalayan cedar, violet leaf, and cade.

    Ok, i will review it since no one else has!
    I love this...but it has a specific niche - it evokes one of my favorite spots at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, WA in late summer, purely because it is the only place i have ever been surrounded by chestnut trees and a chestnut once fell and hit me on the shoulder (ow). So, when i am feeling nostalgic, i will spray this.
    It is a great scent but very masculine with a touch of sweetness. I don't know what cade is, so there's that. The violet leaf might provide a hint of tart greenery but the cedar (creamy cedar, not sharp pencil cedar - i love both) overshadows it. The chestnut is very present (and is not spiced!) and the fig must be the hint of sweetness. I love chestnut, it even smells chewy to me and am glad to have it in perfume oil and atmo spray this year! Good stuff!

  14. Easily my favorite of the Lunar Landscape scents...this makes me so happy! Its like Love and Sleep with the addition of lavender and some light handed resins...just gorgeous! The ylang and lavender are most prevalent but i just got this in the mail and i cannot wait to see what even a week of aging does...i wish i had bought another bottle as this might be my go to sleep blend until it is gone. Love.this.


    ETA: still hauntingly beautiful and one of my true loves over a year later :-)

  15. One of my top 5 favorite perfume oils became a hair gloss! I was so excited to get a bottle, i wish i could have bought two.

    If you like the hair glosses and you love Scherezade, this is divine. 3 sprays coats my hair with beautiful red musk, saffron and light spices. Sometimes i spray the ends of my hair right before bed so i can smell it while i toss and turn (don't sleep well). The amount of scent in this is perfect! Love love love, thanks for making this a reality. :-)

    I wish i could report this post unfortunately my phone will not let me do that. :-(

  16. I adore Snow White perfume and the hair gloss is gorgeous! My only complaint is that the scent disappears...not just my nose either, but is totally glorious for the initial smell and what the hair glosses do to make my hair lovely. :-) very glad to have my bottles.
