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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by AmyO'Shields

  1. I honestly cannot believe that I haven't reviewed this yet. I bought 2 bottles as soon as it went live...and it is my favorite Bath Oil/BPTP product to date. Perfectly balanced, slightly spiced Pumpkin and Marshmallow. Smells identical to the perfume oil of the same name but seems to last longer on my skin. This is love in a bottle for me...as good as it gets.

  2. Super Sultry Rose. This is glorious...I love it. I think it works better in the bath than as a moisturizer (goes a bit plasticky on my skin but not enough to prevent me from wearing it!) It borders on spicy, but it isn't. I don't know how to describe what I smell, but it makes me feel powerful, sensual and calm. Love this.

  3. Orange, Red Musk, Pom and Patchouli. I could swim in this bath oil! I could honestly use this every day and wear a different Patchouli oil over it. As a moisturizer, I smell the Orange, Patchouli and Pom the most and in the bath I get more of the Red Musk than Patchouli. This is divine - reminds me quite a bit of Mme. Moriarty which I also LOVE.

  4. This is a glorious Vanilla until the sassafrass ruins it. I'm not sure where it is coming from, but it doesn't show up in the Vanilla Massage Oil. I will definitely use my decant - it is divine layered under Tombstone. :) I was just hoping for a straight up Vanilla though.

  5. Lavender and Geranium are strongest here...when I use it as a moisturizer I smell a hint of carrot, but not in the bath. ? I'm ok with not smelling the carrot LOL. I love Lavender, but I was hoping the Geranium would be subtle and it's not. I will use my decant up, and that will be enough. :)

  6. This bath oil is nice, but I can't say that I love it. I am glad to have a decant, but I definitely don't need more. Honey, Jasmine and something else that I can't quite put my finger on...it has a nice floral "lift" to it, but not my kind of scent. I don't get any orris, but I know the lotus is making this really sweet. Still very glad I got to try this, and I will use my decant. :)

  7. This is the equivalent of Rose Red to my nose...it's the best rose scent I have ever smelled in my life. It smells REAL. Truly. If I had the funds I would buy five 8 oz bottles of this amazing stuff. I cannot rave about it enough...and I'm not even a huge fan of rose scents to begin with. There IS a bit of grass in here, but just enough to give it a greenish edge/vibe. LOVE IT.

  8. I thought I would like this more...it's just...well, too much of something. Something translates as honey to my nose (most likely a component in the marmalade I think) and I feel overwhelmed when I smell this. Maybe just too many things going on for me too handle...oh well. It's good, just not for me. :)

  9. This is delicious. Freshly applied Eat Me does smell like cakes - vanilla/currant cakes. The drydown is the amazing part though: it smells similar/has the same vibe to me to/as Mme. Moriarty and Snake Oil! I noticed another reviewer mentioned Mme. Moriarty too - thank goodness my sniffer isn't broken :lol: . I love it...need a bottle. :)

  10. Hmmm...I just got a decant of this and was VERY anxious to try it based on all of the glowing reviews. meh. ??? I don't even know what I'm smelling...it's so weird. All of the listed notes should be quite a winning combination for me, but I just don't get it. I will hang on to this decant and try it again in a few months. :)

  11. Doomed summer, supported on the shoulders of winter and autumn: citrus-infused Baltic amber, red valerian, marigold, blood orange, and sunflower subdued by somber myrrh and dry geranium alongside the leaves of autumn and a breath of winter wind.


    I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet...it's in my top 20 and I've been wearing it since August 2010. :eek: I just wanted to check the notes...

    Marigold, leaves, citrus lift with a sunny amber-y leafy drydown. This is the perfect late summer laying in a meadow watching the sun set scent...I love this so much...bright, cheery uplifting and deep all at the same time. I guess I'm going to wear this today LOL. :) 10/10

  12. Yes, I smell the black musk from Playful Wooden Mallets as soon as I put this on my skin...


    and then it's gone...


    the oakmoss strangled it. :eek:


    This wasn't much of a surprise because that is what oakmoss does on my skin...strangles everything. :(


    5 min on my skin and it's all oakmoss and powder.


    Half an hour in I start to smell the sage (which is lovely), but I can't deal with the oakmoss.


    I knew better, but I HAD to give this one a try. :)

  13. If I could get past the wet stage of this one, I think I would be able to wear it...


    BPAL's honey and I do not get along as a general rule...and when this is wet it actually makes me a bit nauseas (sp?). After about 30 minutes this is beautiful! Sparkling honeydew and a bit of musk...reminds me a lot of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat without the herbs. The drydown is very nice - the honeydew settles into more of a skin scent, grounded by the musk and the honey isn't present to my nose (thank goodness). I will definitely use up my decant. :) 6/10

  14. I just got a testable sniffie of this from the wonderful Meaganola (thank you!!!)


    I LOVE this! I thought it would be transparent like Loosening the Obi (which I wanted to love but could barely even detect...) but this actually has some strength and a bit of throw!


    I get the Lily, Rice Wine, orchid and a touch of Grapefruit but this doesn't go cloyingly sweet on me (lotus root sometimes does) and it is beautiful. I will have to avoid looking at the picture though...yikes! I am hopeful that the vanilla will deepen/become more present with aging...but even right now this is gorgeous. 9/10


    ETA: this is a love child of Hungry Ghost Moon '06 and Loosening of the Obi. :)
