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Everything posted by AmyO'Shields

  1. Um... The Snowstorm! It's from Yule 2007: Winter aconite, balsam fir, cedar leaf, and white mint.
  2. AmyO'Shields


    Yay, there's a Caligula thread! here's my review: "wet: some booze of sorts? charred wood, vetiver underneath 5 minutes in: OAK, vetiver, wine? a sweet lift to it as I move my hand away from my nose smells like old heavy duty wooden furniture with a slight citrus lift? maybe lemongrass, lemon, lemon verbena? OAK, lemon verbena, vetiver, wine barrels... This really reminds me of another BPAL oil, and I just can't put my nose on it. " I actually really like this. It almost smells like it could be part of the Steamworks section...maybe it's the possible oak note from Antikythera? It doesn't really remind me of Antikythera though... If there IS any kind of lemony note in here, it disappears really fast after it appears 5 minutes or so in...10 minutes later it wasn't there at all. I wonder what happened to this blend... Edited to add: Frankincense? Now it's reminding me a bit of the incense in All Souls...just a bit though.
  3. AmyO'Shields

    What Scent Is This?

    YAY! You have a Chaos Theory bottle from 2008! Here's the link to the review thread: http://www.bpal.org/topic/47311-chaos-theory-iv-edge-of-chaos/page__p__1183237__hl__%2Bedge+%2Bof+%2Bchaos__fromsearch__1#entry1183237 I hope that helps. I actually have a bottle from that Chaos Theory, unfortunately the numbers have worn off a bit over the years...it smells like nummy Chocolate and dark berries!
  4. I know it has chocolate in it, BUT - if you can track down a bottle of Milk Chocolate Matcha Green Tea Ganache I think you would love it.
  5. AmyO'Shields

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    Wow! All of that seems new to me. When I have ordered in the past, I fill up my "cart" through CC Now and after I enter my addy and contact info at the bottom of the screen it gave me the option to use paypal or enter a credit card number. This time, the paypal option wasn't there. This IS a new thing, because when I ordered Weeping Branches Moon and RPG's the paypal option was there. I just thought it was a bit strange. I ended up placing my order with a credit card, I just prefer paypal as a general rule.
  6. AmyO'Shields

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    I'm getting ready to place an order (like, now) and for the first time since I have been ordering from BPAL, I am only given the option to use a CC - no option to use paypal. That's not good...I don't mind using a CC, but I would rather use PP - has anyone else encountered this? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  7. AmyO'Shields


    Something in here goes to almost powder on me, but I can still smell the acacia and vanilla (which are nice). I can tell there is musk here, but I'm not familiar enough with "shimmering celestial musk" to pick it out of the blend. I don't smell honey or sugar cane. Honey doesn't usually work on my skin so I guess that's a plus. Sugar cane is a favorite, and I am hoping it will come out with some age. Good reminds me of another perfume oil, but I can't remember which one. "Good" stuff.
  8. AmyO'Shields


    Paladin is my 3rd favorite of the RPG's so far. I forgot to write down what this blend smelled like before it dried down, but dry it is amazing: White Musk and Leather are most prominent to my nose with just a touch of Frankincense sweetened a bit by the Bourbon Vanilla. Glorious! 4/5
  9. AmyO'Shields


    Bumping this thread to add Celeste - mmmmm - and seconding Oblivion. Love Saffron!
  10. AmyO'Shields

    Detestable Putrescence

    Melty vanilla ice cream! Wow. This is most definitely a melty vanilla ice cream! It's perfect. Vanilla lovers do not hesitate to try this...it is so yummy!
  11. AmyO'Shields

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    Not sure if we can get them in Seattle at Knows either...
  12. AmyO'Shields

    Minamoto No Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider

    I am also a teak lover, and this oil doesn't disappoint. This is The Decrepit House's younger tomboy sister - slightly feminine but in your face in the best way. The teakwood is marvelous with the tobacco flower and patchouli. I don't get any vanilla from this. I seriously think this is one of the 2 best BPAL oils I have ever smelled - and it will be a multiple bottle purchase. If you like teak and tobacco flower, this is a must try. I can only imagine how amazingly this will age...
  13. AmyO'Shields

    Kusunoki Tamonmaru Masatsura Surprising a Fox Ghost

    This is a beautiful, ethereal perfume. Blue musk lovers really should try this one! It is also the thickest oil I have ever put on my skin - very thick!
  14. AmyO'Shields


    I love this blend, but it's so freakin' strong! I can smell the olive oil and leather like crazy with a hint of some kind of wood underneath, although I can't discern which type of wood. Very nice...BIG throw, long wear, good stuff.
  15. AmyO'Shields


    I love Ninon. She is such an amazingly well blended perfume. The Smoky honey musk, tobacco leaf, hay and orris root are most prominent at first, and then after about 5 minutes the lavender and vanilla join in. I never get rose (which is great). If I had to compare this to another blend, I would say it reminds me a bit of Under the Harvest Moon (which is one of my absolute favorites) with the addition of tobacco leaf. Another hit, to be sure, and a multiple bottle purchase. 5+/5
  16. AmyO'Shields


    This is lovely! I smell lots of tea and lemon verbena, sweetened with honeycomb. There is a moment of funky-ness between the wet and dry stages, but so worth both of them. I'm assuming this is the anise (which I'm not a fan of) and I am thankful anise doesn't overpower this blend. Again, lovely - 4.5/5
  17. AmyO'Shields


    Grape, wine and honey. This dries down to such a beautiful waft of grape and honey on me! I really didn't expect to love this, I just knew that I liked it enough to get a bottle. Well, I love it enough to need a backup. Wet, I almost get a touch of Oregano, but it's very pleasant in a non cooking sort of way. Dry, this smells like a not so sweet Alexander the Grape Otter Pop. Genius! 5/5
  18. AmyO'Shields

    fizzy, sorta carbonated, sparkling blends?

    Seconding 2010 Yule Kingdom of Sweets. FIZZY! Mother Ginger was fizzy to me too...yum.
  19. AmyO'Shields

    Anyone familier with Wode by Boudicca?

    Oh yes...I will say that it IS fun. But...very 'spensive. Still working on the comparisons...ugh. So many imps, so little time!
  20. AmyO'Shields

    Anyone familier with Wode by Boudicca?

    Wow! I love Wode. I will give it a good sniffing and then do some BPAL comparisons...now I'm curious!
  21. AmyO'Shields

    March Hare

    I love March Hare: it's the only blend with clove (so far) that has worked for me. The apricot is juicy and tart and not too sweet, and the clove plays very nicely. It's a shame it had to be discontinued - will use my imp very carefully! 4/5
  22. AmyO'Shields


    Fresh, I love this. It's all Violet and Tonka...which is YUM. Aged, however, it's a different story and the clove takes over and ruins it for me as clove will usually do (March Hare being the only exception so far). I will have to go imp by imp for this one and use each one up fairly quickly! Fresh: 5/5 Aged: 1/5
  23. AmyO'Shields


    Yummy Blackberry jam - a bit of booze, but not much which is wonderful for me. Dry there is a bit of black tea which is also delightful. Good stuff...I will be glad to get a bottle! 4/5
  24. AmyO'Shields

    Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds

    Let me say that I'm not a fan of Rose in general. This is beautiful. It sparkles much in the same way that Rose Red sparkles. This isn't the same rose, but it is very pretty. Just a touch of coconut, a bit of orris...just lovely. 4/5 for a non-rose lover.
  25. AmyO'Shields

    Dragon's Blood

    Finally get a chance to try Dragon's Blood today...LOVE it. As many a reviewer has said, I have smelled many "Dragon's Blood" perfumes, but this one is amazing. I'm surprised how light it is - perfect. Yay for finally finding a perfect Dragon's Blood scent. 5/5