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Everything posted by AmyO'Shields

  1. AmyO'Shields


    I just got a tester of this from a decant circle! Just gave it a first test and I'm not sure exactly why but this smells just like Lust to me (which I love, but already have). This deserves another few tests. ETA: this reminds me of Lust minus the ylang/sweetness. I see how it reminds folks of Sin, but I get more of a Lust vibe from Heretic. Its great and I will treasure my decant. :-)
  2. AmyO'Shields

    Sugar Skull

    Ack! I was hoping for sugar and fruits out of the 2012 but I get ANISE and sugar...oh well. :-(
  3. AmyO'Shields

    I want a BPAL that smells like Bath & Body Works...

    I love that lotion too and used some today! Maybe try layering snake oil and detestable putrescence (sp)?
  4. AmyO'Shields

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    October, summers last will and testament, nothing gold can stay, red moon 07, pumpkin 1 05/06.
  5. AmyO'Shields

    Nude Woman Reclining

    Calla lily, honeysuckle, Turkish jasmine, ambrette seed, galbanum, iris, and bourbon vanilla. Oh wow...I've never been first to review! I did not like this at all when I applied it this morning...not at all. Something was too sharp, or bitter, or both. THEN an hour went by and I started wondering what was smelling glorious: yup, it was Nude Woman Reclining. Wet - sharp, biting florals with something musky (ambrette seed?) lurking in the background...not good... Honeysuckle identifies herself after about an hour and is perfectly balanced by the Galbanum and Vanilla (a hint of green and some cream). There's a hint of Jasmine (a clean Jasmine though) here and the muskiness is enveloping the entire perfume like a cozy scarf... THIS is a perfume, folks. I feel weird posting a similarity, but: does anyone remember the amazing discontinued Mania (for women) with the black cap? This doesn't smell identical, but it gives off the same vibe. Mania is still one of my favorite perfumes, and I would say that Nude Woman Reclining outshines the Armani...buries it, in fact. This perfume gets a 5++/5 for me. Multiple bottle purchase for certain.
  6. AmyO'Shields

    Thirteen (13): July 2012

    This shot into my top 10...it's a perfect combination of dark chocolate, dragon's blood resin and patchouli with the vanilla/honey and saffron sweetening and softening it all up. Oh holy mother of yum...this is the 13 I have been wanting...Bravo Brian. 10+/10
  7. AmyO'Shields

    Your Salon Must-Haves!

    I love Love and Pain, Sunflower, and The Nettle Tree one...love them!
  8. AmyO'Shields

    Juniper Mint Hair Gloss

    This stuff is beautiful! Reminds me a lot of The Snowstorm and Woods in Winter which I love. There have been mixed reviews on strength - my decant is really strong - I used 2 spritzes on the ends of my hair and it is still going strong hours later. Deliciously scented and I am very happy to have a decant of this! 10/10
  9. AmyO'Shields

    Epomophorus Monstrosus

    This shot right up into my top 10... Dark Cocoa, Patchouli and musky woods...Oh my goddess. Yes - this is a filthy Patchouli ala #occupy but the cocoa is the stronger note of the two. The dry down is glorious even though the cocoa and patchouli are muted - it turns into a mahogany/teaky skin scent which is divine. If I had unlimited funds and had gone to Bat's Day I would have picked up at least 10 bottles of this (if that's allowed). I am SO thankful to my Bat's Day Fairy for picking this up for me...I am forever in her debt. This is one of the most fabulous oils I have ever put on my skin, period. 10/10 ETA: Dec 2013: so, I think my skin chemistry has changed since I quit huffing cancer sticks...this starts out cocoa and mahogany and gets a bit dusty in the dry down...no patchouli in sight. :-( I still love this but not as much as I did last year.
  10. AmyO'Shields

    White Tea and Sage Hair Gloss

    This is marvelous. Beautiful white tea with just a touch of sage underneath to give it an herbal tone. Sprays wonderfully! I used 7-8 sprays (I have pretty long hair) after I towel dried my hair and this detangles like a charm as well as scenting and shining my hair. I am addicted. Now I really need a job so I can buy ALL the hair glosses!
  11. AmyO'Shields

    Strawberry Moon 2012

    Oh this is delicious. Strawberry Moon '09 is one of my fave lunacy blends and I have to admit that I was a bit leery about this one due to the honey but it is so good. Sugary, extremely creamy strawberries...YUM. Reminds me of Kitty minus whichever note I didn't like...
  12. AmyO'Shields

    Aquae Massage Oil

    I had a decant of this used it up and then bought a full bottle. This works better than TKO to relax me and help me clear my thoughts so that I can sleep. I smell every note listed which is wonderful, but the Chamomile is the strongest. I love this. It relaxes my muscles almost instantly and alleviates headaches when I have them. LOVE.
  13. AmyO'Shields

    Autumn Grove Atmosphere Spray

    How have I not reviewed this??? This is my favorite BPTP Atmo Spray...it smells just like the outdoors on a crisp Autumn afternoon. I don't smell soil or dampness...I just smell Autumn chilled air (with no mint thank goodness!), acorns and lots o leaves. Autumn Grove Atmo Spray and Marshmallow Pumpkin Bath Oil are tied for my favorites.
  14. AmyO'Shields

    Anthesteria Bath Oil

    Slightly sweet/syrupy Honeyed Grape, hint of wine, hint of Thyme on the dry down on my skin. This is SO good...YUM. layers nicely with Urd, Snake Oil and quite a few other oils...including the one that shares the same name Can I say it again? This is SO good.
  15. AmyO'Shields

    Polar Bear Plunge Bath Oil

    I was able to try this last year thanks to a wonderful forumite who sent along a small decant! Yup - Vanilla/mint. Icy. Yummy. Seems like it would be a great choice for rubbing in to sore spots too! YUM. So glad I got to try this!
  16. AmyO'Shields

    The British Blondes Atmosphere Spray

    This is very Golden! I'm so glad I got to try this - it is gorgeous! Sophisticated vaniila and amber...just lovely.
  17. AmyO'Shields

    Opium Tar

    I really wish the scent had stuck around longer because it is wonderful. If I could pick one of the bubbling bath potions to turn into a perfume oil or a bath oil or a room spray it would be this one. Fruity Opium Tar...delicious. But...no bubbles, no fizzing, barely any scent after it hit the water, and I have an uber-sensitive nose. Perfume oil or bath oil please!!!
  18. AmyO'Shields

    Glowing Vulva Bath Oil

    This is very creamy with a touch of Teak - wonderful as a moisturizer and decadent in the bath, but I prefer Castitas to Glowing Vulva...not exactly sure WHY - they both smell different (obviously) but similar enough for my nose to pick a fave out of the two. Still, great stuff!
  19. AmyO'Shields

    Exotic Bazaar Atmosphere Spray

    I LOVE this spray. I feel like I'm walking into a room/area where spice cookies are being baked, incense is being burned, and Gypsies are dancing! Magical! The name is spot on, and I am SO glad this is GC. Need a bottle, but need a job first!
  20. AmyO'Shields

    Unspeakably Evil Temple Atmosphere Spray

    Why do I smell VETIVER? Why? I love all of the notes here, and am so happy to have an atmo spray with moss in it since I love the smell but cannot wear it. But there's something off here...not evil, just off. Eh...it's ok if I don't really like one or two if the rest are amazing, right?
  21. AmyO'Shields

    Scrooge's Apartments Atmosphere Spray

    I have a decant of this and use it occasionally in the kitchen for something different. This has a very similar feel to The Decrepit House perfume oil...they don't smell similar, but they seem to have the same vibe going on. This is almost too much for my nose (I actually had to water it down a bit - I know, I know...) but it smells great after it has had a chance to calm down and adjust to the space. I cannot describe the scent - it is warm and cold at the same time, and the word Mahogany keeps popping into my head. Pretty good, and I will definitely use up my decant. Edited because scents DO NOT clam down. Nope...they just don't. I'm not dyslexic I swear...
  22. AmyO'Shields

    The Fainting Couch Atmosphere Spray

    This is my go-to spray for bedtime. Rose, orris a hint of black tea and I detect some lavender (maybe it's just wishful thinking???) in there as well. This smells SO good - very Victorian, very lush, very comforting. I'm glad to have a bottle of this, but I'm thinking it will go quickly!
  23. AmyO'Shields

    TKO Massage Oil

    Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them. Soothing lavender in a blend of skin-softening almond oil, rice bran, and vitamin E. Holy moly this is amazing! This really smells just like the perfume oil (a bit lighter, which is fine!) and is so wonderful to massage into my feet before bed. I wish I could have used this on my clients while I was a practicing Massage Therapist because it could have been so beneficial for so many of them. I have found myself reaching for this much more than the perfume oil lately...yummy and does the trick - I'm usually asleep about 10 minutes after I lay down. Great stuff!
  24. AmyO'Shields

    Castitas Bath Oil

    Sweet and creamy vanilla. This is one of the best bath oils I've smelled, but I'm a huge fan of vanilla. Great as a moisturizer (SO many scents go well with this stuff!) and delicious in the bath...more throw in the bath, but the scent lingers on my skin for at least 4 hours. So. Good.
  25. AmyO'Shields

    Fae Forest Atmosphere Spray

    This smells very similar to Elf perfume oil to me, but with more berries and sunlight if that makes any sense. Very foresty (with a bit of harsh pine in the beginning that fades to leave a bit of forest floor which is gorgeous).I like this one a lot - and how neat that it has Thimbleberry in it! That's my favorite berry! This would make an incredible bath oil...