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Everything posted by AmyO'Shields

  1. AmyO'Shields

    Harvest Moon 2013

    Bright not crisp Autumn leaves with rose. Perfect. I love this!!!! ETA what a beautiful perfume this is! The throw is gorgeous too. It makes me want to walk through a rose gardn in full bloom...in Autumn! :- P
  2. AmyO'Shields


    Anise/Licorice for sure...maybe a hint of Lavender in there...yikes - I love Lavender, but Anise/Licorice is a NO NO.
  3. AmyO'Shields

    East African Black Patchouli

    Just got mine in the mail today...divine. I love the red but this is my patchouli. This must be the patch that's in Goblin and #ows. Love. ETA: I was surprised at how thin this oil is.
  4. AmyO'Shields

    Happy Baby in a Long Dress

    Yes, this. Exactly!
  5. AmyO'Shields

    Our Lady of Pain

    OUR LADY OF PAIN Cold eyelids that hide like a jewel Hard eyes that grow soft for an hour; The heavy white limbs, and the cruel Red mouth like a venomous flower; When these are gone by with their glories, What shall rest of thee then, what remain, O mystic and sombre Dolores, Our Lady of Pain? Sumatran patchouli, blood musk, white lavender, opium tar, and black orchid. Um whoa...I think this one was made for me. I will be honest- I literally tore through my package 10 minutes ago and immediately put this one on...immediate love and I can only imagine how beautiful this will smell when it has had even a day to settle. Dark, sorta sharp (its brand new...) opium tar laced black orchid with a GORGEOUS soft, dark patchouli underneath. When I first applied, it was mostly lavender and opium tar...the lavender almost disappears and morphs into black orchid...I suspect she will resurface in an hour or so! After 20 minutes...opium poppy laced black orchid over soft patchouli...not the patch from mme. moriarty or #occupy...soft, and sultry. This perfume is sultry ad infinitum. I cannot possibly do this perfume justice with the words that exist...yes, its that frickin' good. Hoard worthy indeed... ETA: I reapplied just a touch and it dried down with a bit more lavender. Yeah...200000/10. ETA again: I can't compare this to anything I've ever smelled because it is truly unique, in my humble opinion. If this scent had a song double, it would be: "The Moment I Said It" by Imogen Heap especially the end, beginning with "Don't..."
  6. AmyO'Shields

    Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies Hair Gloss

    Aw. I wish I could have smelled any musk or ambrette...ALL HONEY. :-( I should have known better (can't wear O) but I had to try...I'm a sucker for ambrette seed. I bet lots of folks will love this
  7. AmyO'Shields


    Reminds me of a discontinued perfume that I loved in high school: Tribe. Thank goodness, now I can stop trying to find some! This is an aged bottle forum purchase and I can't pick out any notes...its gorgeous. Now THIS is a flawless skin musk!
  8. AmyO'Shields

    C8H10N4O2 Soap

    Sweet hazelnut coffee with a triple shot of espresso. Yum yum yum. I used my decanted bit very quickly! Hazelnut coffee straight up. Reminds me a bit of the IHXV4 proto...yum. Great lather too!
  9. AmyO'Shields

    The Lilies and Languors of Virtue

    Um...I'm really confused. I love lilies...love them...love egyptian musk. Something about this oil literally made me ill...I wont go into details but, I had to wash it off very quickly. This is only the 2nd oil I've had to wash off...bluebeard was the other. Sad panda...
  10. AmyO'Shields

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    The decant that I was gifted in a decant package was the new incarnation and smelled amazing! So...that means the oil wasn't aged... I bought a bottle... Tested it after a week and it smelled like fresh doggie doo...WHY? I will be retesting again soon...fingers crossed! Lol...retested after 2 months...yum o just as hoped. :-) I still can't believe how it smelled on me fresh...shudder ETA - 22 Nov 2013 I cannot wear this. It starts out yummy and then something about my chemistry turns it funky under tbe beautiful cocoa and black musk. :-(
  11. AmyO'Shields

    Lil' Menes' Feline Entertainments

    This starts out cologny to the max...thank goodness it dries down to a golden red musky scent. I'm still not sure if I will wear this...seems it needs to be layered with something but I don't know what. I'm sure it will age nicely and maybe will round itself out with time. ETA: reminds me of the base layer of Hygeia and Virginia...
  12. Star Anise...one of my very few notes of doom... This would have been so beautiful without it...but I had to give it a shot. I will try it again in a few days...
  13. AmyO'Shields

    On the Balcony

    I love this so much...but my decant is really weak. :-( I'm letting it sit and hoping it gets stronger with some age...if so it will be a bottle purchase. If not, I will just keep the decant. :-) resins, lily and something I can't put my finger on...very nice. I agree with the Mitsouko comment above!
  14. AmyO'Shields

    Eve, To Adam in Paradise

    I have tested this twice and all I smell is a pomegranate edged rose. :-( its not a bad smell, I actually love it, but I was hoping the hay and chamomile would be more present. Lovely scent!
  15. AmyO'Shields

    Delight and Consternation

    Soft, lemony chocolate custard! This is gorgeous and will be worn quite often this spring and summer. Yum.
  16. AmyO'Shields

    Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure

    ETA: I have to remind myself that I am a patchouli lover...all the patchouli...so, what might read as a somewhat dirty not really strong patchouli might be a nose puncher for someone else! Sorry! ;-) Holy moly another win from the Our Lady of Pain series... Just got this less than an hour ago... Smells like Antikythera Mechanism and Banshee Beat had a love child...and it smells so much more amazing than either. This patchouli is dirtier than the one in Our Lady of Pain, but it is softened by the vanilla/amber and I love it: dreamy. I usually can't make honey smell good but this is amazing. Another winner...jeez these are amazing.
  17. AmyO'Shields

    Sic Erit

    I'm actually disappointed with this...geranium is the star the entire time and I was really hoping for red musk/patchouli...maybe its my decant? ALL GERANIUM all the time. I will not give up hope though! Will test again in a day or two...fingers crossed. ETA:.well...still sharp geranium till late dry down and even after the patch, red musk and benzoin(?) Come forward geranium says "yeah...I'm not going anywhere honey". That's when I step away from the decant. I will just put it away to age and try it again in a few months. Has anyone seen that commercial where the cheese needs to mature? Yup.
  18. AmyO'Shields

    Vivamus, Mea Lesbia, Atque Amemus

    Quick thoughts! I love this but I'm confused by the notes: if I didn't know better I would think this was the love child of Tea and Lemon sticky bat! Yum. ETA: with beautiful light citrussy lavender...I really like this!
  19. AmyO'Shields

    Saturnian Phoenix

    I just figured out what this reminds me of: the original Old Spice. I love it and maybe its just my crazy nose but that's what it reminds me of. :-)
  20. AmyO'Shields

    Gathering Wild Mushrooms

    Wild mushrooms, hay absolute, ginger root, hiba wood, and ginseng. I saw Hay and Wild Mushrooms in the notes and I had to have this oil. My dial up internet made it very difficult to see the art on which this was based, and when I got my bottle I had a laugh! What a picture! This starts off VERY heavy on the hiba wood and a cloying ginger (not sweet cloying but heavy) with a nice bit of the dirty ginseng underneath giving it a golden vibe. I never smell mushrooms and I was looking for them...I'm not disappointed because this is quite a lovely scent in it's own unique way. About an hour on, this has stopped morphing on my skin and it is now the lightest, golden hay scent with a touch of ginger and grounded by the ginseng and wood. Gathering Wild Mushrooms sticks around for at least 4 hours. I recoiled when I smelled it in the bottle last night...but it's actually quite nice on my skin after the first 15 minutes. I love that dirty ginseng smell...it pairs really nicely with the hay. Wild mushrooms, hay absolute, ginger root, hiba wood, and ginseng So, I get all of the notes except for the mushrooms...but I get the vibe. 8/10 because it's beautiful and unique, but I can tell it will be difficult to wear - even for an earthy "hippie" type like me. I hope that made sense. ETA: This does not smell similar to Hay Moon at all IMHO.
  21. AmyO'Shields

    Witch Dance

    I love Witch Dance. Ironically I don't get much red musk and (as a few others have noted) its a wearable Samhain for me! Yippee! Its a gorgeous and evocative Autumnal blend and I'm glad to have a bottle.
  22. AmyO'Shields

    Third Charm

    I've been holding off on reviewing this for a few reasons...mainly I was waiting for (and wishing for) the honey to tone down a few notches. Last night I did a last test before deciding whether or not to sell my backup bottle...and I'm glad I did! I have had my bottles for about a month (?) and the honey was overwhelming and ick on my skin (as honey usually is) but last night it only lent a subtle sweetness to the glorious RED MUSK/PATCHOULI fest that was happening on my wrist. Oh my ... yup...this smells like Lust, Sin and Snake Oil kicked the ylang ylang and cinnamon out of the party and got it on. I cannot rave enough...this just took over my #3 spot. Awesomesauce.
  23. AmyO'Shields

    Krampus Bath Oil

    Red Musk om nom nom! I'm editing this Dec 2013 because I forgot to add that I get dusty linen note under the gorgeous red musk and wood in the perfume oil but not with the bath oil hooray!!!
  24. AmyO'Shields

    Red Velvet Truffle Bath Oil

    Well...in the bottle it smells lovely and makes me want some red velvet hot cocoa but after about 10 minutes in the bath it smells medicinal AND perfumey which didn't work out so well. :-( I will try it as a moisturizer soon and hope it works out. :-) ETA: 25 Nov 2013: I can't believe I forgot to add that this smells awesome as a moisturizer! I add a bit to my vanilla lotion and its sooo yummy. :-) Still turns on me in the bath but its good on the skin.
  25. Agreed. :-) Atleast they certainly smell amazing together!