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Posts posted by parrot_suspect

  1. Cariad, I know the type of tea you're referring too -- I've had it as well, and I agree it smells awesome.


    The closest BPAL scent I can think of, that's most similar to cherry-rose sencha, is Dragon Moon. It's not available anymore, but you might be able to find it in a swap or on eBay. In the general catalog, you could try Kabuki, Aizen-Myoo, Bewitched, the Hanging Gardens or Neo-Tokyo.

  2. This is sweet and almondy, but grounded by the base notes of Snake Oil. It's like taking Bastet and adding Snake Oil. I really like it; it's warm and comforting without being too "foody." My skin seems to really eat this oil up, so I'm going to try layering it over regular Snake Oil and seeing how that works.

  3. I'm very glad I ordered LaFlamme. I had received a sample of it from another forumite, and was immediately drawn by its rich, mysterious, sexy scent. Now that I have a bottle and can slather myself in its orangey-red goodness, I'm getting the full effect, and I love it.


    On me, LaFlamme is a deep, dark, rich, musky, resinous scent with a hint of spice. As it dries down, it becomes truly sublime and creates a powdery aura that sort of wafts all around me. And by powdery, I don't mean baby powder, but something far sexier. It's hard to pick out individual notes in this one, because they blend together so seamlessly.


    As far as the effect it has on other people: I can't say if it's going to do anything for my husband, because he has no sense of smell at the moment. However, I'm wearing this at work, and everyone is being amazingly friendly and pleasant to me today. But LaFlamme smells so good, I'd wear it for the scent alone, regardless of its effect on others.

  4. Given your preferences, I'd suggest Western Diamondback (it's woodsy, mellow and resinous), Temple Viper or maybe Boomslang. Boomslang is very chocolatey at first then dries down to a regular Snake Oil scent. Temple Viper is soft and resinous but very sweet. You may also want to give King Cobra a try. Habu is also nice.


    Saw Scaled Viper is, as the name would imply, a sharp scent. Death Adder would be perfect if it didn't have so much vetiver -- all the vetiver gives it, to my taste, a too-masculine scent.

  5. I don't get root beer from this, but I can see how some people might. On me it's a sweet, rich, deep, musky scent; slightly spicy, but not spicy in a cinnamon-y or nutmeg-y sense. Just a rich, heady warm scent that's neither masculine nor feminine. It's a comfort scent, like snuggling under a warm blanket while sipping a sweet hot drink. People who like Snake Oil, Dragon's Musk, Sin, Vixen and similar blends would probably like Chokmah. I'm one of those people, and I have decided I need a bottle!

  6. With that dress, I'd go for Baghdad. It's powdery and evocative of fragrances that were popular in the 30s and 40s. And if you happen to have any Unseelie, it would be *perfect* with that dress. Haunted would also work -- it smells a lot like Shalimar. And Sin, to me, smells a lot like Tabu -- I noticed you said you like Vixen; if you like Vixen, I think you'd like Sin.

  7. I'd recommend Jacob's Ladder.


    I second this. Jacob's Ladder is sweet and ambery and very, very similar to the BBW scent.


    What I really like to do, when I want to give off a sweet, ambery vibe, is shower with the BBW shower gel, apply the BBW lotion, apply Jacob's Ladder and then spray myself with Chantilly EDT (you know, the drugstore scent -- it's really quite lovely and similar to Jacob's Ladder). The end result is pure, ambery bliss that lasts and lasts.


    any bpal suggestions for lovers of Guerlain's classic Vol de Nuit (narcissus, iris, oakmoss, vanilla, galbanum)?


    I would love love love to know this too! It's not easy to get alas.



    Wow, I'm surprised I missed this question because I would have responded sooner. Vol de Nuit is one of my all-time favorites...it's woodsy, smooth and beautiful. I strongly suggest trying "And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt," one of the Salon scents. It's resinous, woodsy, soft, slightly powdery, and enigmatic, very much in the same style as VdN.

  9. Cordia, have you tried Vixen? It's a pretty strong blend, and the patchouli in there isn't exactly hidden, but...there's something about it in that blend that is so smooth and almost buttery. It's not rough or "hippiesh." I know what you mean about "sweaty" patchouli -- I get that note sometimes from blends like Aureus, The Coiled Serpent and Urd. But I've never gotten that feeling from Vixen.


    Another one you could try is Spellbound -- it's a rich scent with florals as well, and the patchouli isn't the "sweaty" variety. And I second the rec of The Caterpillar as well. Good luck in your search.

  10. I like Meditation. Scent-wise, it reminds me a bit of Tushnamatay -- it has a similar woodsy, sandalwood-y kind of scent. I dotted it onto my forehead and tried to meditate. I don't really meditate on a regular basis, but this oil did help me to calm my mind and relax, letting the thoughts flow freely.

  11. This starts off a bit lemony but then quickly turns into a sexy musk, somewhat along the lines of Enraged Orangutan Musk. That's one of my favorite blends, so I couldn't help but like Queen of the Nile as well. I didn't try to attract any strangers when I sampled this, but I did receive a compliment from my husband, who almost never notices what I'm wearing. I'm putting QOtN on my wish list!

  12. Oh my God, does this smell fantastic. Amor obviously did its job on me, because I am in love with it. :P It has this wonderful tropical, fruity, clean, soapy, floral scent. Now I am not a floral lover by any means and usually avoid florals like the plague -- and I can't stand fruit scents either. They give me a headache. But this...holy crap. It just smells great, great, great. I'm going to buy it and just wear it as a perfume, and if it happens to bring me any other benefits, that's just icing on the cake! LOVE IT!

  13. This is a powerful attraction and advancement blend. It aids in polishing and magnifying your best qualities, while downplaying your flaws. Increases charm and wit, and helps you shine in a crowd. Wear a drop on each chakra point.

    I can't speak to whether this works for its intended purpose or not, because I can't get beyond the smell. It smells a lot like Faustus to me...very frankincense-y. Sort of a fuzzy, muddled resinous smell, but I didn't like it. I eventually had to wash it off because the scent bothered me. I'm very happy to read that so many people love it, though!

  14. White Shoulders is a classic, creamy white floral. Look for scents with tuberose or other similar florals. Here are a few suggestions: Nocturne, Delight, Desdemona, Ophelia, Moon Rose, Melancholia, Iambe, Sophia, Erato, Terpsichore, Moscow, Prague.


    Also...and this isn't *that* much like White Shoulders, but something about it reminds me of it...try French Love from the Voodoo range. It's a gorgeous floral. She may also like Le Serpent Qui Danse. It's all about gardenias and violets, so it's a bit different from White Shoulders, but it has that same bold creaminess.

  15. I'm going to go ahead and add something to this thread that I had started. I found a couple of nag champa blends, Tushnamatay and the Order of the Dragon LE, Dr. John Seward which smells to me like nag champa with a bit of spice.


    Tushnamatay is great! It smells like sandalwood incense to me...very peaceful and mellow.


    Lust is a bit headshoppy as well, and Dragon's Claw smells like sweet woodsy incense.

  16. Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct.

    CDLXI (461)

    This is an easy one to review. It's all mint, and pretty much nothing else. Starts off smelling like strong spearmint, stays that way through the drydown. There could be a little something "green" in the background, but IMO this is a scent that screams "MINT!"