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Everything posted by HoneyHoneyNY

  1. HoneyHoneyNY

    Perfume to match songs?

    I'd love to smell like "House of the Rising Sun" I imagine that it would be something smoky and jaded, like clove cigarettes, bourbon, leather, musky skin, but with something cool, and humid added. Like how the dawn feels in midsummer. I was also thinking about how the smell of Jasmine tea makes me think of New Orleans for some reason. Wow! I didn't know that idea was floating around in my head. Your post inspired me!
  2. HoneyHoneyNY


    In the imp, I get a strong sweet lotiony-ness that reminds me of jasmine. I was expecting it to be more rosy. On my skin, it's very floral, but still not rosy, but some kind of flowery smell that reminds me of...Sand and Sable. My best friend in Jr. High wore Sand and Sable. I guess it's the narcissus. It's not a bad smell, but it's not my cup of tea either. As it dries, I am starting to smell that rosy skin scent that I like, but overlaid with that lotiony narcissus that I'm not sure I like. The longer I wear it, the more the flowery overtone starts to smell sharp to me, it's giving me a bitter taste/feeling in the back of my nose. I rescued it from the swap pile to try it on, but it's going back.
  3. HoneyHoneyNY


    I'm wearing Persephone, which was in the first lot of imps I ordered. I liked it when I got it without considering why, but today I'm sniffing it with an eye to review. In the imp it's very sweet, but not sickening sweet. It's a round, fruity juicy smell with a whiff of candied rose petal. As soon as it touches my skin, I get a really rich rose scent. Like a big blowzy bright pink rose, and the fruit almost dissapears, except for a teeny bit of sweetness. Now I've been wearing it for a couple of hours, and I can still smell the rose, but it's softened and matured. I don't know how to describe it, but certain kinds of rose mix with my skin and become almost honey-musky, like a sweet skin scent. Persephone fades over time to a lingering rosy sweetness. No one part predominates, but people still comment that I smell nice. EDITED TO ADD: I just thought of why I like this scent so much. It reminds me of rose flavored turkish delight, which I love to eat. I'm definitely getting at least a 5ml of this, and maybe a big box of turkish delight.
  4. HoneyHoneyNY


    I just tried the imp of Eve that I got a while ago. In the imp I smelled the rose, and the honey scent and I thought yummy! But then on my skin, all I could smell was the ylang ylang smell, which reminds me faintly of soap or hand lotion. Unless it changes significantly as it dries, I don't think I'm going to like it. This one is going in the swap pile. Edited to add: The soapy smell faded to something pretty and sweet, the apple blossom maybe, but not until the scent was almost gone entirely. So yeah away it goes.
  5. HoneyHoneyNY


    Harlot is my first BPAL love. I love rose and spices. As soon as I read the description on the site, I thought "roses and cinnamon? That's for me! When I sniffed it in the imp, I thought that it was very cinnamony, and I was almost afraid to put it on my skin for fear that it would be burn-y like cinnamon oil. I dabbed it on, waited and there was no burn. As soon as my skin warmed it, the rose bloomed out at me, rich and mature red, not tea rose. The rose is definitely there, but not sicky-sweet rose, and the cinnamon makes it edible, and gives it a little spike. It's very sexy, because it's floral and food-y at the same time. I wish I had enough to fill a bathtub, because it smells so good that I want to roll around in it. Every time I wear it dancing, people tell me how yummy I smell. I'm adding this to my "must have a bottle" list.