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Everything posted by HoneyHoneyNY

  1. HoneyHoneyNY

    Lucy's Kiss

    I got this imp on my quest to find my perfect signature rose scent. In the imp I smell rose lotion. The glycerin and rosewater lotion that my grandmother used to use. Not a bad smell, but hmmmm. On my skin, I get a very soft pink rose smell, still a bit lotion-y. Huh. Is that bergamot I smell? I'm catching a hint of scent that reminds me of the bergamot hair oil that my mom used to help braid my hair. I'm not getting strong rose from this at all. As it dries it gets a bit more rosey, but a very light tea rose. It turns sweet and powdery. I'm not getting any spiciness from this, but the bergamot smell I got when it was wet has faded. This is a very sweet innocent scent to me. I think this would smell nice on a very young girl. It's pretty and delicate. I don't think it suits me, so I'll swap it.
  2. HoneyHoneyNY


    Wanda was on my wishlist, and I got the imp I ordered, and the imp I swapped for on the same day. In the imp, I smell fruity sweet wine, like super sweet sangria. There's no strawberry, but the wine note reminds me of Bon Vivant. On my skin the scent gets more complicated. I still get the fruitiness, but there's a dryness there that I think is the leather coming out. Immediately under that, I can smell the sweet flowers, and then the musk. I'm describing the scent in layers, but All of these notes come at me at once, and I have to concentrate to tease them apart in my mind so that I can describe them. It's a very lush fragrance, and multi-textured. The wine notes are juicy and fruity, the leather is dry, and the flowers add a bit of candy sweetness. As it dries the leather becomes slightly more prominent, but grounds rather than overpowers the other notes. This scent is very beautiful and sophisticated. It's sexy, but in a severe way. It's a bit overpowering for my personality though. I'm going to keep one of my imps, and swap the other one away
  3. HoneyHoneyNY


    I got this from a swap, and boy am I happy I did! This is definitely going on the bottle list. It's love at first sniff! In the imp I smell a strong, almost floral vanilla. Not like vanilla extract from the bottle, but the stronger almost sharp smell of vanilla beans when you split them and scrape out the caviar. It's a delicious, mouthwatering smell to me, not so much sexy as warm, round, and foody. On my skin the vanilla smell is still there, underlaid by something like clean but damp skin. This a very faint impresion, if I sniff too hard I can't catch it anymore. If I take a deep sniff I can smell the honey there. As it dries the vanilla is still there, but the honey turns soft and powdery, but not baby powdery, and I get a hint of very light floral. The skin smell still there, but like the honey, it's dried off and cooled down a tad. I'd still describe it as a warm, round smell, but now it's definitely closer to the skin and not food like at all. I can't say that this is an outrageously sexy scent, but it's definitely a cuddle close and snuggle scent. For some reason (the skin smell maybe?), it makes me think of putting my face in my man's neck. That's enough for me to want to wear it often.
  4. HoneyHoneyNY

    Frost Moon

    I got this in a swap, because I want to try some of the lunacy blends that I've missed. I'm grateful for the opportunity to try Frost Moon. In the imp, it reminds me of an herbal tea blend with mint in it. On my skin the herb tea scent fades, and for a second I get a whif of some lotiony smelling floral. Then it immediately turns into shampoo. I can't tell what kind of shampoo it smells like, but it smells like a shampoo I've used. Light, fresh, and clean, but I don't want to smell like shampoo. I think I must swap this. I'm sure it will smell much prettier on someone else.
  5. HoneyHoneyNY


    I love ginger the flavor, and the smell. I eat ginger candy, drink ginger tea, and make my own "ginger ale" When I heard about this blend (alas, too late to order it) I knew I had to hunt it down. I got this courtesy of a swap (Thanks assedai!) In the imp I smelled the prickle of ginger, and not much else. It didn't smell like fresh ginger to me, but more like the ginger syrup I like to make. Like Ting Ting Jahe, the chewy ginger candy I get in the Asian market maybe. Spicy and sweet but not super sweet. On my skin, I initially get strong ginger with something citrus-y behind it. Like ginger syrup poured over lemon curd. As it dried, I got a softer more caramel-like ginger, and the other spices come out as well. This doesn't smell like gingerbread to me though. This is definitely ginger, but not cakey to me. The longer I wear it, the more I think I'm smelling the resin in this. The ginger loses some of its prickliness, and there's something almost reminiscent of sandalwood hiding under the ashes of ginger, along with the hit of citrus-ness that I can no longer definitively call lemony. I love this because on me, it's is gingery, but not foody. It's sophisticated. It starts out all hot and prickly ginger, and then burns down to something soft and sexy. This will definitely be a scent to keep me warm over the winter.
  6. HoneyHoneyNY

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    I love the strawberry in Bon Vivant, and as soon as I read reviews of Strawberry Moon, I was dying to try it. In the bottle it smells like Tequila Rose, the strawberry cream liqueur. That's the first thing that came to mind. On my skin, out came the strawberries and cream, and the boozy note faded. Immediately after that, I caught a candy sweet bubblegum smell that must be the lotus. Under all that, I can smell the herbal-y lunar oils. I want to see how this behaves on my skin. ETA: I ended up swapping this off. I liked it very much, but the strawberries, the lotus, the creaminess, and the lunar oils ended up battling it out on my skin. Bon Vivant is beautiful to me, clear and sparkly and not so hard to wear. I guess I don't need more than one Strawberry scent.
  7. HoneyHoneyNY


    I jumped to conclusions with this one. I got it as a gimp from a fellow forumite. It was on my wishlist because of the peach in it. I opened sniffed, smelled funky peach incense and thought, hmmm, I'll be brave and try it. It touched my skin, I took a whiff of it, and I got peaches mixed that dusty patchouli smell and thought Hell no! I'm swapping this baby off! I didn't feel the urge to scrub it off, I just didn't enjoy it much. I got online immediately and posted it to my swap list. An hour later, I'm walking around my apartment, and I keep smelling this nice smell, a bit sharp, a bit sweet. Juiciness with an edge. I'm thinking to myself, what is that smell? D'oh! It's Imp! While I wasn't paying attention, the scent that I think of as "patchouli stank" mellowed and turned beautiful. The peach is still there, but only as a soft juicy tone. The patchouli still has it's edge, but it's blunted somewhat by the amber, which for once didn't turn crazy powdery on me. Thinking further the patchouli at this stage smells in my nose like peach fuzz feels on my tongue. (That probably only makes sense to me.) To test how long the "patchouli stank" stage lasted, I dabbed a little on my wrist. It only lasted long enough for the oil to sink into my skin, maybe 5 minutes. And then, gorgeous. There's a thin line between love and hate sometimes. This went from swap candidate, to bottle candidate in one hour. Edited because spelling isn't my strong suit at 3am.
  8. HoneyHoneyNY

    Thirteen (13)

    I was waiting, anticipating the opportunity to try this scent. White chocolate, orange, currant, tea? All things that I love the scent of. Wet in the bottle, I don't get the strong chocolate scent I was expecting. I do smell chocolate, but it isn't really rich or sweet. It's not a true chocolate smell, it's more like someone remembering the smell of chocolate. That sounds odd, but that's exactly how I feel when I smell it. Immediately following the chocolate impression is a waft of orange. I can't figure out what this smells like to me. I give it to the man to take a sniff, and he says "It smells like a orange-cranberry muffin." And it does. On my skin, I get a burst of chocolate, but it's not sweet, it's like cocoa powder. The chocolate immediately dies down to a scent like orange flower water. An hour later, I can smell a soft fruitiness, underlaid by a slightly powdery smell, and a hint of tea. I'm not sure how I feel about this scent. I'm really ambivalent. It's not instant love, but I'm afraid to give it up. I'm going to wait a week and try it again. ETA: I'm not going to keep this after all. I tried it again, and it didn't smell bad, it just wasn't love. My PSP didn't like it at all, he said I smelled like "a funky muffin" I'm hoping it will find a new mommy who will love it like it deserves.
  9. HoneyHoneyNY

    Honey Moon

    I hunted down a stray bottle of this here on the Forum, and I'm soooooooo glad I did! In case you couldn't tell, I love Honey. In the bottle it didn't smell as sweet as I expected, the honey scent was there, but an astringent herbal scent (the thyme I guess?) came sharply to the fore, followed by wisps of the scent I recognise from the other two lunacy blends I've smelled. It was kind of sharp smelling and I was afraid. When it touched my skin, I caught a waft of the "just on the good side of rank" sweetness that I associate with honey, and then right behind it a whiff of florals. Sweet heavy flowers at their absolute peak of blossoming. Rich, complex, and almost like honey on their own. ETA: I just realized (after I clicked submit of course!) that it's not flowers I smell on my skin, it's nectar. That's why briefly this reminded me of Chuparosa (though not as sweet, and I'm still trying to decide if chuparosa is rank or nice), because of the nectar-y smell After 20 minutes, the flowers really softened (I'm glad), and an almost powdery scent began to develop, but not a baby power, just a dry soft honey scent. Like powdered honey, with something faintly spicy mixed in. All of this stage was calmed, cooled and underscored by a tinge of mintiness. I love this scent! It didn't smell like I anticipated, but it's still beautiful. It's rich and nuanced and lovely. I was afraid at first that it would turn funky or to baby powder on me, and I'm so glad it didn't. I
  10. HoneyHoneyNY


    I swapped for this imp, and I was waiting, anticipating getting this blend. I just knew that it would be beautiful on me. In the imp it smelled musky, and I didn't really get the rose note. As soon as it touched my skin, it turned into soapy musky baby powder. I'm really dissapointed, I was so ready to be Spellbound. I'm trading it off again.
  11. HoneyHoneyNY

    Wolf Moon 2004

    This is the first Lunacy Blend that I've gotten a chance to try (Thanks Darkling!) In the imp, I got a sweet resinous slightly piney smell that rather reminds me of, but isn't exactly like, the opening notes of Val San Retour (which I love). On my skin, I don't smell the pine anymore, except for a slight prickly feeling in the back of my nose. It's turning sweet on me, not sticky sweet, but woodsy, powdery sweet, with a hint of spice. The longer I sniff it, the more soft and pretty it becomes. Now that it's been on for a while, it's starting to get a cool, minty undertone that I think must be the lunar oils. Still sweet resinous and woody, but with an almost frosty kiss to it. It makes me think of trees in the snow and the moonlight. I'm really enjoying it, though I don't think it's a summer smell. I think it will be perfect in the cold months though. This is a really gorgeous blend.
  12. HoneyHoneyNY


    I got to try a decant of this fragrance (Thanks Darkling!) In the imp, I get a wet salty smell similar to what I smell in Penthus, but instead of delicate tears, or ocean breeze, it's a deep dark water smell. On the second sniff from the bottle, I get more of a men's cologne smell. Someone might have already mentioned it, but I definitely get the Cool Water connection. On the skin, I still get the salty oceanic smell, but there's the masculine, soap tinged smell too. After a second, I get a waft of somethig almost citrusy coming off my skin. I really like the way this smells. When I press my nose close to the spot where I dabbled it, I still smell the citrusy note, but underneath is something smooth, and what I might describe as spicy. It doesn't smell like spices, but it tingles my nose in the same way. It's not strong soap like I first thought it would be. I'm really wishing my man wore scent, because I think this would be delicious on a guy. It's what Cool Water wants to be when it grows up. The masculine water scent is there, but it's also got deep undercurrents that keep you sniffing. I'm going to let it sit a bit longer, and then decide what I want to do with it. I like it, but I don't know if it's me.
  13. HoneyHoneyNY


    This was on my wishlist so I swapped for it. In the imp. At first sniff, it smells like tears taste. I don't know what combination of oils makes this happen, but it's wet, salty, and faintly bitter. On the second sniff, I can smell a faint hint of rose. I put a dab on my skin, and the rose rises up to greet me, a crisp rose, still intermingled with the salt water smell of tears. It's not an invigorating scent, but cool, fresh and calming. It reminds me of riding bikes on Block Island. Roses grow on the dunes there, and you can smell them on the salty breeze. That's what Penthus reminds me of. So for me, it's not a sad smell, but it reminds me of easy paced weekends spent walking the beach, riding bikes, and having wine on a porch overlooking the water. I was prepared to be dissapointed by this, since I've tried a couple of water scents and they turned kind of fabric softener on me, but this sits on my skin as if it was made for me. Hours later, the salt water scent kind of blends into my skin, and I can't pick out the rose distinctly, it's more a tiny kiss of sweet smell, and still very fresh scented. I picked this by description, and I love love love it! I must have a 10ml bottle! This is a very light scent and I want to dab it everywhere. I'd like to make it into a lotion and layer it on. I want to sprinkle it on my sheets. I also have a friend who I think would be enabled by this scent. I'm can't wait to share!
  14. HoneyHoneyNY


    I got this in a swap, and I had been looking forward to trying it very much. It has some of my favorite things in it. Cranberry, musk, and ginger are all in here. In the imp it smells strongly fruity, like candy almost. Like cherry sweetarts. On my skin, I initially smell the fruit strongly almost like a potpourri smell, but then as it sinks into my skin, I start catching whiffs of the musk, and a slight spiciness that must be the ginger. It's not as tangy as I thought a cranberry scent would be, but it's still very nice. I'm liking it so far, but I'm going to let it dry down and see what happens. Edited to Add: Now that it's had some time to dry, almost all of the cranberry has dissapeared, except for a trace of fruitiness. On me, this is now a sweet sexy musk scent with a bit of gingeriness to give it a spicy kick. Yum! This is a keeper. I'll have to try it another time to decide if I want to buy a big bottle, but that's only because I'm trying not to go crazy with the bottle buying, and so am exercising restraint.
  15. HoneyHoneyNY

    Black Lotus

    I got this from a decant. In the imp it smelled really fruity, almost like tropical fruit bubblegum. I had read the description and was very surprised that it smelled so super sugary. I don't mind sweet, so I was more than ready to try it. On my skin it turned even sweeter, I didn't think it was possible, but it did. I started smelling like red Kool-Aid, the pre-sweetened kind from a can. A bit unsettling, but it reminded me of being five and begging my mom to buy me Kool-Aid as a treat. After an hour, I can still smell it quite strongly, but the scent has warmed. It's not so sharp and fruity, but is more caramelized, and what I think is myrrh makes it almost smoky. When I sniffed at the imp yesterday, I didn't think I would like this at all, but the fruity sweetness of it attracts me. I think this imp is a keeper.
  16. HoneyHoneyNY

    House of Night

    In the imp this smells slightly spicy-sweet and very complex. Beautiful. On my skin it smells like potpourri. Very beautiful expensive potpourri, but yeah. Maybe it's the dried flowers I read about in the description? I'm not sure. I think I may swap it.
  17. HoneyHoneyNY


    In the imp this smelled delicious. Sweet, fruity, sugary. As soon as it touched my skin, before it even started drying out, it turned to baby powder. This is the first time this has happened to me! I'm so sad! ETA: After 2 hours, the baby powder faded slightly, and now I can smell the honey a bit. It smells like baby powder dipped in honey.
  18. HoneyHoneyNY


    I got this from an ebay lot. In the imp, there's an undefined sweetness. When it touches my skin I get a waft of licorice, and then something kind of minty. It reminds me of Egyptian Licorice Yogi tea, or a black jelly bean. As it dries, it's still sweet, and licorice-y but now it's softening. I sniff my arm again and it smells...like fennel toothpaste. There's something faintly pasty, almost creamy about the scent, though it may just be the strong sweetness of the licorice talking. It's not an unpleasant smell, since I like black jellybeans and I like the taste of absinthe, but I'm still reminded of Tom's of Maine fennel toothpaste, so I think I'm swapping it.
  19. HoneyHoneyNY


    I got this imp from an ebay lot. In the imp: I can smell the citrus in this blend, that beautiful bergamot smell. On my skin, the bergamot comes right out front, but I can also smell the tea, and a bit of the leather, but only a hint, and I may be imagining things. At first it smells a bit masculine, but not overtly so. I like it on me, but I could imagine it being luscious on a man. As my skin warms the oils, I can pick up the leather more, a lovely almost musky skin scent. In my mind, this is like sitting in a warm leather chair having a hot cup of Earl Grey. Nothing is particularly strong, but it all blends to make an extremely lovely, sensual smell. It makes me want to curl up and purr. I'm definitely getting a big bottle of this.
  20. HoneyHoneyNY


    I got this decant imp in a swap (thanks bloodlotus1!) In the imp it reminds me a bit of the Jergens lotion that my grandmother used to wear, with a bit of a spicy undertone. On my skin, I get a serious initial whiff of almond, followed up by something soft, spicy and powdery, but not in a bad way. Kind of like potpourri, but not that aggressive. I was surprised that the rose in this didn't rise up from my skin and take over like it normally does. I only catch a faint dried rose petals smell in this, not a fresh rose at all. Ocassionally as I sniff I get a bit of citrus peel somewhere, but not much. As it dries it softens further to a pretty incense-y base. It's lovely. My only wish would be that the almond-y note would last a teensy bit longer. I like this scent very much, though I think it's a bit spicy and complex for summer. Edited because I can't see spelling errors until after I've clicked the go button.
  21. HoneyHoneyNY

    #20 Love Oil

    Got this in a swap (thanks cuervosueno!) In the imp it smells aromatic and herb-y at first. Kind of rosemary-ish. Then when I put my nose closer, a wave of almond comes out. The initial almond scent is so sweet and boozy that it makes me think amaretto. Hmmm yummy so far. On my skin as soon as the oil touches my wrist, the roses bloom to the surface. (I think I'm starting to learn that rose notes really stand out on me, which is not a bad thing.) A nice rose scent, not too sweet or too powdery. There's a slight sharp edge to the scent that I can't put my finger on, and a faint hint of the original almond. As it dries, it's starting to get more complex. That rosemary note is coming back, then the rose turns almost lemony, then the almond scent peeks out. And the rose is back to it's rosy self. It's not the full blown rose-skin scent I get with some rose notes, but it's nice and fresh The rose+green note in this reminds me of Two Five and Seven, but I like this better, maybe because the almond rounds it out a bit. I think I want more of this, but we'll see once it's been on my skin a bit longer. I want to make sure that the faint, not upleasant bitter tinge stays faint and not unpleasant. ETA: I love the scent of this oil, but it fades so fast. I put it on before bed last night, and it was gone completely this morning. I put more on this morning, and it's almost gone already. I'm going to use the imp and decide if I really want a bottle.
  22. HoneyHoneyNY

    Bon Vivant

    I got this imp in a swap, and I am in love with it. I'm not sure why, because it's not normally the kind of scent I go for. In the imp I'm slightly daunted by the syrupy strawberry smell, but something about it is effervescent in the nose. A second sniff makes me go "mmmmmm!" It reminds me of a scent from Victoria's Secret, but I didn't like the VS scent because of the bitter chemical tang it had. As it warms on my skin, it turns to pure sugar, but not in a bad way. Picture dipping juiciest, ripest, strawberry into granulated sugar until it sparkles. Or a crystallized strawberry. In fact, I have a Blenko glass strawberry on display in my house, and this scent reminds me of that, glossy and deep red. It makes me want to eat a candy. As it dries, it softens, and the sugar dies down a bit, and the strawberry is still fragrant, but almost floral. I can't stop sniffing myself. I put some on before I went to bed last night, and I fell asleep with my wrists up beside my face. This scent makes me feel all smiley and perky. I think I need a big bottle of this for gloomy days, especially in the winter when I'll need a kiss of summer.
  23. HoneyHoneyNY

    Empyreal Mist

    In the imp this smelled lightly floral, and watery. Like fog in a wildflower garden. On my skin it turned very sweet (lots of things turn "sweet" on me, I wonder if this is my chemistry), but still watery. It kind of reminded me of orange flower water and rose water mixed. Not fruity or orangey, but floral and wet. As it dries, it starts to take on an unpleasant character that I can't put my finger on... Oh no, it smells like urinal cake on me! Not a stinky urine smell, but a weird sweet deodorizer smell. I gave it to my friend. When she put it on it smelled lovely and fresh, just like it did in the imp. :sigh: It's pretty, just not pretty on me.
  24. HoneyHoneyNY


    I just got this in a swap, and I couldn't wait to try it, since I couldn't imagine what it might smell like from the description. In the imp, it smells a bit herbal, with a big ozone overlay. On my skin it turned into a kind of clean smell, nice, but a lot like fabric softener. I'm going to wait and see if that goes away as it dries. It's not bad, but I smell kind of like laundry. 1.5 hours later: I never got a fruit note from this, but it did fade to something fainty sweet and flowery that's quite nice. I'm not sure if I'm keeping this. I may try it one more time, and see if I like it better later.
  25. HoneyHoneyNY

    Val Sans Retour

    I got this as a frimp with an ebay auction. In the imp, it smells herbal, and faintly fruity with a whif of something piney. On my skin it smells like the imp for a second, and then it turns majorly piney, I feel like I'm in the Adirondacks chopping down trees. It prickles my nose, but not in a bad way, but I'm not used to wearing pine scents. As it dries, the pine tone softens. It's still there, but now I'm catching a whiff of something lemony and faintly herbal. It's turning rather nice, and instead of chopping down trees, I'm lying under them on a bed of dry needles, drinking lemon tea. If it stays soft and nice like this, I might enjoy wearing it, though I'm kind of wary of the Pine Tree up my nose feeling it gave me earlier. I'll report back when it's been on my skin a while. EDIT: This scent faded to a nice soft scent like mown hay, lovely and delicate. It almost reminds me of the smell of spent tea leaves in the bottom of an empty cup. Unfortunately, it also faded almost completely away within the hour. I have to hold my wrist to my face and sniff hard to really catch it. Still , it's light, fresh, and pleasant. I'm going to enjoy the rest of this imp. SECOND EDIT: This scent has softly crept its way up my top choice chart. I wear it on days when I don't want to smell like nothing, but I don't want to wear anything heavy. I find myself reaching for it on hot days, on days when I feel a bit headachey or queasy, or just when I want a bit of freshness. For some reason I especially like wearing it when I have my Tai Chi class. I hope this gets released, because I want a big big bottle of it.